
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
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218 Chs

New Plans

"So I assume that we're not going to talk about Abidemi's results." Eden stated as the two upset women sat in front of him. One stern look at Daisy and Eden shut his mouth completely.

The three had finally returned to the carriage after staying at the temple for at least another hour. The priests had started freaking out again, the both of them running down the halls yelling in odd excitement. After waiting for another hour, the priest told Abidemi what the whole thing meant which made Abidemi freeze in shock. Her ever-perfect smile stayed on her face as Eden and Daisy snapped her out of it.

The three of them had returned to the carriage quietly, Eden buying both Daisy and Demi's favorite treats from their favorite pastry shops. The two will need some comfort food after the day they had.

Looking at Daisy trying to comfort Abidemi and his sister's sulking face. They will need all the comfort they could get. Maybe he should get their favorite drinks too. He wanted to ask them but Daisy was glaring at him with such fire. He's afraid she'll burn him where he sat.

It's a good thing that her preferred classes are more on the harmless side. He can't say much about her self-defense skills as a lady though.

She wanted to ask him. He just knows it but if he tells Daisy now then she'll tell Demi. He just couldn't tell her. Not yet.

Plus Abidemi isn't quite ready to know about Sol. She told him herself. She also thinks that Sol should be able to tell her about his own identity.

Maybe he should tell Demi, maybe then she could relax about the whole thing.

Eden groaned. Thus going to be some time to avoid Daisy's invasive questions.

"No. Let's not talk about it." Abidemi said while she closed her eyes. She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face in them. " Can we talk about anything but that?"

Eden closed his mouth before nodding his head. Daisy sighed as she pulled Abidemi closer. She placed her head on Abidemi's shoulder as she hummed. " I have an idea. Let's have a sleepover. Just like when we were little girls."

Abidemi laughed. She sounded pitiful. " We haven't had a sleepover since we were teenagers."

"Yeah and so." Daisy said with a scoff.

"I also didn't bring Kanene and Shyla with me. I need to inform them." Abidemi whispered.

Daisy smiled and cuddled Abidemi. "We had a sleepover without them before. Eden could always tell them."

Abidemi was quiet for a few minutes before letting out a long sigh. "Alright."

Daisy smiled widely. "Great. I'll tell them as soon as I get there." Daisy looked at Eden again, her red eyes giving him such a glare that it'll probably burn him.

Again. He was so relieved that her preferred classes were all harmless at best.

Which reminded him of something.

"I'll tell Father about the matter with Mother but I don't think she'll do anything now," Eden said. Daisy rolled her eyes. He frowned as he watched his cousin. "Do you think she'll do something once Demi's magical results come out."

Daisy let out a scoff. "This is my Aunt and your mother. You really think that's going to stop her."

Eden sighed and rubbed his forehead. Daisy was right about one thing. His mother won't give up, even if she had to use dirty tricks and underhand tactics.

While Daisy's mother and stepfather actually fell in love with each other. His mother had to get her father drunk enough to sleep with her. The way he was conceived was less than favorable. Who wants to say that their mother was a drunken mistake?

Eden frowned deeply as he ran his fingers through his hair. She also had a history of doing less than favorable things just so she could stay the duchess or give Mila whatever she wanted. His father only kept it under wraps so it won't affect the household. Yet as Eden got older his mother started to bring less trouble to herself.

She probably realizes that her usefulness as a stand-in wife is probably coming to an end. With Eden soon to be heir, she didn't even form a decent relationship with him. She probably knows that she doesn't have a place in that house.

Eden sighed. "You're right. It wouldn't stop her. " Eden said as he closed his eyes. "I do wanna know why she is coming after Abidemi."

"Probably for Mila." Abidemi's voice was a bit muffled but it was clear. "It's always for Mila.

"And if she is doing this for Mila. What the hell did she or Mila do?" Daisy asked out loud.

"Besides using every man with their looks, whims, and tears." Eden said blankly.

"There was that time Mila tried to kill you. You can't forget about that." Daisy said with a deep frown. Eden groaned.

"Who could forget about that? She tried to kill me five times before I moved into the Sunflower building." Eden said darkly.

"It was seven times." Daisy said. Eden looked at Daisy with furrowed eyebrows. "I overheard Auntie and Mother talking about it. Auntie tried to play off as if it was nothing but my mother told me that wasn't the case. There was that time she tried to push Auntie down the stairs while she was pregnant. Then another time she tried to strangle you in your crib."

"Ah. Thanks for that Daisy." Eden said lifelessly.

"I was just saying. Besides, she was a little girl then. Maybe she didn't do anything that serious now." Daisy said while hugging Abidemi. Eden scoffed and Abidemi sighed. "Oh, who am I kidding? She did something like that."

Abidemi moved her face from her knees and let out a long sigh. "Maybe you're right. Maybe it's better to stay with Daisy tonight."

