
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

The Sakeds

And in another place, in a large orchard, where there are many lights, like stars, shining back and forth, and in the middle of it is a white platform, on which different colors fall from the rune of the many floating worlds. They sit above it, and lights sparked upon him as if he were a king.

A black back is not completely strange, and we are a small man in front of him, handsome and strong.

His face was red, white without eyelashes and his eyes were wide as if he saw the world. His strong build was as if it were the bloody king of wars.

The black man spoke "Viskar Sakid salutes King Nun Sakid, King of the Royal Sakid Family?"

King Noon replied to him without carrying out his arrest, watching the flashing lights upon him, "What happened?"

He spoke to Scar with a trembling voice, "It has become my first full experience of a diverse world, but?"

'But what?' Malak Noun's voice got louder in scar head.

"It was a world that was not lost, fortunately for him. Then I ordered that he control the world, its owner, and the forests of the world's pollen , after accomplished, then when the two were destroyed," Fiskar's voice did not remain, "there was nothing left?"

King Nun urged, "And this is what you have come to tell me? This is not the first time this has happened in Nox, Repeat the experiment again, We must bring all the dust of world pollen that needs to fly to the host worlds, The Truce of the Thousand Chaos will soon end, and the ruling world of Xon must be chosen." His tone changed.

King Nun looked at Fiskar kneeling before him, and the space between them trembled as if the whole world was about to destroy itself.

"And the world must be ours to rule, If the other three families find out about our plans, we will be destroyed, Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," Fiskar replied quickly

"But my liege , we only succeeded in withdrawing it once, and never happened again in helping ego of the Blessed Realms, When I found it, its weapons went off before it was withdrawn, If our royal family, with its knowledge over the course of a thousand chaos period, have not able to succeed, this will not succeed for other families"

King Nun spoke and the lights radiating from his palace returned and he looked at a red light like a large blood in the center of all the runes.

"This was during ancient times, All the ancient sciences and methods of upgrading and racing worlds disappeared, It is true that we tried to restore what we have to restore it, but this is very difficult, Without the world spirit, which has disappeared from all the worlds of the Xon, without the world spirit, the world of Saked will remain the first of eternity, We must succeed, and the entire Nox will not pass away." If world spirit wasn't ours, we wouldn't care about her, we have to be the first to restore the soul of the world, do you understand?"

Fiskar kneeled , "Yes, sir," and disappeared .

return lookin at of red world of sakid and send a mental message to someone

"Daughter, come to me now."

King Nun spoke inwardly "we must be The imperial family if the history of ancient times is discovered and it will be the end of the Sakid family, Dark history must be darkened in eternal darkness, starting from Henna. It will unite against us, especially Ulka. How pleasant Shaak Ulka would have been to the ancient emperor if the family protecting the emperor of the ancient region knew about this." "You will have the right to fight us and our weapons. Firstly, we must change the name of the city of Xon to Saked."

a beautiful figure appeared behind King Nun and kneeled

"Ishtar Sakid salutes the ruler."

King Nun spoke, "Ishtar, where has our plan with the Xander family reached?"

Ishtar explained, "Father, I have approached Prince Val Xander, Soon we will have the history of this royal family."

King Nun spoke appraisingly, "Well done, my daughter, the Princess of Illusion, she did not disappoint my hopes for creativity."

Ishtar spoke quickly, "It is enough for me appraise from the royal father, but no princes have been installed yet since ancient times, and the four valuable royals will continue to rule until the next Emperor of Xon emerges."

He looked at King Nun and began to look at her red hair and slender figure, whose beauty captured the thoughts of the entire people of Nox City.

"Do not continue this arrival until the emperor is installed, Only the four kings are allowed to discuss this matter, You know that all times this is treason to the throne"

"Yes, father," Ishtar replied, with her flushed face.

"Let's get rid of this. The process of harvesting the worlds has begun, The focus should be on developing the first-class worlds, except your illusion world, which is closest to the Saked world. To reach it, the energy of the lower worlds will be extracted from the darkness. Viskar will take care of the matter, When the energy of the worlds is extracted enough, he will come to you." King Nun spoke after he returned to his usual position, looking at Saked's red world with sadness appearing in his eyes

Ishtar replied, lowering her head in submission, "Yes, my royal father, What about the other three families?"

King Nun said coldly, "Keep your eyes on them. This war between families will depend on who can retrieve the ancient sciences first, If the four families cooperate, this may be easy, but every family wants the throne for themselves, so let's play a little with them. In the end, our royal family will win, and everything will be ours "

The color red appeared in his glowing eyes with hidden intent emerging, as if the whole world was trembling with fear and shaking. Ishtar shook in fear, and fear appeared in her eyes as she responded in a weak, trembling voice, "Yes, King Father, long reign is yours"

And Ishtar disappeared in the thin air, and King Nun remained inside his palace alone and started thinking resentfully

"Everything that is happening now has nothing to do with me, If it were not for this foolish old emperor, we would now own this entire world and all the resources and data from billions of worlds in Nox, Why?"

His face changed, red as his red hair, angry and exploding in front of him from the flowers, and the luminous worlds surrounding him trembled, turning away from him, as if they possessed an awareness of them, an instinct for survival, and a fear of their destruction.

"He also knew what the royal families were planning to take over the empire, He destroyed all the data in the Xon spirit and the sciences acquired from too many worlds, as if he was mocking us , How I can imagine this , sarcastic look on his face as he said it at the end. 'How much you will regret it, Do you think you You know all about Xon because I have allowed you to possess the special awareness of your royal worlds'

the old voices talked inside his head

The redness of King Nun's eyes increased, and his entire eyes turned red, and the luminous worlds near him were destroyed, and the resulting pollen dust was attracted to the red world of Saked, and the red light shone from it, reflecting in King Nun's eyes, as if a sea of blood had spread in his eyes.

King Nun regained his calmness and the redness in his eyes slowly diminished. He thought, saying

"Yes, we did not know how powerful the ancient emperor was, but is everything that is happening now part of his plans? Until now, we don't know what ability he acquired from the Xon world "

King Nun began to think about what he could remember about the last days of the old emperor, and his eyes did not see the heavenly blue light that shone and disappeared in an instant in the sky of the city of Nox.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nox Royals Runes :


I dont want to spoil more but just trying to repair your mind to enjoy a great journey


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