
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
218 Chs

Eventful Day

"Oh. Daisy sweetheart, maybe you should get your status check. It could help you to find a suitable partner in the future." Daisy said in a highly elegant voice as the three sat on a bench that was in the room. Eden and Abidemi watched her oddly as Daisy made a face. "This is the last time I'm listening to my mother."

Eden blinked at Daisy. "What? Don't want to be a princess?"

Daisy sighed. Frowning deeply as she glared at the floor. "It's not the princess part I'm worried about. It's Mila."

Eden and Abidemi groaned. "Oh. Yeah, Mila." The two siblings said in sync as Daisy sighed.

"And I don't even know Prince Sebastian so well." Daisy whispered to herself.

Abidemi blinked as she remembered something. "Wasn't he the one that always watched you at every gathering?"

"Dark greenish-black hair, dark green eyes, a bit on the pale side, a few inches taller than me, and always avert his eyes when I look his way." Daisy described. Abidemi nodded her head in agreement. Then, Daisy smiled a bit. "Then he gets so cute when his face gets all red." Daisy stopped when she noticed that Eden and Abidemi were looking at her oddly. "What?"

"Nothing." Both siblings said as they shook their heads. Daisy furrowed her eyebrows at them.

Daisy sighed. "What's going to happen now? Besides dealing with Mila, I'm pretty sure I can't do the things I always do."

"First they will let the king and your parents know. Then everyone involved will find out what to do." Abidemi and Daisy looked at Eden blankly. "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help."

"You don't need to answer all of Daisy's questions." Demi said with a smile. Eden just shrugged his shoulders.

Daisy let out a heavy sigh before crossing her arms in front of her chest. Abidemi hugged her friend's shoulder. "This is turning out to be some sort of outing."

"Hey, it's us. This stuff happens all the time."Abidemi said while placing her head on Daisy's shoulders.

Daisy laughed and shook her head. " Yeah. Doesn't it?"

Eden frowned a bit. "Do you think that we're cursed?"

"Probably not. Daisy had purification all this time, maybe as a trio, things just happened to us." Abidemi said with a sigh. She looked at the statues in front of her. "I'm just curious what happens now since Daisy knows."

"Now that she's aware of her class and level. She consciously summoned her powers now, she just needs to control them which could be a challenge." Eden said with a shrug."She doesn't get into battles so she probably won't use it much. Yet her princess training probably will help her control it. I remember Mila complaining about her magic lessons."

"Huh. I'll probably like princess lessons." Daisy muttered. Eden shook his head while Abidemi laughed. Daisy looked at the two with a frown. "No. I mean it. I like learning stuff."

"We know. We know." Eden said while nodding his head.

Abidemi smiled widely as she placed her head in her hands. "Daisy is going to be so much better at Valtis etiquette than me." She smiled sadly. "I remembered that you were so shy that you couldn't speak. Now you're almost better than me in every way."

Daisy groaned before letting out a laugh."Ah. The dark ages." Daisy looked up at the ceiling. "I remembered that Demi had a hard time studying. Then after a few lessons, she became quick as a whip. Heck, she even picked up things better than I do."

"I had a brilliant teacher." Abidemi looked at Daisy with a huge smile. "If it wasn't for you, I'd probably still be crying over my textbook." The two girls laughed before falling into silence.

The room was quiet for a long while, mostly listening to the quietness of the temple. The footsteps could be heard from a distance.

"I'm going to miss this." Eden said. Abidemi and Daisy looked over at him. " Our outings, our failed tea parties, Daisy dragging us out of bed, and just being around each other."

Daisy bit her lips as she hugged Abidemi. "Oh, Demi I'm going to miss you." Daisy cried. "Now this happened. I probably hardly see Eden anymore."

"Awww. I'm sure they might have Eden be one of the guards to watch over you." Abidemi said while lightly petting Daisy's head.

Daisy groaned. "That's not going to happen and you know it. One look at our history together and the royal court members will say no. Impossible. We can't have a national disaster."

Eden raised an eyebrow at Daisy. "Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?

Abidemi started to think about something. "Remember the time when it rained at our tea party? Another time we got all dirty from chasing Daisy's bunny. That other time when we prank our nannies."

"Okay. Okay. I get it. I get it." Eden said while holding his hands up. Abidemi smiled sadly at him. Eden sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. " Man. We were a bunch of trouble, huh?"

Daisy sighed as she pulled away from Abidemi. "I'm going to miss those days."

"Yeah. Me too." Abidemi whispered.

"Me three." Eden said while closing his eyes.

The sounds of footsteps could be heard as the two priests returned to the room. "We're extremely sorry. This was a very important matter." Both priests were bowing as the three looked at the two men.

Daisy sighed. "It's fine. It's fine."

Abidemi gave them a sweet smile. " We understand." Eden nodded his head in agreement as Abidemi watched the older men. She stood up along with Daisy. "Something came up. Don't worry yourself."

