
Chapter 2

-"Finally" Sophia breathed out with relief when she was out of the airport. There was already a black luxurious car outside the airport waiting for her. It was easily recognisable by the old man standing next to it. No, it wasn't her father it was his driver.

As much as Lucas would have loved to great his daughter, he couldn't make it. He was obliged to attend an important meeting. No, he has never neglected his daughter, in fact, all he has ever done either good or bad was for her, for her happiness, for her well being.

He always made sure to attend every important event in her life, to be present as possible in his daughter's life, to make her feel that she is loved and is not alone. But sometimes, there are events that he can't skip.

Instead Mr Russell send his right hand Mr Bentley. Sophia consider him as her second father and since the old man doesn't have his own family, he consider Sophia as his daughter too.

Upon seeing the man, a smile makes instantly its way on her face. It has been a while that she hadn't seen that man. She hold firmly her luggage and quicken her step and made her way towards him and so he did when he saw her. When they were finally next to each other, Sophia let go of her stuffs and and hugged tightly the man. She had missed him so much: when her father couldn't come to her he always make sure that Bentley come instead and whenever Sophia was feeling alone or sad, Bentley was always there for her since her childhood.

Bentley was the first one breaking the hug, holding her by the two sides of shoulders and watching her,more like contemplating how much she has grown up and became mature. The old little Sophia had turned into a beautiful woman.

She now has a long wavy thick black hair with brown eye that held so much innocence in them. Little bit skinny but then Bentley remembered that she was not that much a eater. Her tan skin little bit pal. And as usual, she was wearing dress that shows the less skin possible and always with sullen clothing color. We can just say that fashion was not her thing.

-"So how was your flight little one?" Bentley asked her with hint of amusement in his voice. Sophia had never loved being called "little" but hence her morphologies, Bentley seems to always call her like that. When she was still a young girl, she would cry wenhever Bentley called her like that, she would chase him abut would never catch him. But with time, she got used to it.

Narrowing her eye with annoyance-"it was okay I guess" she replayed him and while continuing with-"old man",she hit him on his right shoulder and then both of them burst out laughing. If Bentley called her little one, she called him old man. It was for them a kind of affectionate nickename.

-"Shall we get going?; I must say, your father can't wait to seeing you." Bentley asked.

She nodded, "Yes, we shall". And with that, Bentley grabbed Sophia's luggage and they went inside the black luxurious car.

Sophia too was impatient with seeing her father. It has been a while that she hadn't seen him, yes they talked with phone but it was not the same as talking in person. She missed him and was worried about him cause it seems that his wealth has goten worse and worse with time. One of the reasons that she has accepted to get married with someone that she had never meet let alone know.

How was he? Is he a good person? Those were the questions that were in her mind most of the time from the day that her father asked her to come back for her wedding.

Anthony Ambrose was a well-know man, everyone knew him, feared him, they knew better not to get on his wrong side. Yes, it was really unadvisable to make the man angry, he could turned out to something that you never want to meet.

Anthony was the only son of the powerful and wealthy Arthur Ambrose. He was the only heir of Ambrose's enterprise. Arthur Ambrose was a close friend to Lucas and when this one talked about his problem and asked him to help him, Arthur couldn't find a way to refuse his demand. Back then, Lucas seemed to be in such distress and he wanted to alleviate him. And plus, Sophia was a beautiful girl with manner, she knows how to respect everyone around her, she was caring and lovable, she was going to be a great wife for his son Arthur thought. She was far from those gold digger that only want to be with his son because of his wealth, without understanding what he really feels, without caring about him and not loving him.

But, Anthony didn't have the same idea as his father. He has already an idea of the perfect woman for him, the woman that will be his wife, the one that he thought will carry his children. He didn't need any other women than her. And she was called Luisa Miller.

Who didn't know who Luisa Miller was? everyone knew about her. Luisa was a popular model. In fact the most adored of all and idolized. She was the image of the perfect girl, as people knew how to very tell it "perfection in flesh". She had a blond golden hair with a perfect tan skinned, flawless body with perfect shape and curves. Adding to that, she knew how to worth her body with the perfect dressing and accessories. She was confident, knew what she wanted and get it at all cost, one of the reason why Anthony loved her so much: she was independent.

And then, how was Anthony supposed to accept to marry someone else than Luisa? she was the only one that he loved, the only one that he saw his future with. Just the thought of an another woman taking Luisa's place disgusted him, scared him. He was certainly not accepting another woman as wife if it is no Luisa. He was so determined to keep his mind so that it led to a heated argument between him and his father.

It was late in the evening after Anthony come back from work. His father had requested him in the study room.

