
Not your typical end-of-the-world story

DaoistvvxNfC · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

There was a day when the world was set ablaze. Mass confusion was on the streets and the conspiracists were finally content, because they had finally been proven right. The world did end in everyone's eyes.

The world was so consumed in their own hate for each other that they didn't care if humanity was going to end. They just wanted to end a problem. Permanently.

Some semblance of humanity rose from the ashes of its faux death. The founders of this new world wanted to persecute even the pettiest of wrongdoings and unequalities in order to prevent the devastation that was once put upon them. Other people wanted nothing to do with this, because they've heard stories of this even before the day that the world burned.

The world was now in a state of whiplash; from extreme to extreme at any other year. It was almost impossible to sustain anything here. These extremes serve as a reminder of the day that the world burned.

Jesse stared at the marvel he had just made. With the help of a former U.S. airman, he built an airplane that ran on alcohol. "This is pretty awesome, eh?" he said to the airman, who he lovingly calls Pilot. " Oh, come on, they won't find us." The "government" punished people harshly, which is why Pilot couldn't speak. He had his tongue cut out from speaking out against them. "Let's paint this baby, and we can make a break for it." Jesse continued, "We can take people who agree with us, and rebuild what you lived in." Pilot shook his head furiously, he wanted to tell the boy that there was no use in risking anyone's lives for something that couldn't work. "Come on, we could make a newer, better United States!" Pilot looked at Jesse, and wondered how he could've thrived if he were born in the U.S. He already had so much love for a country he wasn't even born to experience."