
Nova Force Book 1

Nova Force grants extraordinary abilities. Follow the story as people battle monsters and villains, exploring mysterious realms. As stakes rise, they conquer inner demons, trust each other, and face thrilling adventures and uncover mind blowing mysteries. Valor and triumph await. Embrace your potential!

Romario_Harrison · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Four

I turned to see John swiftly delivering a resounding slap to Shane's jaw, the impact echoing a sickening crack as he was propelled backward, crashing into the wilderness once more. It was another rescue by my friends. But did I seem like a damsel in distress? I sighed.


"Thanks, man," I murmured gratefully. John shrugged it off. "No problem, dude. We cut our trip short. Had a hunch they'd strike sooner or that the prisoner was lying," he explained.


"Where's Kero and Celestia?" I inquired urgently.


"They seemed torn, but they'll join us soon," Sarah assured. Recounting my bout with the adversaries, their astonishment was palpable. "Wait, you took on 8 of them and a spiked dog?! And you downed 6 and the dog, leaving the rest battered?" John exclaimed, his excitement palpable.


"Wow, you've grown stronger since we last met. So have we, as you've probably seen," Sarah remarked.


"John, what's that frost trick you pulled?" I inquired.


"It's a new skill—frost. With this freezing weather and damp ground, it's super effective," he explained.


As we laughed and conversed, exchanging stories and a potion to heal my wounds, the reunion with my dear friends after a month was a comforting respite.


Our jovial moment was interrupted when we noticed someone approaching. It was Analu.


"Slowpoke finally made it," Sarah teased.


"Rome, my heart nearly stopped when I saw the smoke rising from the village. Are you alright? I hurried here as fast as I could, but on my way, I encountered two ominous figures cloaked in black fur. It was a daunting sight, and it delayed my arrival. What happened? I heard a deafening explosion echoing through the trees. And your injuries... Are you sure you're okay? Your safety means everything to me." Analu's voice quivered slightly, her worry palpable as she assessed Rome's condition, her eyes scanning his form with deep concern etched on her face.


"Mr. Rome here fought 8 people and a spiked dog, downed 6, and was on his last legs when we came to save the day," John jested, trying to lighten the mood. "But truly, Rome, that was quite the skirmish. You're a force to be reckoned with." John's attempt at humor was evident, yet the gravity of the situation lingered in the air.


The potion Analu administered had done wonders to heal Rome's physical wounds, but the toll on his mental state and stamina was evident. "It's true," Rome admitted with a faint smile, grateful for the levity John attempted to bring. "Physically, I'm on the mend, thanks to Analu's quick thinking. But mentally and in terms of endurance, I'm still feeling the weight of that encounter."


"Enough of me, Analu, I'm relieved you're safe. Those figures you encountered must have been trouble. I faced a fierce battle with two adversaries named Shane and Rhonda. They were relentless fighters, and in the midst of our clash, an explosion erupted from the force of our confrontation near the village's outskirts. I managed to fend them off, but the chaos might have spread further than I anticipated. I'm fine, just a few bruises and scratches, nothing serious. But you... did they pose any threat to you? Are you hurt? 


Rome's voice softened with genuine concern as he scanned Analu's expression, seeking reassurance of her well-being after the intense and tumultuous events that had unfolded.


"Guys, they mentioned more were coming," I alerted. The ground shifted near Shane's crash site.


"Is he still alive after all that?" Sarah exclaimed. Shane, bleeding and shaking, attempted to rise weakly.


"You're all doomed... over 30 of us, 10 at my level or higher… you're all..." Shane's words faltered as he collapsed again. "Guys, he's tough. I barely held him off," I admitted. "We've got this," John reassured, undeterred. "We could use Kero and Celestia now," I sighed.


"One more thing, Sam and Tom," I began but choked up.


