
Nova Force Book 1

Nova Force grants extraordinary abilities. Follow the story as people battle monsters and villains, exploring mysterious realms. As stakes rise, they conquer inner demons, trust each other, and face thrilling adventures and uncover mind blowing mysteries. Valor and triumph await. Embrace your potential!

Romario_Harrison · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Six





While the unfolding events held us in a grip of dread, a low, ominous rumbling resonated, intensifying into a resonant tremor that rattled the ground beneath our feet. The rumble crescendoed, a deafening cacophony that made the very earth tremble. Fixing my gaze into the distance, a sight unfolded before us—a stampede of T-bulls charging in our direction.


"Everyone, move—now!" I bellowed, urgency lacing my words. My heart raced, a knot of fear tightening in my chest. Swiftly, we unyoked the horses and donkeys from the carts, herding them swiftly towards the safety of the forest, while others sprinted towards the sheltering refuge of the trees.


"What's happening?" Sarah's voice rang out, a mixture of confusion and fear palpable in her tone.


"They're fleeing from something," Mandro declared, his voice quivering. "I can sense it, see it with these eyes. It's unlike anything we've ever encountered. This is...this is beyond belief."


"What is it!?" asked Drake in shock, seeing the look of fear on his leader's face.


But his questions were soon answered as the reason for the panic in the T-bulls got closer.


The thundering T-bulls raced past us at a breakneck pace, their panic evident. Suddenly, a deafening, heart-shaking shriek pierced the air, forcing us to crane our necks skyward.


Hovering above us was a creature defying all comprehension—a winged monstrosity. Its sheer size was stupefying, its wings spanning expansively, shimmering with a radiant golden hue that caught the morning light. Its beak, razor-sharp and curved, was matched by eyes glowing with an unsettling crimson hue, exuding an air of calculated menace.


As the creature drew nearer, its ear-splitting screech reverberated, sending shivers down our spines. The villagers dispersed frantically, seeking refuge in every direction. Fear was palpable in the air, thick and suffocating.


Swift and deadly, the creature possessed an uncanny ability to hunt down its prey with supernatural precision. Snatching a T-bull effortlessly, it flung the creature into its gaping maw. Its enormity was nothing short of chilling, a sight that instilled fear in the hearts of all who beheld it.


"What in the heavens is that thing?" gasped Sarah, her voice trembling with dread.


"I don't know," Mandro replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But we need to find cover, now!"


The ground shook violently as the creature descended, the force of its wings tearing trees asunder, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Panic surged through us like a tidal wave as we scrambled desperately for safety, the air thick with the scent of fear and the sound of chaos.


"We have to get out of here!" I shouted, my heart pounding in my chest. "Find shelter, move!"


With hearts racing and adrenaline surging, we fled, the terror of the unknown propelling us deeper into the safety of the forest, away from the nightmare unfolding behind us. The ominous presence of the creature lingered in our minds, haunting our every step as we sought refuge, praying for salvation from this inexplicable terror.



As we huddled together in a small clearing, the terror of the monstrous creature still fresh in our minds, an uneasy silence settled among us. Fear clung to the air like a suffocating blanket, each of us grappling with the overwhelming sense of helplessness in the face of such a formidable adversary.


Drake's eyes glinted with a mix of fear and determination. "We can't just hide here and hope it goes away. That thing could come back at any moment and wreak havoc on our village."


Celestis's voice quivered as she spoke up, her eyes darting around the forest as if expecting the creature to appear at any second. "But what can we do against a beast like that? It's unlike anything we've ever encountered."


Mandro, usually unflappable, wore a furrowed brow as he contemplated their next move. "We must find a way to defend ourselves. We can't let fear paralyze us. Maybe there's something we can all do."


"Are you crazy, that thing creates destruction with the flap of its wings. What can we do??" Said John.


I swallowed hard, my throat dry with fear and uncertainty. The idea of facing that monstrous creature again sent shivers down my spine.


Sarah added "But what if we provoke it? What if it comes back angrier?"


Drake's jaw clenched, a mix of fear and determination etched on his face. "We can't just sit and wait for our doom. We have to do something."



A sudden surge of adrenaline coursed through me, a flicker of determination amidst the fear. "He's right. We have to protect our village, our people."