"We can continue right now. I'm sure there are places you'd rather be." one of the priests said in a panic.

Daisy sighed again and stood up."We said it was fine. We get it." The priest finally relaxed. She gave them a small smile. " Now. I think it's Demi's turn. Right?"

"Oh right." one of the priests picked up the notebook that he left on his seat. "Abidemi of the Sealen Household."

Abidemi sighed and walked over to the orb. Daisy smiled as she sat down. She looked at Eden who seemed a bit grim. "What's wrong with you?"

"Let's just say, I might have an idea what Abidemi's level and classes are going to be." Eden said in a low voice.

Daisy arched an eyebrow at Eden until she noticed the room had started to glow again. This time a blue gem from a different statue glowed brightly as the room got brighter and brighter. There was a small sound that was getting louder as Daisy quickly closed her.

All Daisy could think up was" Oh. That's what Eden means."


" She's going to the temple today," Akeem stated as he watched Shyla and Kanene. The two maids were busy packing up Abidemi's clothes. He was standing by the balcony as he played with his mask. His eyes held a certain warmth that the maids always noticed when he thought about their lady. "Huh. I guess she's going to realize that today."

"Yup. She went with Lady Daisy and Lord Eden." Shyla said as she locked the suitcase. She placed the suitcase under the bed as she looked at Akeem. "I hope you're not going to crash their outing."

"I'm not going to crash their outing. They won't see each other for a very long time. So it's best to leave them alone." Akeem said. Shyla hummed.

"Then why are you here, your highness," Kanene asked. He laughed. "What?"

"I can't wait til we get home. Both of you calling me Your Highness or Prince Akeem is weird." Akeem said with a smirk.

Shyla looked at him blankly as her green eyes gleamed. " Kanene, can I kill him?"

Kanene shook her head as she started to pick up some cat toys that were all over the room. "No. Not when we're in Valtis." Shyla groaned as Akeem chuckled. Shyla went to change the sheets as Kanene picked up a toy mouse. "I'll ask again, your highness, what are you doing here?"

"Abidemi's stepmother came home really nervous." Kanene and Shyla gave him the side eye as he spoke. Akeem was now looking at them seriously as he frowned. " One of my informants said that the woman kept telling the duchess that Abidemi will marry into that family for sure."

"Who is this informant?" Kanene asked. Akeem shrugged his shoulders. Kanene glared at him. "What does that shrug mean?"

"It means I don't know who it is." Akeem said. He stopped when Kanene stared at him.

"You don't know who it is?!"Kanene almost screamed. Akeem laughed as he motioned for her to quiet down.

"Relax, Kanene. I could trust them." Akeem said to her. Kanene marched over to him and quickly held his hands up. "Kanene. Too close. Too close."

"How can you trust them?" Kanene asked him. Akeem sighed.

Akeem looked into Kanene's eyes with a smile. "Because they wear the seal of Elov's special forces. They are very honest with me. Lastly, I get a good feeling from them despite the fact they're covered in black."

Kanene slowly calmed down. "Elov's special forces, we still have people here."

Akeem smiled at Kanene. "Of course. Elov and Valtis are allies after all. Been Allies for centuries now, my father and the king here are best friends. I could say the same of my mother and the queen too. Valtis has people in Elov."

"Really? Who?" Kanene asked him. Akeem sighed.

"I have no clue." Akeem said nonchalantly. Kanene massaged her forehead. "I don't have a close relationship with the Valtis's chosen crown prince nor do I want to. There has only ever been one person I have that type of closeness with but I don't know who he is nor he knows me ."

"Oh yeah. Little brother Ivy. The one that always follows you around whenever he's in Elov or when you're in Valtis." Shyla said from behind. Kanene started to back a bit as she glared at Akeem. He smiled at Shyla as she remembered something. "He was really cute back then."

"Isn't he? I'm going to see him tonight. I was hoping to bring my brother-in-law along too-" Akeem started out speaking again.

Kanene sighed. "Keem. Back to the point." Akeem blinked at Kanene. "The reason why you're here?"

Akeem blinked. "Oh yeah. I change topics there." he said grinning.

Shyla groaned while Kanene just blankly looked at him. Shyla muttered a few words. "Why are we related to him?" Akeem laughed.

Akeem's expression became serious again. "Oh. Yeah. Keep your eyes peeled." Kanene and Shyla arched an eyebrow at him. "Make the necessary plans to protect Abidemi at all costs. I know that woman is up to something and I want you to be ready when she makes a move. And if Demi has to leave early then do it."

Kanene and Shyla blinked before nodding their heads. "We understand, your highness."

Akeem smiled. "Someone is going to be here later. Whether you trust him or not is up to you. Just don't kill him."

Kanene and Shyla sighed. "We won't." they said at the same time.

"Good." Akeem said while he put on his mask. His appearance changed as he smiled at them. "I'll see you ladies later."