"What about them?" Sarah inquired. As they discovered Tom's lifeless body, the mood soured. Tension thickened, fueled by the scent of blood. "They're going to pay!" Sarah's outcry pierced the silence, her rage mirrored by the others, a searing intensity hanging heavily in the air.


In the midst of our brewing anger, a jarring sound sliced through the tension. It wasn't a pleasant melody; rather, it grated on our ears, causing us to pivot and observe the source. We sensed a surge of energy, a multitude approaching. Reinforcements, no doubt. We braced ourselves for the imminent clash, readying for battle. This was the defining moment.


However, as the whistler drew near, a casual "Hi" escaped his lips, leaving us bewildered. "My name's Nevarro," he announced, the sarcasm dripping from every syllable. "You've met my associates, I believe, considering your adeptness at capturing them. We've come to reciprocate by seizing your quaint little abode."


The sheer politeness mingled with delusion in Nevarro's tone struck an odd chord. "Hand it over just like that?" Sarah retorted incredulously.


"Oh, come on now, where's the thrill in that? We need to set a few things straight," Nevarro remarked with a sinister yet oddly humorous edge. "You kidnapped our pals, gave Rhonda and Shaney a bit of a roughhousing session. We can't simply overlook that, can we?"


As Nevarro spoke, more of their crew began to emerge. Another figure, mirroring Nevarro in stature and sporting the same brown hair and distinctive black fur, appeared by his side. Notably, both Nevarro and this new arrival adorned peculiar bone-like chains around their necks.


"Are you all part of some heavy metal band?" John quipped, prompting a chuckle from Nevarro.


"Well, your attire and that awful tune you whistled had us wondering," John continued, the tension momentarily diffusing amid shared laughter.


"Let's not dilly-dally, Nevarro," the companion interjected. From the intel, it seemed this was the infamous Badger. "You're Badger, I assume. Then where's Tiffany?" I queried.


"Ah, so my fame precedes me. And that must make you Rome," Badger replied with a hint of amusement. "Enough chatter, boys. Time to take them down," he ordered with a dismissive wave. "If you manage to triumph over them, then perhaps you'll catch a glimpse of Tiffany." With that cryptic statement, Nevarro and Badger sauntered away, their backs turned as they departed. 


The situation was dire, our group surrounded by a menacing horde of roughly thirty adversaries. John's swift strategy echoed in the chaos, urging us to forge a path forward while directing Analu and me toward our primary targets. "We got this. Clear a path; we'll handle those two," John proclaimed, Sarah nodding her assent.


Mocking sneers greeted us as one of the foes, an intimidating figure, declared, "You think we're just going to let you stroll past?" Without warning, the entire group launched into a synchronized assault. The onslaught was relentless, each opponent aiming to overwhelm us in a frenzy of coordinated attacks.


Swift reflexes and honed abilities became our salvation. Analu, harnessing air wind nova force with remarkable finesse, conjured a powerful burst of air, hurtling two adversaries backward. In tandem, Sarah manifested a torrent of water that surged forth, mirroring Analu's success in dispatching two more assailants. Seizing the fleeting opportunity, Analu and I surged ahead, aiming for the promised opening amidst the skirmish.


But our path wasn't easily won. Two aggressors moved to intercept our escape, yet Analu's lightning-quick response dispatched them with a swift flurry of kicks. I, too, acted on instinct, wielding my sword and knife that I had lost earlier in my fight with Shane but Sarah had found. A precise strike with the sword cleaved through an attacker's chest while the peculiar nullification blade deflected an oncoming water-based assault.


"Keep moving! We cant go all out with you guys still here!" Sarah's urgent plea pierced through the skirmish, propelling us forward as she and the others faced off against the remaining adversaries.


Dashing through the dense forest, a fleeting recollection emerged of the serene yet haunting beauty of this place—the ethereal blooms and peculiar creatures from the prior night. However, the daylight had subdued their magical allure, though their inherent charm persisted. Ahead, an expanse opened up, revealing a makeshift camp with more individuals scattered about. They didn't seem battle-hardened, but the sheer numbers were daunting. Our eyes settled on the figures standing before us: Nevarro, Badger, and two unfamiliar faces, the gravity of the confrontation palpable.


