
Ocean Master

[Hello, Sebastian!] [You are dead!] "..." [Welcome to Oceania!] [You will be reanimated in 20 seconds.] [Your rebirth has given you the following starting point status:] “Holy Moly! Where the f*ck am I?” … Sebastian, an anatomist in his previous life has been reborn in the magical world of Oceania due to his crazy tendencies developed from his line of work as a dissector of sea creatures. Known as the crazy dissector by his colleagues back on earth, instead of feeling despair and the longing for home like other protagonists, Sebastian welcomes his new circumstances with open hands after understanding the world. “In a world where no one frown upon my tendencies, where I can dissect all the sea creatures that I want, where I’m even revered for how proficient I am at dissecting”. “Man, this is heaven!” ***** Check out my new book: Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman NOTE: My discord server link https://discord.gg/4kauKusRZU

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600 Chs

A Bluefin Tuna.

"Ok, everything is fine, absolutely fine. All I have to do is wait here, I'm sure a prey that I can kill for food will swim along. This is a wide ocean Afterall".

A few minutes ago, after asking the system repeatedly and not getting any reply Sebastian finally gave up. He hated to admit it, but he guessed that this silence meant that dying here was really dying.

After being reborn once, it was not too much of a plea to ask for another right? But the loathsome system just decided resolutely to ignore him.

He wanted to go out to explore this world before after listening to the information given by the system, but because of the real possibility of death, he decided to play it cool.

Slow and steady wins the race, that was his motto now.

Even a maniac anatomist like him was afraid of death, even if he was just but a shark now, he still appreciated the feeling of having life.

His HP was remaining only 12 from the initial 25 and it was still reducing bit by bit as he bleeds, the blood flowing from his body was not too obvious but he knew that he was bleeding due to the slight itch he was feeling.

He was still unaccustomed to his new body, he wanted to get to understand it well before taking on any risky adventures.

So there he laid, against the wall in his small hideout, waiting for food to swim along. It felt funny, as a human he just needed to go to the market and get some fish, but now he had to hunt one by himself.

Well, as far as he had the opportunity to dissect it everything was good.

He positioned himself in the hole in a way that his head faced outside a bit, thereby seeing all the way to the tunnel that led outside the cave.

Like this, he could see whatever creature that was coming in.

So, the wait started. He counted at first in his head but after 20 minutes he got tired, he was just too distracted to focus on the concept of time.

He didn't know for how long he was waiting already, but he was beginning to get tired of it. He was about to start thrashing in frustration when his eyes caught something suddenly pop into the cave through the small tunnel.

He froze, eyes widening a bit as he made sure that his body remains as still as possible. Focusing his eyes, he finally narrowed down on the fish that just swam it.

It was a small fish, a little smaller than he was. Despite the darkness of the cave, he could see how colorful the body of the fish was.

It was purplish-blue in color, with a little bit of yellow and black lining the sides of its caudal and tail fins. It looked extremely beautiful at a glance, but that was not what Sebastian cared about at this moment.


His eyes glittered like stars but he was able to hold himself back from looking too intensively to not spook the small fellow.

The fish let out bubbles from its mouth as it surveyed the surrounding of the cave in a lookout for any threat. Seeing none, it looked up and down, probably contemplating where to go.

Having made its decision, it abruptly turned and started swimming leisurely upwards, up in the direction that Sebastian hid.

"Come on, come on baby! Daddy is waiting for you". 

Droll practically started dropping from his face on seeing this, his imaginary hands already wide open to welcome the prey.

Then, the fish abruptly stopped, it looked around with a confused expression on its face like it discovered something. Suddenly not willing to continue its journey, it turned and started swimming back.

Sebastian's mouth was practically wide open in a big 0. "The heck?"

Forget about his health points, personally, he was feeling hungry already. There was no way he was letting this prey go, he had to eat.

Before he could move out from his hole, he suddenly felt the water stir.


From the same tunnel, a newcomer came with such fast speed that all he could see was a blur. It collided with the much smaller fish, then the next second half the fish entered this new fellow's belly.

Sebastian was shocked. "That's a…, Bluefin Tuna!"

Seeing the tuna that was slightly bigger than him swallowing the prey that he patiently stalked, he suddenly felt angry. The tuna was bigger than him, but he was a freakish great white shark.

Without careful thought into it, he suddenly burst out of his hole and hauled himself at the big adult tuna.

The tuna saw him and reacted, it tried to turn its body but Sebastian already got to its side. Consumed by the desire to kill and eat his prey, Sebastian forgot himself and left control to his instincts.

The swimming that was originally his problem became something trivial.


[You have activated skill: Bite attack.]

[You have bitten your opponent, you dealt 1.8 damage.]

As soon as his sharp teeth dug into the tuna's body, he shook his body from left to right, shaking the tuna along as his razor teeth sawed across the flesh of the bigger fish.

The Tuna opened its mouth probably from pain as bubbles erupted but it could do nothing as the fish got stuck in its throat.

Removing his teeth from its flesh, Sebastian bit down again but this time something surprising happened. A blueish white light glowing like a shield suddenly surrounded the tuna's body, blocking all the damage from his bite.

His teeth bounced off its skin, making his jaws become numb for a moment. During this time, the raging tuna finally removed the stuck fish from its throat and turned around.


A blue light shone around its mouth, before a stunned Sebastian could react the light accumulated to the peak before being shot at him. A blue glowing ring-shaped energy manifestation flew at him.

He tried to dodge but he could not, the attack slammed into his skin heavily. He felt like he was just hit by a truck.

[You have been hit by a magic skill; you have received 5 damage.]

Despite being horrified by what happened, Sebastian did not run as he knew that it would only lead to suicide. 

From his calculations, despite its magic skills and larger body mass, as a shark, he had an advantage over the Tuna. Quickly swimming to its side, he unleashed another vicious bite close to its tail.

After biting through, the blue protective shield shone again but he quickly removed its teeth before it came into effect fully. Blood flowed freely from the already badly injured Bluefin Tuna.

As soon as the shield went back, he bit the tuna again this time close to the head. As soon as he saw the Tuna's mouth glowing, he backed off.

Using such a strategy, he slowly chipped the opponent's life away until the Tuna lay limp like frozen fish. Blood dripped down the corpse's body, blood also dripped down his.

[Congratulations! You have killed your first prey.]

[Reward: You have gained 4 skill points and 2 Adaptation points. You have gained random Experience points.]

[Bonus Reward: +2 Adaptation points.] 

[Your Bite Skill has leveled up to level 4, your Swim skill has leveled up to level 3.]

[It's advisable that host start eating immediately, your HP already went below the critical stage.]

Hurriedly checking his health points, he saw that he had only 2 HP left.

He could not think of anything at all, suppressing the pain that was afflicting him he snapped his jaws up and down at the Tuna, taking huge bites from its flesh and eating rapidly.

A few minutes later, he already finished the Tuna.

[Congratulations! You…]

He couldn't hear what the system said, he was too exhausted for that. Hauling himself up, he stuffed his frame inside his hole again, hid well before falling asleep.

If you read to here, thank you very much. It's a joy to me when you read my book, I hope I don't disappoint your expectations.

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