
Nova Force Book 1

Nova Force grants extraordinary abilities. Follow the story as people battle monsters and villains, exploring mysterious realms. As stakes rise, they conquer inner demons, trust each other, and face thrilling adventures and uncover mind blowing mysteries. Valor and triumph await. Embrace your potential!

Romario_Harrison · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Five



 As the explosions erupted around us, a surge of power coursed through my veins, unsettling yet strangely familiar. It was a sensation reminiscent of the time I found myself encircled by those menacing spiked dogs. Then, like a beacon of hope, Celestia swooped in to rescue us from the chaos.


"What happened?" Analu's voice trembled with concern.


"I've been honing a secret ability," Celestia explained. "I can swap positions with anything infused with nova force. But it's draining; I can only juggle up to six things at once, and it saps a tremendous amount of energy. So I swapped places with a monster near you guys, then swapped places with some of the men who shot an attack at you guys."


"You did all that so quickly!?" I enquired.


"Yea, I've gotten a little stronger indeed." Said Celestia.


So like a miracle we were saved by the same power that saved us a few months ago.


Relief flooded over me at her arrival, prompting an impulsive hug and a heartfelt thank you. Analu wasted no time, inquiring about Kero's whereabouts.


"He's over there," Celestia gestured. Kero strode purposefully toward the adversaries, only nine of them remaining, including the formidable figures of Nevarro, Badger, Shane, and Rhonda. The explosive assault had claimed five adversaries, unnoticed due to the disorienting effects of the blast. Five of the remaining assailants charged toward Kero, and a silent question echoed in my mind—how would he confront them all?


In a jaw-dropping display of power, Kero unleashed a devastating attack that obliterated his adversaries in an instant. A searing fire blast scorched the earth within a terrifying 50-meter radius, forcing Nevarro and the others to take staggering steps backward, awestruck by the overwhelming force unleashed.


Bright crimson markings glowed increasingly vivid around Kero's hands, crackling with untamed power. As Badger attempted an attack, Dash intervened, halting his advance. 


"No no, stay put or you'll regret it," said Dash as he held both badger's hand behind his back almost breaking them. The tide of battle shifted as Mandro, Drake, and Chunita arrived, joining forces seamlessly with Kero. It became apparent that Nevarro and his team were grossly outmatched.


Driven by unbridled fury, Nevarro launched a desperate assault at Kero. Curiously, Dash and the other's refrained from intervening.


"Kero, that's all you," said Mandro casually waving his hand. Then, in a blur of movement, Kero vanished and reappeared beside Nevarro, delivering a punch of searing intensity.


"Weak,'' remarked Kero. The sheer force of the blow shattered the ground beneath us, obliterating a small area in an instant and rendering Nevarro incapacitated.


In a stunning turn of events, Kero swiftly incapacitated our most formidable adversary with a single, cataclysmic strike. This was Remarkable indeed.



After all the commotion we went over to where they were tying up the criminals. "You guys okay?" Asked Kero. "You took so long!" Said Sarah. "My bad. Was taking care of some lizards over there. Celestia went ahead of me to help. " His whole energy felt different. Like he was on another level. Well with all that of course he was. "Yow Rome. No hard feelings. We good right?" Asked Kero. "Yea we cool. We're good friends." We shook hands and then had a little bro hug. Everyone started to cheer and celebrate. 


While celebrating we heard a lot of footsteps it sounded like a lot of people. To our surprise it was the people from our village. All armed and ready to fight. "You're a bit to late." Said John. "John, is that you!?" Said Ted. "Celestia, Sarah and Kero too." They all answered smiling. Ted gave them all a big bear hug. "Alright alright too close." Said Kero. "What about these guys over there? Asked Ted. "Oh they aren't fighters or anything. They were deceived by these criminals. The half dead one is Nevarro." I said. In the distance I could see the ones who were under Nevarro's tyranny slowly come out. With Tiffany leading the pack. She ran over to me as she saw me and jumped on me hugging and squeezing me.


"Rommie I'm so glad to see you!! I have so much to tell you." As she spoke I could feel dangerous blood lost directed my way. I looked to see Analu with a scary look on her face. "Umm Tiffany let me introduce you to some people." I wasted no time in trying to change the mood of Analu back to something less deadly. I introduced her to them one by one. Everyone mixed and mingled. It seems like Tiffany told them we were of no harm. We would find a place for everyone. Our carriages came and we loaded people on one by one. We planned to take them to the village and treat the wounded and all. 