Tension crackled in the air as we prepared for the impending clash, the odds stacked against us in this precarious showdown.


"Now see all those beautiful people over there. They need a new home. So they are waiting to take your little community. They know how you Kidnapped Eugene. Eugene was the nicest among us and you were holding him hostage when he came to peacefully ask you to accept us." Said Nevarro. 


"He didn't come peacefully!" Said Analu. 


"We know that's just a lie you're feeding them." I said. 


"Enough chit-chat, take them out!" Badger's bark pierced the tension-laden air. In response, the two adversaries lunged forward, wielding spikes fashioned from the fearsome spiked dogs. Their weapons, crudely affixed to handles, clashed fiercely against ours. Though none of us were seasoned swordsmen, both sides fought valiantly, each holding their ground with a determined tenacity.


Amidst the clash, Analu proved her prowess by swiftly overpowering her opponent. With her assistance, we managed to subdue the other assailant. Remarkably, our victory came without the need to unleash our latent Nova Force powers.


"Come on!" The urgent cry of Badger and Nevarro echoed through the woods. Instantly, two imposing spiked dogs emerged from the shadows of the forest. These creatures matched the formidable strength of their predecessors. Engaged in a fierce battle, we fought with unwavering courage and determination.


My attention darted toward Analu upon hearing her piercing scream. A surge of panic gripped me as I witnessed the dog pinning her against a tree, her sword clutched firmly in its jaws. In that fleeting moment of distraction, I found myself slammed by the force of the creature's tail, the impact sending me sprawling backward.


With lightning reflexes, I pushed myself off the ground, planting my feet firmly back on the forest floor, ready to rejoin the fray. Adrenaline surged through my veins, sharpening my focus as I readied myself to protect my allies and face the daunting challenge before us.


As I regained my footing, a surge of determination fused with my growing concern for Analu's predicament. With a deep breath, I tapped into the wellspring of Nova Force within me, feeling the intense heat building up at my core.


Channeling the fiery energy, I summoned the power within, a searing blaze gathering around my palms. The air crackled with energy as I focused, aiming to aid Analu in her struggle against the ferocious spiked dog. The flames danced and swirled, an inferno poised for release.


In a split-second decision, I unleashed the torrent of scorching Nova Force energy toward the creature, aiming to divert its attention from Analu. The blast surged forward, a wave of intense heat and power hurtling toward the spiked dog.


The unleashed blast struck the creature with a thunderous impact, enveloping it in a blaze of searing flames. The spiked dog howled in agony, momentarily distracted from its hold on Analu as it recoiled from the fiery assault.


Seizing the opportunity, Analu swiftly maneuvered, freeing herself from the creature's grasp. With a determined resolve, she repositioned herself, wielding her sword with renewed vigor.


The dog, now singed and disoriented from the intense blast, staggered backward, momentarily off balance. Sensing the chance, Analu launched herself forward with a precision honed through battles past, her sword slicing through the air with purpose.


The blade met its mark, striking the creature's vulnerable spot with precision. A triumphant yell echoed through the woods as Analu's strike found its mark, weakening the spiked dog and forcing it to retreat with a pained howl.


As the creature stumbled back, I remained vigilant, ready to unleash another blast of Nova Force if needed, ensuring that Analu remained protected and bolstered by our combined efforts against the formidable adversary.


Together, our coordinated assault proved effective, momentarily subduing the spiked dog and buying us a crucial moment to regroup and strategize in the midst of the intense confrontation.



 "Is that the best you've got?" I taunted, gesturing toward Analu, my resolve unwavering as I swiftly launched my attack. With a surge of determination, I bolted towards Nevarro, sword poised for a decisive strike. Yet, before my blade could find its mark, Nevarro intercepted my weapon, his hand cloaked in an earthen veneer, melding seamlessly with the ground beneath us.


