

Living in nobles is not what you are thinking. Living in the mask is most likely by them. Watch Tiara and Alan facing down the enemies behind the mask. Can they survive in nobility?

Thunderzul · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 6

In the early of morning, the sky was clear and the sun start to shine giving warmth to the earth. Moreover, the sound of chirping birds makes a sweet melody giving a peace to the Tiara mansion. Unfortunately, Alan seems very tired when he was in the middle of training with Leo. "Is all that you got?" Leo provokes Alan and he taking a bait. Alan looking Leo movement, trying to reading and waiting the right to charge. "Come on, you already this weak." Another provokes comes out. Now Alan can't hold up, He suddenly charging to Leo without strategy.

Alan giving non-stop swinging his swords. But it just a shame, all the swinging can be dodge easily. Leo remained calm but Alan getting more exhausted but he still never gives up and keep attacking Leo. After that, his swing become slower and slower and maybe he can't give another a few swings. Leo starts preparing his stance, without realizing he suddenly charging forward to Alan giving the counter attack. In the end, Alan swords flew away and he was lie down to the ground can't keep up anymore. Leo come closer and pointing the swords to him. He surrenders just staying on the ground.

"You're dead." He telling to Alan. After that, he stops pointing the swords and keeping back into the scabbard. Alan not responding and he just keeping silent. His face got a little grumpy after lost his training. "You must control your temper and don't rile up like a madness." He strictly giving advice. Alan don't face up to Leo and he only keep listening. "Patient is the key, set that in mind if you want to become a knight." Leo giving a motivation while wiping his sweat. After that, Leo look up at Alan and he seems unhappy like from yesterday.

"Are you already get along with your mother?" Leo asking while throwing a towel. That questions make him a little bit down. He just pulls the towel from his head and slowly wiping his sweat. "Not yet." His voice quiet slows. "I'm not on the both sides, sincerely I want to say is her action was right." He says truthfully. "Why? All I saw is was mean and cold towards to me." Alan don't understand. "I know I'm just an adopted child, but sometimes I just want a little bit of love from her, when I look other children happy with their parents, it's made me jealous." He continues while giving a sad face.

"I understand your situation but let me clear it for you by asking you questions." Leo like asking a permission from him and he granted by nodding his head. "As long as you been adopted by her from you small until now, what did you get?" Alan not getting at all. "What happen if you living without her?" He stuns when hearing Leo questions. His heads look down trying to figured it out the answers. He's trying to remember back from his memory and compared it with that questions. Now He understand and these feelings make him regret and embarrasses from himself.

"Different parents have different perspective care for their children, They still not perfect but each of them has their speciality." Leo said. "We are as a grown man, if we don't understand something, finding a solution is a best idea rather sitting here and do nothing." Leo giving a piece of advice to make Alan more courage. "Are you done?" Leo asking him while giving a hand to help him up. "Yeah." He response and grab up his hand and directly stand up. "Good." Leo response while he swiping away the dirt from Alan shirts. After that, they cleaning their training grounds.

"Before you leave, this is for you." Leo taking out the letter and giving it to Alan. "This is the letter that mother gave to you, why you give it up to me?" He confused. "Opened it and read it up first." He assists Alan to opened it. Alan tries open the letter and read up the content of the letter. "Rescuing Earl Felix daughter?" He questioning up not about this inside of letter but his involvement with himself. "Your mother entrusts to us to do this task." He told. "Why you didn't discuss with me, perhaps you just to keep my heart up." He feels uneasy.

"It's truth your mother gives this to me first, she tells me to discuss with you and do the task together with you." He trying to tell the truth. "I hold up this because I want to know if you are prepared well or not and now, I think this is the time." He continues. Alan looks convincing with what he hearing. He read back the letter carefully. "When do we starts?" He asks. "After lunch we can go to earl Felix house." Leo make a schedule. Alan giving back the letter to the Leo and nodding his heads.

Inside the house, Tiara settling all the documents that always she does. Even though she already done a lot of work but the job never done and it's keeping coming. The door was knocked, it was Will coming into room after she giving a permission. "My lady, king Francis sent you a letter." He delivers a letter to her. A letter with a gold color with a royal seal makes it well known because it 's very special. Only dukes and royal family can use these letters for special invitation party or meeting. She opened up slowly and take the letter out of the envelope.

She reading up carefully, understanding what it's receives for and after that she keeping that the letter with a sigh of her face. "Is it anything problem, My lady?" Will concern about her. "It was special meeting in next week, please put the reminder on my schedules." Will automatically take out the schedule plan write the where the event starts. "Is it about the bombing issues that explode Ruddy carriage." Will guessing. "Maybe, I don't know." She response. She got a little headache when she thinking more about it. She trying to massage her head to reduce her pain.

It was three days ago since the bombing of duke Ruddy carriage in the palace. The culprit so very brave for doing such thing at that place especially to me. Because of him, my name was tainted because the victim himself suspecting me for mastermind of that explosion. He will be sentence to death in front of crowded because of trying to assassinate and targeting nobles or royal family. Whether he just do it alone or he was order from other people, the sentence for both of it still same. Somehow this letter maybe the royal knights found some clues inside the accident. If I found him, your death in my hand.

"You need some tea, my lady?" Will asking concerns when he saw Tiara massaging her heads. "Please." She answers. Will bring a pot of tea and pour it into her cup. Then, she takes a few sips to get some relaxing feeling but still not going to works. "You seem not very well." Will still worried. "I'm fine, it just a little concern." She response. "If you don't mind, I'll listening to what's make burden to you." Will insisted to help. "I'm concerning about duke Ruddy; I am afraid that he will makes my title will strip away." She started to become afraid.

"Do you have any suggestions?" She can't figure it out and hoping that Will give something good for her. "I don't have one but I try give you some stories." He said. "There was a man living in the city, but the sad he doesn't have friends, lover even his neighbors, he living alone." He tells the story while pouring her tea. "They afraid to get close to him because the scars on his face and make him look like a criminal. Furthermore, if any crime occurs, they keeping blame on him, he very so sad. But he never gives up, he wants to show that he is not what they expected, so he trying to be a good guy." She leaving her work as she attracts to the story.

"He helping to other peoples, Even they not liked it but he just keeping give a hand." "At first, they never say thanks to him despite of they just giving a frightened face, but in time they slowly start to accept him and start to thanking him. They start become friendly and helping him if he facing a problem. In the end, he living a happy life." He ended while pouring another tea.

"So, how much they hate you, how much hardship you face, try to be kind to them even just a little. One day, they slowly start to accept you, love you with open heart." He telling a moral of the story as an advice. Tiara start to thinking of it. "Thank you, Will." She finally understands and know figured it out something that will save herself.

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