
Odyssey Of A Conceptual Card Maker

#NoHarem #Hard Working Protagonist #Anti-Hero #Villain(Gradual) #Earned Power(Kind of) #Superpowers #World Switch #Marvel #Harry Potter #PJO #Others --------------------- Alexander 'Alex' Walters was an ordinary guy, who lived dual lives. Alex by day, he was a honest, shy guy working a desk job. Handsome, but boring and ordinary. Aadi by night, a bad boy supreme with no moral compass in search for thrill. Ending up dead while trying to juggle his dual lives, he did not expect to find what he wanted to all his life in his final moments, and so when he got an offer to live again, he leapt into Life's embrace. How would he chase his dreams while being caught up in a game for beings beyond his comprehension, fighting every step of the way, on multiple fronts to survive? Accompany Alex on his path, as he fights all across the multiverse, scheming and planning his way through multiple worlds and plotting his way to get out of this death game and achieve freedom, all this while using and developing his own unique ability. Wanna know more about this Odyssey? Read to find out!! ------------------------ Support me with comments and stones!!

FateKeeper · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Offense is the Best Defense

Approaching the door, but still not stepping out, I stood behind the door and used my Eagle Sense to {Copy} the Living Vine and {Replicate} the same. Running up to my room, I simply searched for Venus Flytraps on the net and {Copy} their existence, their lives, their intelligence and growth. I {Replicate} the [Venus Flytrap], while searching for leeches and {Copy} their Bloodsucking power into a [Bloodsucking] card. Then I search for a cloth, and simply wet it in the sink. Use {Copy} on the wet cloth and get a [Fire Resistance] card. Use {Copy} on the roses growing in a neighbor's garden, and get a [Thorny Vines] card. Use {Copy} on the metal poker placed near the fireplace, get a [Hard Metal] card. Use {Copy} on the grass growing on the lawn and get the [Rapid Growth] card. Now, for the final component, use {Copy} on the dog roaming around, and get the [Staunch Defender] card.

Finally, all components were collected. Now for the final refining. I mean, you know the drill-

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

{Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge} {Replicate}{Merge}

Finally! After a bit of grinding, I now have my perfect defense-

[Bloodsucking Thorny Venus Defender]<Mythic>

//[Bloodsucking Thorny Venus Defender]<Mythic>

-A living hedge, a fence formed out of bloodsucking, thorny, fire-proof, metal-tipped vines and Venus flytraps.

-It has fire-immunity.

-It possesses infinite growth and can easily regrow itself from its smallest part making it effectively immortal.

-It possesses a certain intelligence, and can discern the intentions of those who want to enter the house.

-It is a staunch defender of the house and will kill anybody with ill intentions towards its owner and house.

-It forms a mind hive, with one central mind sharing and controlling its multiple branches.

-It has man sized traps hidden in between the vines, ready for capturing prey.

-It can easily regrow its lost parts using the blood absorbed, plus gaining memories and knowledge from blood.

-Its owner is Alex Crawford, whom it completely obeys.\\

Satisfied with my creation, I created a spare using {Replicate}, storing it for future use while releasing the card. It floated towards the living fence, before being absorbed into the fence and releasing a wave of greenery which rushed through the entire fence, otherwise giving no actual indication of any change. Observing it through Eagle Sense, I tried to see if anything seemed different about the fence. But what I saw, could not be easily described. If I had to describe it, I would say that it felt-Alive. The fence was alive, with its vines wiggling and moving as if it were a curious child, observing its surroundings for the first time. I say this because through my Eagle Sense I could feel its emotions, and its emotions were clear as day- Curiosity about its existence, Awe about its surroundings, Love for me his creator and Hunger for prey.

I was mesmerized. Even though I had given this whole super power jig some thought and was mentally prepared for it, seeing this happen in reality, with my own eyes was unbelievable. Editing or rather Upgrading my own condition and gaining [Peak Human Condition]<Mythic> was one thing, it used an already existing concept to upgrade the rest of my physical and mental faculties, but here I made a living, breathing creature from scratch, using concepts I picked from the net and random people's homes, all over the city.

This was what I wanted.

This was the power which deserved to be called broken. This was the most OP shit I could come up with, which along with being broken as fuck still fulfilled the criteria to not be broken. It depended completely on your imagination, and when you actually thought about what you wanted and were smart about it, the sky was the limit for the things you could pull.

Still, it was not completely flawless. You had to prepare for all the things which someone could throw at you. Conceptual Card Creation gives you the power to utilize concepts to make skills, items and abilities, and other stuff as per your requirements; but it was more dependent on your thought process, than on your on physical fitness. I could use concepts to form card and escape or deal with an intense situation but only when I have gathered my wits about myself, and I have the space and time to deal with it. Like if I am caught in a gun fight and I did not make the [Brotherhood of Assassins' Stealth, Parkour, Fighting and Assassination Skills]<Mythic>, then I would be dead weight in such a fight. I would first have to get the skills, and then use that card on me to gain those skills. All of this will take time, possibly a few minutes, when I would be completely defenseless and waving my arms around like an idiot as nobody but me can understand or see conceptual cards. And if someone finds me or hits me during this process, I'll be dead meat. So much for a super power, and dead before I could even use it.

So, keeping all this aside, I stepped out of my house, approaching my newest creation, proudly examining how innocent and ordinary it looked, while hiding its thorny vines, those giant traps and serrated metallic leaves. I could see it shake in joy as it felt my approach and I could feel its happiness through a connection which seemed to originate because I was its maker. As I came nearer to it, it slowly, cautiously, almost shyly, sent out a vine towards me, one which had neither thorns nor traps, but seemed to hold a bud which rapidly blossomed as it slowly approached me, ultimately turning into a purple flower which it held towards me. I could feel its anticipation, slight anxiety and nervousness, as it wondered if I liked its tribute.

Entranced by the complexity of emotions felt by it, I reached out and accepted the flower, feeling immensely satisfied and excited by the sheer joy and relief it felt. This was my creation. I was responsible for its existence. Absentmindedly, I reached out and touched the vine which was still extended in front of me and rubbed it like one would rub a little girl's head, and I was shocked to feel the comfort, safety and assurance it felt because of my head rubs; while it itself was feeling these previously unknown emotions.

Clinging to my arm and asking for more head pats, it simply felt like a child asking to be pampered, and I was responsible for this child. Deciding this, I once again activated Eagle Sense and proposed a Familiar Contract with it. When it looked towards me while feeling lost, I sent through feelings of support and warmth, encouraging it to accept the contract. Possibly due to feeling my emotions or simply because it was me who sent it, it accepted my Familiar Contract and became my familiar. There was no visible change, but in my Eagle Sense, the fence now had the same aura as me. But intangibly, it was as if there was another presence which I could feel with my mind, and approaching that presence, I said a few words-'Hey. You alright?'

The living fence froze, and while it projected it confusion through the Eagle Sense, I undeniably heard a decidedly feminine, high-pitched childish voice mutter-' Voice? New? How?'

Caught unprepared, I rushed near my newly created defense, utilizing my [Eagle Sense] to scan my surroundings, searching for the intruder who managed to sneak up in me.

That was when my latest creation poked me in my back, projecting its confusion through Eagle Sense and I heard once again in that same voice-'Dada? Do? What?'

My eyes widening in surprise, I slowly turned back as I realized just where the voice was coming from.