Yea, I like the bravery. Let's try and do something, even if it's just drawing its attention away from the village since the others are headed there for safety," said Dash, who rarely spoke.


"Alright, seeing that we've all gathered our courage, let's confront that beast that dares threaten us," exclaimed Kero.


"What's the plan?" asked Analu.


"Well, attack and run, draw its attention away. That's all I've got," replied Mandro.


Instantly, Kero sprinted back to the clearing, gathering an incredible amount of nova force. The crackling wind surrounded him, the ground fracturing under the pressure. His hair danced in the tempest generated by the power of his attack. Releasing it, the sheer force sent him hurtling backward. I was the one who managed to catch him.


The others charged their attacks and unleashed them, darting into the open to divert the monster's attention, then abruptly altering their course to lure it away from the village.


Their combined assaults struck the monster squarely in its face, but it merely sneezed, its powerful exhalation sending a shockwave that stirred up dust, swaying trees in the vicinity.


Our efforts were in vain. The monster shrugged off our attacks effortlessly. Even Chunita and Mandro attempted their specialized assaults - her sonic waves and Mandro's peculiar eye abilities - yet they had no effect. The creature had now fixed its gaze on us.


"Guys, our plan worked, let's get out of here," I urged, the anxiety palpable in my voice.


The monster began to charge an attack, energy coalescing into a menacing ball in front of its gaping maw.


We sprinted as fast as our legs could carry us, unsure if we could outrun it. Glancing back, I realized I seemed to be the target as the attack was aimed straight at me. Even if someone were just a hundred meters away, they'd be engulfed in its devastating path.


As I turned back, something collided with the bird-like creature's head. It appeared to be a smaller monster. The distraction diverted the bird's attention, and the attack detonated. The force flung me backward, slamming my back against a tree. The blast tore through the forest, obliterating trees instantly. Anything caught in that blast would perish, their very essence consumed.


After a couple of harrowing minutes, the smoke began to dissipate. What once stood as a lush forest now lay as a desolate field. If our village suffered an attack like that, it would cease to exist. Were there truly such potent monsters out there? Was this a walking or flying calamity? How could we possibly confront something of this magnitude?


"Rome, Rome!" I heard Analu and the others calling out to me. "We need to get out of here! Now!" Analu and Sarah shouted, urging me to move. They had horses ready. Kero's intense gaze hinted at the urgency of the situation. The monster was fixated on me. I hesitated, torn between sacrificing myself and seeking another way.


"Hey! Snap out of it. Let's go!" John yelled. "Yeah, we'll figure this out." reassured Analu as she put her hand on my face. "Together, we need to go now" added Kero, extending his hand to me. I grabbed it and clambered onto the back of the horse with him. The others raced ahead on their mounts. We galloped at full tilt, but the monster took to the sky again, swiftly approaching. It closed the distance, and truthfully, even with these enhanced horses, we couldn't outrun this monstrous threat.


 The only viable option seemed to be sacrificing myself, I mused. Yet, a glimmer of hope flickered within—a stubborn refusal to accept defeat. Perhaps there was a way to overcome this terror, for if monsters of this magnitude existed, they could menace anyone, anytime, anywhere. I didn't have to surrender myself. We needed to devise a strategy, a means to outsmart it. But where could we find safety against this colossal threat? It had effortlessly decimated almost a quarter of the forest with a single devastating attack.


Thoughts raced through my mind in a frantic swirl, each one amplifying the urgency of our predicament. The sensation of impending doom lingered, an oppressive weight pressing down on my chest. Fear clawed at the edges of my consciousness, threatening to consume my resolve. Yet, buried deep within, a stubborn determination simmered—a refusal to succumb without a fight.


The sight of the obliterated forest, the remains of what once stood tall and vibrant, sent shivers down my spine. If this was merely a glimpse of the creature's true might, then nowhere might be deemed safe. It was a stark reminder of the imminent danger lurking at our heels, a chilling testament to the need for swift action.


My heart raced, every beat a thunderous reminder of the urgency of the situation. We couldn't afford to falter. We had to find a way to thwart this monstrosity, to protect ourselves and those we held dear. The realization dawned like a cold, unwelcome revelation—we were hopelessly outmatched.