Amidst the clustered villagers, an unexpected figure emerged, eliciting an array of emotions among the gathered people. Kero's reaction was visceral, his anger igniting the red markings adorning him, casting an ominous glow.


"What are you doing here?" Kero's voice sliced through the tense air, laced with a potent blend of fury and accusation.


"I've come to assist, to bring peace. I never intended for all this chaos," Eugene responded, attempting to reason with an air of remorse coloring his words.


"Your people—your kin—are the ones responsible for Sam and Tom's deaths and for this ongoing battle!" Kero's accusation reverberated, triggering tears, murmurs, and a surge of resentment among the villagers.


"Get rid of him! That treacherous snake!" voices clamored, some echoing vehemently against Eugene's presence. Contrarily, a faction emerged, advocating for mercy and allowing Eugene to stay.


Kero advanced toward Eugene, his path barred by me.


"Kero, I know he's wronged us before, but perhaps this time..." My attempt to diffuse the situation was cut short.


"Step aside, Rome! You're the one who brought him here. Why don't you join him and leave us be!" Jay's venomous words sliced through the tumult, his disdain for me evident and some of the villagers agreed with him.


"Jay, silence! Rome's contributions got us this far," Laurel's impassioned defense resonated among the dissenting voices, albeit amidst an unsettling realization dawning upon me—these people were ungrateful. Despite my efforts, some remained unappreciative.


Amid the verbal clash, John stepped forward, his voice laced with frustration. "You ungrateful lot! Rome held off an army for you until reinforcements arrived. And this is how you repay him!"


"Rome, despite our past differences, everything's resolved now. Please, for once, step aside," Kero's voice boomed, resonating with a calm yet commanding authority.


"I'm sorry, but I won't yield, Kero," I replied, a hint of hesitation coloring my words. Before I could utter another syllable, a single strike from Kero sent me spiraling through the air. Landing on my feet, blood trickling, I steadied myself, meeting Kero's gaze at adistance away —his eyes carrying a tinge of remorse mingled with unwavering determination.


Kero, with a steely resolve, closed the distance between him and Eugene. In a swift motion, Kero gripped Eugene's neck firmly, a silent tension radiating between them. His expression remained stern, yet a glint of conflict flickered in his eyes, as if grappling with an internal struggle.


For a moment, everything hung in suspense, the charged atmosphere thick with anticipation. Kero's grip tightened, a tangible display of his authority and the weight of his intentions. The villagers stood on edge, their breaths held, watching the unfolding confrontation with bated anticipation.


Eugene, held firmly in Kero's grasp, met his gaze with a mixture of apprehension and a glimmer of regret. Despite the tense situation, Eugene's expression hinted at a desire for redemption, a chance to make amends for past mistakes along with tears flowing from his eyes.


Tension crackled in the air, thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions, as the confrontation between Kero and Eugene remained a silent battle of wills, each moment hanging precariously on the brink of a pivotal decision.


In the charged atmosphere, Mandro's commanding voice pierced through the tension like a clarion call. "Kero, that's enough! This is not the time for rash actions," his voice echoed with an authority that demanded attention. "Take stock of the situation. Act wisely."


Reluctantly, Kero loosened his grip on Eugene's neck, his posture tensed with a mix of anger and restraint. With an air of resignation, he began to step away from Eugene, the conflict within him evident in every stride.


However, an unexpected turn ensued when a chilling laughter echoed through the air, disrupting the momentary calm. A sinister voice, infused with disdain and mockery, reverberated from the shadows. "With all your power, you're nothing but weak," Nevarro's taunting words cut through the silence.


Kero, triggered by Nevarro's provocation, reacted swiftly. In a blaze of fury and without hesitation, he unleashed a searing fire attack directed at Eugene, the intensity of the assault leaving no room for evasion. The sudden burst of flames consumed Eugene, extinguishing his existence in an instant, shocking everyone present.


The onlookers, even those who harbored disdain for Eugene, were taken aback by the abrupt and merciless end. The silence that followed was pregnant with disbelief and a sense of unease, the profound impact of Kero's actions leaving a haunting impression on the assembled crowd.


"Oh my God, he actually did it."

"But... but there are young people around..."

"This is war! It's not the world we're accustomed to with the internet and social media. Get it through your heads!" Jay's voice reverberated, laden with urgency and frustration.


Was this really our new life, killed or be killed. I looked on unable to do anything about it.