
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Temple Visit

Eden, Daisy, and Abidemi stood in front of the huge greenish-white building. The area had something like a forest in the back and a small moat around the temple. With ducks swimming in it without a care in the world. Also, it had a bright green school of fish that the temple dwellers often feed and take care of. The water had a few lily pads and some frogs croaking to themselves.

The building was covered with green vines with many types of flowers. The white concrete was covered in moss as the grass grew out of the cracks. The location has many scents probably due to the many plants around the area.

The building also had six statues of women with different color gems, three statues on each side of it. On top of the building was a statue that had a woman with a green gem around her neck. It glowed brightly as the woman held her hand up to the air. All the statues were covered with vines and moss. The flowers matched the colors of the statues' gems as well.

There were a few people dressed in white robes with green trimming on their hems and collar. Some were walking around in and out of the building and some were talking by the side. Mostly talking to each other and nodding their heads. Others were feeding ducks and fish, smiling at the animals that ate happily.

"Here we are." Daisy said while looking at the building. " Is there going to be an aftereffect after this?"

"Nope! You guys go in. Request your magic status checked, and touch the orb, they document it, and then send it to the castle records." Eden said.

They nodded their heads and started to walk to the building. Abidemi hummed. " Duchess of Blacklake surprised me with that though. I didn't think she had that type of ability."

Daisy looked at Eden. "How did you know that she had that type of power?"

Eden hummed. "As heir, I'm supposed to know everything about the noble families of Valtis. Heck, I'm even supposed to know their levels and their classes."

Abidemi hummed as she looked at Eden. "How come you didn't know the Duchess's level?"

"Because it's hidden." Eden said.

Abidemi and Daisy looked at Eden. They stopped in front of him with curious eyes. "What do you mean hidden?"

"Well, some levels aren't made public. You guys already know how it works. There are seven magical elements.. There are 6 types of levels. Finally, there are many types of classes." Eden said to them. He noticed his sister and cousin's blank expressions before saying. "In the case of levels, it is really rare for someone to have a high level. It could be intimidating most of the time so some people keep it hidden."

"We don't find you intimidating and you have a high level." Daisy said to him.

Eden sighed and looked at Daisy exhaustingly. "That's because the two of you treat me like your baby boy."

"Awww but you are our baby boy." Abidemi cooed at him. She gave her brother big watery eyes as he sighed.

Eden pushed them away as both of them giggled. He walked quickly as the two of them followed after him. They finally caught up to him and hooked their arms on his. "Guys."

Abidemi smiled at him. "Sorry. We shouldn't have done that."

Daisy nodded her head. "You were telling us something very important. Go on. Tell your big sisters about this intimidating thing."

Eden just sighed. " Anyway, you guys don't see me like that because you know how I work. Yet there will be some people that will be uneasy about the whole thing." Eden explained to the two women as they walked into the building.

Unlike the outside, the building was pure white and well-kept. There were some wall carvings for women and plants as Daisy and Abidemi looked around the entrance.

They started to walk down a long hall as Daisy hummed. "I didn't know that."

"Well, we just know the magical elements and the classes. We don't know about levels because we never got our status checked." Abidemi explained.

Eden frowned a bit. He looked down at Abidemi. "You'll need to get your magic checked when you get to Elov."

"Do I?" Abidemi asked him as Eden nodded his head. "Really?!. I did it when I was ten. Should that count?" Abidemi asked. Eden shook his head. "Why not?"

"You knew your magical element but your preferred classes and levels completely develop when you're older." Eden explained.

"Preferred?" Daisy asked him. Eden sighed.

"It's what you're more comfortable with. Those are the classes that will come to you naturally."Eden explained as he looked at many carvings on the hall walls. "You could try to learn all of them but that could take years and you will exhaust yourself. The only humans that could do that are mages and they are always discovering new classes and levels scales.."

"Ah. So that is why some of the mages I see are old." Abidemi said out loud. Daisy laughed as Eden sighed

"Yup! Not only that, they are basically hermits and asexual." Eden explained.

"Huh. I didn't know that." Daisy said thoroughly. She hummed. "Maybe I could look into that."

Abidemi smiled as Eden shook his head. "Good job, Eden. Now she's curious."

