
1.7 In A Dead Body

Wei Xin's eyes were wide open. The glaring redness in his pupils receded as the green began to become more prominent.

Like grass spouting on bloody soil.

The villain watched Wei Xin closely, a smile tugging on his lips. Good. Very good. Nothing changes.

Wei Xin felt like he was burning. As if every dead cell inside of him became crazy.

He felt so alive.

Little by little as the seconds passed he felt the stiffness in his body dissipate. Noticeably, the thrumming in Wei Xin's head reduced.

Somebody was touching his hair, fingers slowly combing through the knots. It felt comfortable, Wei Xin didn't know if he liked it or not but right now, he didn't mind.

The sippy cup had long been emptied and taken away but Wei Xin laid there dazed, bathing in the afterglow of the effects.

Once his mind became clear again, Wei Xin eyed the villain.

"What a crazy bastard." He said this while licking his lips.

Said crazy bastard only laughed. The man patted Wei Xin on the cheek. "Don't curse baby, or Daddy will have to punish you."

Whether it was the effects of drinking the liquid in the sippy cup or his body finally digesting the earlier meal, Wei Xin's lips looked more plump and his voice sounded smooth.

He was even speaking human words more fluently.

"Chu Xingnan are you obsessed with role playing? Or is it that you finally decided to come out the closet with your fetish?"

The man in question shrugged. "I'm just complying with our deal. Since I can't give you the love of a lover, I'll give you my love as a parent. I assure you that I am very much qualified for this role."

"..." Wei Xin deadpanned. "Do you have a child?"

Placing his hands on his chest, the villain gave Wei Xin a betrayed look. "Baby how could you forget that you are Daddy's beloved son?"

Beloved son your sister!

"There's no blood relation between us and we're only a year apart in age."

Grasping Wei Xin's bounded hand, the villain stared deeply into Wei Xin's eyes. Like dew on leaves, trails of tears slowly rolled down the villain's face. Lips trembling with eyes misted over.

It was truly a moving picture.

A picture that Wei Xin wanted to ruin by throwing a table at a certain person.

"Baby, the love between parent and child goes beyond blood and age. I love you as if I had given birth to you myself. Don't ever doubt my parental love for you, okay?"

A deep emotional look was directed at Wei Xin's cold unamused eyes.

A few minutes passed in this silent but violent war.

Remembering this person's history and work records, Wei Xin chose to submit lest they be stuck talking about nonsense.

"Are you done?"

Smiling, Chu Xingnan asked. "Do you still doubt my love?" Gone were the tears and misty eyes.

"No." Pursing his lip, Wei Xin paused. "Dad."

"Baby are you enabling me?"

"Clearly you enabled yourself! Talk about serious matters otherwise I'm going to ignore you!"

"Fine fine fine." The villain waved his hands and in an instant his facial expression changed once again. "Tell me how much do you remember?"

His eyes were piercing as if he could see right through people. With his glasses he looked like someone who had done a lot of paperwork. An unsmiling face gave him a serious temperament.

Overall, Wei Xin gave him a 9/10 for his lawyer character.

"I remember everything up until the point when I succumbed to the virus."

The villain nodded his head as if he had expected this. "Then you don't remember the two years you spent with me?"

Wei Xin shook his head.

A sly look entered the villain's eyes as he softly said. "Your mind may not remember but your body clearly does."

Giving the villain a menacing stare. "Did you do something to me beyond 'parental love'?" The two words "parental love" were spat out with gritted teeth.

Rubbing his chin, the villain smiled smugly. "Who knows."

"Chu. Xing. Nan." Ferociously spitting out the villain's name, Wei Xin just wanted to grab the villain by the neck and strangle out the details.

Seeing Wei Xin look so angry that his cheeks were turning red, the villain couldn't retain his itchy fingers and he—

Poked Wei Xin's cheek.

"Hey~ are you still infatuated with that Lintong?"

If you’re wondering why the little system is absent, here’s the answer:

[J-Jiu can’t possibly intrude on their two-person (father and child) world!] Host has obtained a villain daddy! Get!

Junkokucreators' thoughts