
Not your typical end-of-the-world story

DaoistvvxNfC · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

The blinding orange glow of the explosion had temporarily blinded him, and he charged forward. "Ok, just like a videogame," he told himself. He takes one enemy out, then another. Another explosion rattled the sky, and it hit one of the American planes. He knew who flew that plane. He had just been sitting in the mess hall with that same person. He remembered how that airmen, correction, airwoman, had been laughing at one of her comrades when he slipped and fell on thin air. He witnessed the death of one of his own, it suddenly became very real to him. It wasn't a game, and he was ashamed that he even thought of it like that.

No more enemies were in the sky, and he turned around to return to base. The air was eerily silent, and the only thing that was left was the heavy smog that hung in the air. He returned to ashes. There was not a single trace of life anywhere. He started tearing up, remembering every memory that was made in that place. He flew until he ran out of gas and came across a settlement in Colorado. That's where he stayed until, with his help, eventually became a semi-nation. He was at the right hand of the man who started this nation. The man was Nicolas Baker, and he was a conspiracy theorist before the war had even started, so he was the most prepared, and people needed someone who knew what they were doing. Unfortunately, Callaway and Baker disagreed on one very important and particular subject, which was the eighth amendment of the constitution: no cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.