
1.6 In A Dead Body

"C'mon baby, don't be shy. You don't need to be embarrassed in front of Daddy."

No matter how the villain coaxed(?), Wei Xin refused to face him. Especially to a man who referred to himself as "Daddy" and called him (WX) "baby."

All things be damned. No matter how unfeeling he is now, he would still want this thing called face!

Gritting his teeth, Wei Xin was determined to start a cold war.

"Baby~ look at Daddy okay?"

Warmth brushed against his cold cheek, as it nudged his cheek up and down.

"Baby.." Hands cupped his face as the villain spoke. Thumbs rubbing slightly as the villain shifted Wei Xin to face him. Oddly, Wei Xin didn't feel as much discomfort as he thought it would.

Glancing silently at the man who broke his attempt at a cold war, Wei Xin sneered. Daring to put your human limbs in front of my mouth?

He made a move to bite the hand in front of his face only to find that his mouth refused to budge. And what started as an attack ended as Wei Xin smudging his chapped lips against the villain's hand.

"Oh, my baby is so cute! Don't be mad anymore okay? Daddy knows exactly what you need."

The villain's phoenix eyes narrowed into what seemed to be delighted crescents. His lips curled upwards as he fished out from his side a little white sippy cup. Shaking it, sloshing sounds could be heard. A mouthwatering smell drifted out from the small opening.

Wei Xin's ears perked up at the sound, his eyes couldn't help but trail the movement of the sippy cup, nose twitching softly.

"Daddy knows that baby is fussy because baby didn't get baby's special vitamins yet. There you go baby. Drink up, Daddy made it just for you." Gone was the happy smile on the villain's face, instead what was left was a devil seducing their next prey.



Those are the only words Wei Xin could use to describe the smell that feathered his nose.

It seemed like a trap. No, it should be a trap. This man was a villain after all, but as the sippy cup approached Wei Xin's mouth, his breaths came out heavier and heavier. His closed mouth that refused to listen to him, parted.


Whatever's in that cup, he wants it— no, he desperately needs it.

Every cell in Wei Xin's body ached, the bonds restraining his body strained as his entire being leaned towards the sippy cup.

After what seemed like an eternity, the sippy cup's spout entered his mouth and that delicious scent filled his mouth.

Wei Xin's body froze almost in shock. Tongue lightly lapped the spout in his mouth.

It was like a meat eater being forced to be a vegetarian for a few months. And then having a well-done steak shoved in front of their face.

The sippy cup was tilted as more spilled into his mouth.

A voice reminiscent of a dark moonless night entered his ears. "Drink."

And as if a command was entered into his body, Wei Xin began to drink.

The first drop bursted into wonderful flavors in his mouth. It danced on his tongue and rolled down his throat like smooth silk.

And it was all downhill from there. His throat trembled before he took vigorous gulps. All he could feel was pleasure slipping down his body.

Good, it was so good. He had never tasted anything like it in all of the worlds he's lived in.

It was like the Ambrosia mentioned in Greek mythology. He would never forget the taste and forever yearn for more.

It was addicting.

Warm fingers caressed his throat. A chuckle echoed at his side, but Wei Xin didn't care to look.

He was entangled with his ambrosia.

"My good baby, you drink so well."


After silently watching for a while, the little orb trembled before turning an ambiguous shade of pink.

Trembling, it couldn't help but wonder..

It was obviously an ordinary scene of its host eating, albeit from an unconventional method (for an adult). And the villain who was too engrossed in roleplay was actually just a pseudo parent feeding their child daily vitamins.

Switched to a parent and child, even the words didn't cross the line but how come… when it comes to these two the feeling is wrong?

Was its optical program malfunctioning? Otherwise why does this whole scene feel so, so not appropriate for children?