
No More Dreaming

Ken Kaneki was a boy who had a loving family and a good home he always tried his best to be a good child, but sometimes things happen that's not the child's fault I made this a year ago on another app. Wanted to see if I improved in any way.

Huffman · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Fire

Sunlight was brimming in the room slowly arriving to the sleeping boy eyes he shuffled around hoping to make the sunlight go away, he hears a woman calling his name and he gets up scratching his black hair.

Walking to the kitchen, he sees his mother and father with smiles on their face "Morning Ken you slept in pretty late today is everything ok?" His mother asked her black hair in a ponytail, she turns around, and Ken looked at her dark grey eyes with his own.

"I'm ok just tired" he says pulling out a chair and sitting down, he looks at his father a well built man black eyes and short white hair with a beard, "dad is it true your going on a business trip today?" Ken asked with a sad expression.

His father picked up his mug and took a sip "yes I'm leaving right now actually" his father says getting up and picking up his suit case, he rustled his sons head and kissed his wife goodbye leaving out the door Ken got up and screamed "I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU!" he said with teary eyes his father stopped and gave him a thumbs up.

He wakes up again and immediately smells the cigarette filled air "disgusting" he says and gets out of bed, he looked on the side of his door and saw his calendar it was his sixth birthday but he didn't care much for it ever since his father left two years ago his mother hasn't been the same causing him to also change.

He walked out the room and walked to his right seeing the cause of the smell, it was his mother and a man that's been staying with them for the past 4 months Ken was young but he understood what it meant, his mother looked at him with bags under her eyes and asked what did he want he looked at her with a emotionless stare and walked away.

After showering and putting his clothes on he left for school only to be stopped by the man "hey kid you got 2,682.30 Yen" Ken looked at the skinny brown haird man and answered no, the man got angry and kicked him in the back making him hit the doorframe "useless bastard" the man says storming off to his mothers and fathers room, Ken looked at his mother still sitting on the couch and saw her looking at him taking a drag out of her cigarette and continued to watch the TV.

"It will all be ok, dad will come back and it will all be ok" he thought to himself something he says everyday when coming to school, arriving in his classroom the kids around him picked on him for being quirkless, the doctor told him he's not and his quirk is dormant but everyone else thought he was lying and called him quirkless.

He stood there with a stoic face not letting anything get to him almost like he was wearing a emotionless mask and he continued wearing it throughout the day like always, when he got home that day problems were already starting, the man was screaming at his mother telling her they need to get money and pay back his debt before his boss comes.

He grabs her by the shirt and screams "COME ON YOU BITCH I KNOW YOU HAVE SOMETHING LOOK HOW BIG THIS PLACE IS!" she grabs his wrist and speak "I can't its for the bills" the man began screaming more but Ken didn't stay for long and walked to his room and slept.

He woke up to voices but they were unfamiliar he walked to his door and slowly opened it only to see a man dressed in all black with sunglasses grab him by his collar, he struggled and struggled but no matter what he did he couldn't break free, he was slammed on the ground and was pulled up by his hair by a man wearing a purple shirt with a black spiral on it, the purple haird man looked at him and smiled.

"Holy shit you guys had a kid too damn your bad parents" Ken looked around and saw the brown haird man beaten and quickly looked around for his mother, he found her also beaten but she was healing herself with her quirk causing her eyes to turn blood red and  sclera black.

"Alright tell you what" the purple haird man said going to their kitchen and heating up a knife with their stove and leaving the gas on "if you can't get me my money then I want blood" he says with a sadistic smile he comes back into the living room and put the knife in the middle of the room.

The tall man that was holding Ken let's him go and he looks at the knife everything in him is telling him to use it and save himself and his mother but he stops himself not giving in to the impulse but the brown haird man screamed and picked up the knife pointing it at Ken.

Right before the blade pierced him his mother dove into the blade getting stabbed in her neck, Ken caught his mother before she hit the ground and cried he pulled the knife out hoping she could heal herself but the blade was heated causing her self healing quirk to be useless, he watched his mother slowly die in his arms and every second he felt apart of himself die along with her.

"I DID IT!" the brown haird man screamed "I killed one of them so you can let me go right?" The purple haird man looked at him and picked up a pen, he held it in the air and it turned into a long pen shaped drill it started spinning and he drove it into the man's chest killing him.

"I'll kill you" Ken says getting up with his hair slowly turning white he opened his eyes and they were the same as his mother's, the purple haird man looks at him and speaks "Come again" Ken looked at him with rage and screamed "I'LL KILL YOU! four glowing red tendrils sprouted from his tail bone.

Taking the three body guards off guard he stabbed them through the stomach and used his last tendril to stab the purple haird man only for him to block, Ken ran towards the man taking his four tendrils trying to stab him once again only for the man to dodge and Ken hitting the stove causing a explosion.

The purple haired man looks up and sees he went through the window he gets up and runs away, ten seconds later Ken walks out of the house covered in flames he stands on the porch and it starts to rain he looks up and was burned to a crisp, falling to the ground and slowly healing himself he cries red tears and fall asleep.

MY GOD THIS IS TERRIBLE. But I'm gonna leave it as it is to see if I improved in any way (I really hope I did)

Huffmancreators' thoughts