
Odyssey Of A Conceptual Card Maker

#NoHarem #Hard Working Protagonist #Anti-Hero #Villain(Gradual) #Earned Power(Kind of) #Superpowers #World Switch #Marvel #Harry Potter #PJO #Others --------------------- Alexander 'Alex' Walters was an ordinary guy, who lived dual lives. Alex by day, he was a honest, shy guy working a desk job. Handsome, but boring and ordinary. Aadi by night, a bad boy supreme with no moral compass in search for thrill. Ending up dead while trying to juggle his dual lives, he did not expect to find what he wanted to all his life in his final moments, and so when he got an offer to live again, he leapt into Life's embrace. How would he chase his dreams while being caught up in a game for beings beyond his comprehension, fighting every step of the way, on multiple fronts to survive? Accompany Alex on his path, as he fights all across the multiverse, scheming and planning his way through multiple worlds and plotting his way to get out of this death game and achieve freedom, all this while using and developing his own unique ability. Wanna know more about this Odyssey? Read to find out!! ------------------------ Support me with comments and stones!!

FateKeeper · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Power leveling and gathering Strength

//[Peak Human Condition]<Mythic>

-You possess peak human strength, regeneration, physique, mind, potential, growth and vitality.

-Your condition is permanent, with your default condition being the limit achieved by others after years of practice and efforts.

-You possess the maximum potential ever attainable by any other human being.\\

Observing this card gave me a very strong sense of satisfaction. This was my first Conceptual Card, the first of my creations, the first mark I left on this world. Plus this was the undeniable proof that this was reality and not a figment of my imagination. But I was far from done, this was just the beginning of the preparations required to survive in this world, but I was planning to thrive here.

Creating a copy of the same using {Replicate}, I used the first [Peak Human Card]<Mythic> on myself while storing the spare. I do not know how to describe it, but I'll try- remember how you felt after a long day well spent, after playing out in the sun with your friends during your summer vacations; those days when we had no stress, no troubles, after having our fill of fun, we returned home, gulping cool water and simply relaxing in the shade, that sense of fulfilment, that satisfaction you felt then, multiplied by about a hundred times. That's how I felt, like my gene locks had been unlocked and finally my full potential had been unleashed. Like there were chains, bindings holding me down, blocking my senses and muddling my mind.

I felt reborn.

My mind was clearer than it had ever been. My body felt lighter, and body surged with power like never before. It was as if I had earlier been living with a layer of fog surrounding me, but now the layer had been removed. I could see more, hear more, feel more, understand more, and think more.

One might think that with such a power up, I would have become overconfident, or at least a bit narcissistic but no; if at all this made me even more paranoid, as I could clearly think of more than ten ways it could have gone wrong.

Calming my breathing and mind, I reigned in my emotions as it won't do live as only a paranoid bastard incapable of trust. I would rather live a fulfilling life, as paranoia in small amounts is a necessary component of living a long life.

Without losing hope, I continued my broken power up sequence which completely ignored the concept of a training montage. Getting up from my bed, I made a beeline to my desktop, thanking whatever entity was responsible for deciding my background that this body was also a gaming geek, and had a sufficient collection of movies and games stored on his computer.

Quickly switching on the Assassin's Creed, started creating my second card which would enhance my skillset and use my first card to the most optimum degree. Staring intently at the screen, I tried my gamble and used {Copy} on the best assassin in my opinion- Ezio. Well, my gamble did pay off, as the result floated in front of me- [Ezio's Stealth, Parkour, Fighting and Assassination Skills]. Still not complacent, I used another {Copy} to get the classic ability possessed by each assassin in the series- [Eagle Vision]. Both of them were at the <Beginner> Level, but then I used my tried and tested cheat code to grind skill levels.

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

Finally, I now held two cards in my hand, both at the <Mythic> Level- [Brotherhood of Assassins' Stealth, Parkour, Fighting and Assassination Skills] and [Eagle Sense].

//[Brotherhood of Assassins' Stealth, Parkour, Fighting and Assassination Skills]<Mythic>

-You have mastered the Stealth skills of the Brotherhood of Assassins which they have refined over a millennia, to perfection.

-You have mastered the Parkour skills of the Brotherhood of Assassins which they have refined over a millennia, to perfection.

-You have mastered the Fighting skills of the Brotherhood of Assassins which they have refined over a millennia, to perfection.

-You have mastered the Assassination skills of the Brotherhood of Assassins which they have refined over a millennia, to perfection.\\

//[Eagle Sense]<Mythic>

-You have awakened Eagle Vision and matured it to Eagle Sense, gaining an extrasensory perception or sixth sense.

-You possess the gift to instinctively sense how people and object relate to you, which manifests as an aura.

-Red indicates enemies or spilled blood, blue indicates allies, white indicates sources of information or hiding spots, and gold indicates targets or objects of interest.

-You can also detect heartbeat of a target in the area, foresee a target's path, peer into memories of your target on killing them and share vision with your familiar.

-You can see and mark targets over very long distances, even identify individuals by names, objectives, and opportunities to aid them in assassinations. \\

Using {Replicate} on both these cards and storing the replicas, I used both these cards on me.

At first, there was a slight itching in my eyes and tingling in my body, which later erupted to full blown pain. Thankfully it was nothing compared to being burnt alive, so I easily weathered through it. But as the pain subsided, the memories of vigorous training, the techniques and skills all became muscle memory, with all the practice and experience of actual usage becoming a part of my memory. I could use all the techniques, the stealth, parkour, fighting and assassination skills of the Brotherhood, and I had experience in using them, so I could utilize them to their utmost capacity.

Eagle Sense was something unexpected, which allowed me something similar to X-Ray Vision. Other than a huge improvement in eyesight, it also came with an active ability which turned my sight into black and white, with grey shades forming the world. I could see through walls, see people across the street in white, blue, a few in red and a few in golden. I could see my Uncle's bed holding a few traces of him having slept in late, with his desktop glowing in a golden aura. This was a super long range ability, which provided me with a large map of the surrounding region, and I could easily keep a constant look-out with minimum strain on my mind. I could easily see the Parker household, with Peter and his Aunt May glowing golden, whom I marked with ease. I also kept a lookout for those figures glowing red, for they were supposedly my enemies, but how could a 12 year old have grown men as enemies? After a while observing them, I realized that they were not coming for me but followed different paths leading to their respective locations.

Still suspicious and feeling a bit threatened, I decided to pay attention to defense, but personal as well as defending my Uncle and my home. What's better than making the whole house indestructible? Realizing the significant difficulty posed by this project because of the large size, I decided to give it a try for it was a necessity as there already were enemies of mine roaming around the city.

My house was a small villa surrounded by a living fence, with a backyard and a pool. It was more of an independent house, different from the rest of the houses which were more modest than ours. Guess my parents had a lot of money to burn. Still, I'll use it well.

I tried to {Copy} my villa into a Conceptual Card, but I couldn't. All that did was give me a killer headache, but I managed to recover from it in a while. Approaching the window, I peered through the window, keeping my Eagle Sense active, trying to find a solution to my conundrum. To my surprise, the Living Fence, formed of plants and vines glowed with a golden aura, and it all clicked together, giving me the perfect solution.

1342 words!!!!

I am having a blast writing this. I just sit in front of my laptop and words just flow through me, like my imagination gets supercharged and all my thoughts just flow out, and form this fanfiction.

I am going to keep writing, but do write reviews and give me power stones as it motivates me to keep writing.

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