"Hey, it's Daisy. I can't control what catches her interest." Eden said with a laugh.

"Is that the only reason why levels are hidden? Because they could be too high?"Abidemi asked him. Eden shook his head.

"Another reason why a level is hidden could be the fact that it's too low." Eden explained. Abidemi's eyes widened in great interest. "People will often go after a weak link in a family, So family members will request to keep it hidden as well."

"Ah!" Abidemi muttered.

Eden nodded his head slowly. "There are other reasons but those are the most common ones I know."

Abidemi looked forward. "Well, that's good to know. I wish I knew sooner."

"You and Daisy are noble young ladies, traditionally, the only time you usually get your magic check are after you're married." Eden said. Abidemi let out a scoff which only made Eden smile. "But it's not uncommon nowadays for women to check before marriage so it'll be fine."

"Still, I should've checked sooner." Abidemi muttered, Eden shrugged.

"Well, you didn't know about the other things so it's understandable." Eden said to his sister. He looked around the hallway, admiring the carvings. "Father nor Uncle didn't give you or Daisy a magic tutor. They were probably waiting until you got married."

After walking down the long hall, they found themselves in a white room that had the same seven statues. The statues looked like they were in better condition and they were all praying. They were all surrounded by a crystal orb that floated in the middle of the room. There were benches in between the statues. Probably so people can sit and wait. There were two priests by it, dressed up in white robes but with gold trimmings.

They turned to look at the three nobles and smiled. Their composure looked almost relaxed as the both of them walked over to them. "Ah. Are you here for a magic status check?"

Eden nodded his head as Abidemi and Daisy unhooked their arms from Eden. "Yeah. My cousin and my sister."

Abidemi and Daisy moved forward as the priest smiled at them. "Names." one of the priests asked.

"Abidemi of the House of Sealen." Abidemi said with a sweet smile.

One of the priests wrote down her name and then looked at Daisy. She blinked at them before saying. "Daisy of the House Of Wheat Fire."

The other priest wrote down her name as they stepped aside. "One at a time." the priest said to the women. Abidemi and Daisy looked at each other.

"I'll go first." Daisy said while Abidemi nodded her head. Abidemi watched her best friend walk over to the orb and place her hand on it. She watched as the orb started to glow along with a statue with the red gem on it.

The glow from both objects got brighter and brighter, engulfing the room with a bright light. Abidemi and Eden had to close their eyes as a small sound rang out through the room. It almost sounded like a song as Demi covered her eyes with her hands. After a few seconds that light slowly died down as Daisy quickly moved away from the orb.

She was rubbing her eyes as the priests just stood there in shock. Staring at Daisy then at the orb. Then they started talking among themself as they looked at Daisy with deep concern and wonder in their eyes.

Meanwhile, Abidemi was confused as Eden frowned deeply. "Well, there goes Daisy's marriage prospects," Eden muttered.

Abidemi looked at Eden with an arched eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Eden looked at Abidemi with an uneasy smile. Daisy, who had finally been able to see again, walked over to Abidemi and Eden. "What the hell was that?"

"You have very high levels, Daisy." Eden said uneasily. Daisy blinked.

"Is that a bad thing?" Daisy asked.

"Elemental Magic: Fire. Level: Unlimited in all preferred classes. Classes: Healing. Protection. Purification." the priest said in disbelief. Daisy looked at the priest as they wrote it down. They swallowed heavily.

"We need to notify the king of this." the priest said quickly.

Daisy arched an eyebrow. "Did I do something wrong?" The two priests looked at Daisy in amazement which made her uneasy. "Ummm."

"You didn't do anything wrong, milady it's just. Your levels, classes, and element type is rare in this kingdom." one of the priests said. The other priest nodded their head quickly.

"She's well matched with Prince Sebastian." one priest said.

Daisy's eyes widened. "Wait?! What?"

Eden groaned while Abidemi's jaw dropped.

"Milady. You have the elemental magic, level, and class to marry into the royal family." one of priests said.

"You're kidding me?" Daisy said as her eyes narrowed at the priests.

They shook their heads at her and bowed. "We are not kidding. Please wait while we notify the King?"

Daisy didn't get word as the priests quickly left the room. She looked at Eden and Abidemi with worry in her eyes.

Finally. Finally.

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