
Not your typical end-of-the-world story

DaoistvvxNfC · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Jesse realized it wasn't time to escape yet, he hadn't formed a plan yet. "Let's go inside." He gave one last look at the plane that was in the middle of their so-called back yard. The yard was just an old clearing in the woods, isolated from the rest of the community. He covered the makeshift plane with an old tarp, and went inside of their home. It was a shabby, miserable-looking place. There was only one room in which they did everything, and there was an old mildew smell that couldn't be removed. Pilot turned to the right from where the front door was and into their "kitchen". He held up a scrawny turkey to Jesse's face. "Hey! Where did you even get that?" It wasn't even a big turkey, but it would do, and only the well off had meat. They cooked it in no specific manner, and ate it while listening to an old gramophone that was salvaged from the wreakege of a major city. Jesse drifted off to sleep with quiet, crackly jazz filling his ears. Pilot stayed up, haunted by the memories from when the world burned, when he lost his family, and when he lost his tongue.

Before all of that, Pilot was named Aaron Callaway, and he was one of the most respected pilots in the United States Air force. He had everything going for him, he had a nice girlfriend, a degree in engineering, and a loving family by his side. It all changed when he had a mission type deal. "Officer Callaway, get your ass to that plane." He knew something wrong was going to happen if he was being addressed that way, not that he minded. He'd flown dozens of times before, but this was definitely different, he wasn't just going to test the plane or patrol an area. He hurried into the plane hangar and spotted the fighter jets. He went into the plane that was the farthest from him. He climbed into the cockpit of the plane, and then shut the top closed. He started to feel nauseous, but he kept it down. Six G's of force would be worse than this. He elevated into the tan sky. There was an intensity in the air that he could feel. His suspicions were proven correct when he heard an explosion overhead. They had declared war.