
1.5 In A Dead Body

After the villain had left, there was silence in the room. The orb in Wei Xin's soul fluttered between amber and yellow. It twirled around in circles before settling down.



[Since there is no main quests, you can take this world as a vacation.]

Ah, that's right. His role in this world was already over.

Wei Xin was sure that if it wasn't for a certain villain "preserving" this vessel, he would've never returned to this world.

Why would he ever want to return to a world where he was abandoned?

To relive his memories?

To counterattack?

For revenge?

In the end, would it really matter? Even if he succeeded in revenge or counterattacking, would he even feel satisfied?

He pondered in silence, waiting for that familiar beating to direct him. But he had forgotten...

"Oh right. I'm dead."


"It's nothing, I'm just contemplating our next step."

[Host, do you want to leave the villain? Jiu can assist the Host in eliminating the villain! Host can then freely explore the world!] the orb flashed an excited orange, bouncing up and down.

To eliminate a main lead and a villain no less! This was an achievement the system wanted to get!

Lips curled, Wei Xin shook his head. "If we were to leave now, I'm pretty sure a week later there'd be groups of superhumans coming after my head."

The orb froze, orange turning into a dark grey. [Oh… that is correct. Jiu had not processed the situation thoroughly.]

Wei Xin hummed lightly. "It's fine."

[Will Host stay with the villain then?] The orb asked curiously.

"Yes. It's pretty relaxing. I don't have to work and I still get fed three meals a day." Thinking about meals… Wei Xin licked his chapped lips.

Being a villain attracts powerful cannon fodders, which translates to, higher ranking superhumans dying in the hands of the villain. And it equals Wei Xin getting a cut of the spoils, literally.

So if he stayed with the villain, he'd get tremendous benefits without having to move a muscle.

Wei Xin felt deeply that it's pretty good to be a salted fish.

[H-host… you really know how to live! Jiu will record this down for future references!]

Chuckling at the system's words, Wei Xin thought about the two questions from before.

…. Since he was a zombie… if he really succeeded in counterattacking and the protagonist fell in love with him…

Wei Xin would probably eat him. After all, what zombie could resist such high grade delicacy? Especially one that delivered itself to his mouth.

And if he did take revenge against the protagonist… Thinking about a weakened protagonist, helplessly unable to fight back laying beneath his feet...

Wei Xin would still eat him.

Either way, the protagonist would end up in his stomach.

Ah, yes, such was the relationship between a human and a zombie.

Humans are food, not friends.

Not wanting to think about food lest he started craving meat, Wei Xin closed his eyes.

He could feel a sharp thrumming in the back of his head. The familiar onset of a migraine.

It was odd to say the least. A dead man having such a living being thing. A migraine.

Oh the woes of being "awake".

What Wei Xin didn't know was that if he had opened his eyes and had a mirror, he would witness his eyes turning a dark red. Hints of green could be occasionally flashed within the bloody turmoil.


The door opened startling Wei Xin, an instinctive snarl rolled out his lips.

Who dares intrude his territory!?

Eh? Wait a minute—

Stopping midway, the villain paused, Wei Xin froze, the orb.. the orb was in shock.

The corner of the villain's lips curved. Leaning against the door sill, he let out a low chuckle.

"Baby are you throwing a tantrum again?"

To which Wei Xin gave a deadly glare.

Who are you calling baby!??

"Don't call me baby!" Is what Wei Xin had intended to say but what came out was:

"Grr— ao!"

Great, first his body is not alive; his diet changed; he has a headache; and now human language is malfunctioning.

It's been a good first day.