-"I heard that you wanted to see me father?" Anthony asked with concerned voice as immediately as the door was closed and he entered the room. It was not habitual for his father to call him late at night to talk, his father only did that for serious matter.

-"Is everything alright?" He asked, making his way towards his father that was sitting on the black leather chair behind the desk.

-"Come sit first son, after we will talk." responded Anthony's father with seriousness in his tone. It was not only his voice that held so much seriousness, it was shown all over his face.

Seeing it, Anthony knew for the fact that what will be discussed was a really serious matter. He took a seat in front of his father, placing on the chair beside him the briefcase that he was holding.

-"So, what did you wanted to talk with me father." Anthony asked impatiently, can't wait any longer to know what was happening.

-"You are going to get married." His father just replied him, directly, not turning around the bush, without any emotion showing on his face.

If Anthony was always a quick thinker, this time, his brain seemed to freeze, taking so much time to apprehend what did his father just said. He just stayed face to his father, with his eyes widening with shock, surprise, his jaw almost open.

Back with himself, he couldn't make if he had hear it right or not.

-"What did you just said father?-he hesitated before adding-did you just said that i was going to get married?"

-"I think i made myself clear and loud Anthony! and I don't think i stuttered when I said so!--Anthony's father stayed quiet for second before adding--yes, I did say that you were going to get married."

Anthony was confused, he didn't knew what to think anymore, for almost a second, he thought that his father was joking but he perfectly knew that his father was not the type of a person joking on something important as that. He then thought that his father was talking about his wedding with Luisa. His father knew her and knew the relation that they shared but has never really accepted it. For some reasons that Anthony didn't know, his father had never liked her. So this was a confusing thing, his father talking about his wedding with Luisa even though he didn't like her?

Maybe that finally he accepted her he thought.

-"How is that possible? I mean, we haven't even talked about it...well, actually I did but she said she didn't wanted to get married yet...so how am I supposed to get married? sorry father but i don't wanna put her under the pressure, if she doesn't want to get married then we won't..."

Anthony hadn't had his sentence finished before his father cut him.

-"what are you talking about boy, who are you talking about?"

Anthony was once more confused, why would his father asked who was he talking about if he already knew it?

-"what? we are talking about Luisa right?"He asked confused.

-"who told you that we were talking about Luisa? I am certainly not talking about that Luisa of yours!" his father replied with so much venom.

what the fuck?

Those moments when you knew that you were going regret the thing that you were going to do , that was what exactly feels of what he was going to ask next. He knew exactly that at the moments those words were going out of his mouth, he was going to regret and his life would never ever be same.

-"So who are you talking about?"He still asked yet fearing the answer.

-"I am talking about Sophia Amelia Russell!...You are getting married but not to Luisa!...You are getting married to Sophia Amelia Russell."

And with those words, Anthony's world collapsed in an instant. As in a slow motion, he saw all the pictures of him and Luisa that he had pictured in his head vanished before him, his bright future that he has no doubt about until that moment becoming darker and darker. Hours ago, If someone had told him about getting married to an another woman, he would have just laughed and consider that person as a crazy, at that moment, he was not that sure anymore. There were a risk that he sees his future with Luisa vanished.

As if he was going to let that happen!!

-"Father!" he said trying to contain the rage that was inside him, -"I am never, and i say never going to marry anyone else other than Luisa."

-"And I say you will." Said his father stubbornly, watching him as if daring him to contradict his says.

Not being able to contain any further his anger, Anthony stood up from his seat and burst into anger, raising his voice.

-"How can you do that to me father? How can you ask me to marry someone else when you perfectly know that the one that I am interested in is Luisa?...I am telling you this for the last time!...I will only marry one and only one person! and her name is Luisa Miller!"

-"I dare you to do that!" his father was as angry as he was. He was doing that only for his well-being! why couldn't he see that?

-"I am not a fucking child anymore that still need someone to pick up his toy or clothes! I Can make my own choice!"

-"Anthony! watch your language! Remember to ho are you talking to!"

The agrument between them didn't seemed to have an end. It even appeared as it will never end so for his last resource, to make Anthony accept he used one last thing. Something that came into his mind on the heat of the moment.

-"I will disown you if don't accept Sophia as you wife!" Thougt, he didn' t really think it, it was just a way to threaten his soon. Arthur Ambrose was the best person to know that Anthony was worth of their fortune and he couldn't dream of a best heir that him.

-"Then Keep your money! I don't need them!" with that one last word, Anthony get out of the room, took his car and drove away. There were only one person capable to calm as much as she can torment him: Luisa Miller!.