His grasp tightened around my sword, unyielding despite my efforts to break free. Meanwhile, his other hand swung toward me, earth bending and shaping itself around his impending strike. Reacting swiftly, I raised my own hand in defense, attempting to block the impending punch charged with earthen might.


The impact was bone-crushing. Pain surged through my hand as though it had been shattered upon contact, sending me hurtling several meters away, a brutal testament to Nevarro's formidable strength.


"Surprised? One mere strike and you're already on the ground," Nevarro sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "I expected more from someone claiming strength."


As I struggled to regain my bearings, Analu darted to my aid, her healing abilities poised to mend my injuries. But our respite was short-lived as Badger intercepted her path, his speed and strength a daunting challenge. Analu narrowly evaded his assault, a testament to her agility.


"You're tangling with me now, Missy," Badger declared with an ominous grin, his determination clear as he positioned himself for a confrontation with Analu, poised for a battle that would test both her mettle and resolve against his formidable prowess.



There was a loud sound getting closer to where we were. It must have been John and Sarah's battle with the enemy getting closer. After almost a minute starring and analyzing our enemies in front of us there was a big explosion behind us. We used this opportunity to move to the ones in front of us. They tried to fight us separately but Analu and I had other plans. Our coordination was so excellent. We blocked and punched and slashed our weapons at them but they seemed to be in synced as well. They were even smiling. 


Nevarro stretched out his hand and the coating or earth went flying straight for me like a cannon ball. While I was being tossed away I got a glimpse of John passing me going the opposite direction. Blood leaked out of my mouth. I took that attack right in my stomach. I tried to dodge but either he was faster than me or I was running out of stamina. I struggled to get up. When I finally did I saw John wiping blood off his mouth. 


There was another boom and there was Sarah tumbling away. She landed right next to me coming from the same direction where John had came. There were also two familiar voices that I had just learnt. 


 "I want my rematch against that dude with the weird power. That Rome!" The declaration pierced the tense air, coming from none other than Shane. Disbelief rippled through me. How was he still standing, seemingly unaffected by our previous encounters? "That girl blindsided me earlier. I'm itching to take her out," Rhonda's venomous words echoed Shane's sentiments. Their vengeful intent was palpable, and their emergence signaled a troubling escalation in our predicament. And then, shockingly, ten more figures emerged beside them, creating a daunting force against our quartet.


It was as though there existed an uncanny synchronization, an unspoken understanding among the four of us. We drew close, backs to each other, moving in cautious circles, warily eyeing our encircling adversaries. The enemies closed in, surrounding us with a menacing determination.


"I thought you two had it handled," I directed at John and Sarah, my voice tinged with a hint of frustration.


"We took down twenty of them," John replied swiftly, his tone tinged with urgency. "But the remaining ones are no joke, especially those two."


"Rhonda's got some bizarre healing Nova Force and can wield water as a shield. Look at her hands," Sarah pointed out. She was right—Rhonda's hands and feet were encased in watery claws, an unsettling sight. Was she akin to a water-based feline? Meanwhile, Shane seemed completely healed, a disconcerting development.


"They got their hands on some of the fruits," Sarah added, a grim realization dawning on us all.


"Apologies for the interruption, but it's time for your demise," Nevarro's voice cut through the tension, his words signaling the imminent assault. Their combined forces charged up, a volley of formidable attacks looming on the horizon. John and Sarah hastily began conjuring defensive shields, but it was evident that the impending onslaught was overwhelming.


In that climactic moment, their attacks detonated with a deafening explosion, unleashing shockwaves that reverberated through the surroundings. And as you might wonder why I'm recounting these details when I should be lying amidst the chaos, here's the twist—I found myself observing the explosion from a vantage point among our adversaries. Surprised and perplexed, let me shed some light on this astonishing turn of events.