"Then I'll inform our father about this matter." Eden said to Abidemi. He could still see the sadness in her eyes. He can't blame her either.


"Hello, Lady Kanene and Lady Shyla." a youthful voice called out which made the two maids let out a small scream. The two maids turned around to see someone covered in black as they waved at them. They glared at the masked stranger as they stood in front of the woman while cocking his head. "Sorry."

The three were in the greenhouse in the midafternoon. The reason why Kanene and Shyla were there was because they both received a note on the balcony soon after they finished packing Abidemi's luggage for the long trip. They only had to wait for a few minutes before this person appeared.

Shyla flared up as she moved close to the covered figure. "Listen. You little runt." She stopped when Kanene grabbed her. Shyla looked at Kanene with a frown. "Kanene."

"We could trust him." Kanene said to Shyla.

Shyla blankly looked at her. "Seriously? Already?!"

"Oh. His Highness, Akeem, was right about Lady Kanene. I must say I am most impressed." the stranger said while looking at Kanene and then at Shyla. " You, I must say, make me fear for my life."

Shyla groaned as she lunged for the masked young man. Kanene held her back. Shyla looked over to Kanene. "Come on." Kanene sighed before looking at the young man.

"Are you the person that we were waiting for?" Kanene asked.

The masked warrior nodded their head and bowed to them. "I'm called Shadow number 10. We really can't say our true names until the time comes."

"Wait, you're one of the so-called Shadow Warriors?" Shyla asked the young man.

The youngster stood up and nodded his head. "Yup. We were told to watch Lady Abidemi. I only watched her when she was in Valtis though."

Kanene frowned deeply. "So her classes and level have been revealed to her by now." she stated sadly. The young man nodded his head. "How is she?"

"From what number one and three told me. She was quite glum about it once the priest told her what it meant. Yet the new crown princess of Valtis tried to comfort her." Ten said.

"New crown princess?!" Shyla asked. Ten nodded his head as Kanene blinked as well. "Who?"

"Daisy of the Wheatfire household." Ten said. He sounded so confident which made Shyla look at him oddly. "Her class and power level have finally been revealed as well. I must say the Valtis special unit was extremely pleased and so were the King and Queen."

"Who told you this?" Shyla asked as she arched an eyebrow.

The covered young man hummed and said. "Number Five and Seven. They mostly stayed near the king and queen of Valtis after all. They have been waiting for the reveal of Lady Daisy's true power ever since she was ten. The same could be said about Lady Abidemi as well."

"Why crown Lady Mila as a princess?" Shyla asked him.

"Oh, Prince Theodore isn't crown prince anymore?" Ten corrected. Shyla's eyes twitched as Ten said that. "And if you're wondering the reason, it's to bring out a traitor."

"Traitor?" Kanene asked quietly. Ten nodded. "Is it okay for us to know this?"

"I was told to tell you both this, it is part of your next mission after all." Ten said to them. Shyla and Kanene froze still.

"Wait. Next mission." Shyla whispered. Ten nodded. " We can't be around her anymore."

"Not as maids."Ten said to them. Shyla and Kanene frowned deeply. "Prince Akeem did say that you will be around her but not how you are now."

"So someone else is going to take care of her." Kanene said in a flat tone. Ten looked at Kanene who looked sad. "Someone, she doesn't know?"

"Have you both forgotten? Both of you were placed next to Lady Abidemi to protect and act as maids. You're supposed to teach her self-defense, make sure there is no harm to her, and serve when needed. The both of you aren't really maids, just undercover bodyguards."

Ten noticed the glum looks on the 'maids' faces and sighed. Prince Akeem did warn him about this, Kanene and Shyla are quite fond of Lady Abidemi. They have helped take care of her since she was ten years old and both of them were teenagers. Yet they had to know that they couldn't be with her forever. The moment she leaves Elov for good, they go back to their true stations.

"Prince Akeem assures you. The new maids will take care of Abidemi's every need." Ten said uneasily.

"How come his Highness didn't tell us this himself?" Shyla asked Ten.

Ten let out a sigh. "To be honest, I think his highness is afraid of you." Ten noticed the glow in Shyla's eyes and then quickly jumped back when she threw a green liquid ball at him. Ten let out a low whistle before looking at the angry woman. "He was right to stay away."

"Shyla. We don't kill the messenger." Kanene said.

Shyla glared at Kanene. "And why not?"

Kanene sighed and closed her eyes. "Because what he said is true. Our time as Lady Abidemi's maids are running out. Pretty soon we won't even call her Lady Abidemi anymore."

"But I don't like this." Shyla muttered.

Kanene shrugged her shoulders. "Neither do I but this was planned from the start." Shyla sighed. Kanene noticed that Ten was watching them. "Ten, what is the next mission?"

Ten walked around from the oozy green goo before facing the two. "Here it goes."