
Windows of the Soul

Three figures climbed out from the black van into a full fledged scene straight out of a horror movie. Davey grabbed Germ with a scowl. " What the hell did you get us into" he angrily said through gritted teeth. Blood soaked the floor littered with mercenary corpses. " We don't have time right now" Germ responded ," Besides you didn't seem quick to turn down that kind of money."

Lights began flickering on and off through the building as guttural screams echoed in a melody of carnage . The three friends grabbed guns in their hands that Tank had given them. He said it was going to be messy , but they shouldn't run into much trouble with luck. The plan was for the big man to create a diversion while the three of them snuck in and retrieved the young girl.

Words couldn't even convey the gruesome sounds and sights of Tank's distraction. Each of them knew it wouldn't be an easy mission , but they definitely weren't prepared for anything like this. Shoes easily slipped as the three made there way to the destination pointed out on a quick diagram of the building. Luckily it wasn't too far off.

Cora suddenly screamed as a twitching arm caught her off guard and she fell into the crimson lake that had once been a floor. Davey hurriedly scooped her up with a shhh motion as Germ looked around to make sure none of the guards were somehow still alive in the docking house. The coast seemed clear at least for their deed about to come. Screams and gunshots still rang out through the corridors however. Also a very loud and unsettling laugh could be heard that shook each of them to the core.

Cora held onto Davey for a moment as they walked . " I've never ever seen anything this bad " she whispered. Davey knew she was frightened out of her mind and he couldn't at all blame her. " Just think of the girl we are rescuing from these people and once we are done we will be set" Davey reassured her as best as he could. Germ moved on ahead of them scouting for any problems, but there didn't seem to be any for now. " Let's move while we can and be careful." Germ told them both .

After a few moments of moving through the building footsteps were heard up ahead of someone running their way. Davey silently cursed and moved in front of Cora with the gun. Germ likewise moved off to a side with his gun ready and slited his eyes to see if he could make anything out. A mercenary came into view with the most shocked and macabre look on his face . Also his left arm was missing replaced by a bit of dangling meat. Davey's gun range out as he shot the man running for his life twice and the running ended that day.

Germ looked at Davey and shrugged . " He was just running away. I doubt he would have tried to do anything." Davey peered at Germ. " He saw us . Plus he is part of these evil Gestapo guys whoever they are. Good enough for me. " Cora made a sneer at him and simply shook her head as the three made their ways down the now dark corridor. Sobbing and an odd sound could be heard towards the right where they needed to go. Germ moved on cautiously towards the sobbing " sounds like we are here."

Chain links were heard being pulled at along with the sobbing from a smaller figure in a cell. The three of them moved down the small hallway to the cell with renewed vigor as they saw their proverbial gold at the end of the rainbow. " Help me " the girl said in between panting sobs. Germ and Davey both looked around to see if they could find a key as if it would just be hanging on a wall. Cora stepped up " get to the back of the cell I'm going to have to break it open. " She leveled her gun . Both Davey and Germ saw this and hightailed it away some . The blast was loud and unbearable especially for Cora , but after a couple of shots she was able to break the locks without injuries. The cell door swung open as the girl hugged Cora tight. Germ and Davey slowly made there way back to the girls " good work , sunshine " Davey joked with a lighthearted chuckle.

The little girl froze and her eyes went wide . " She's coming " the girl managed to mutter as she scurried back to the cell. The three friends turned to see a woman in a dark business suit coming towards them down the hallway . " You have all made your last mistakes " the woman bellowed. Even in the darkness they could see black sharp talons growing from her fingers as well as a mouth filled with fangs off the lights that kept blinking. " What the ..." Davey trailed off as he was closest and got slashed by the talons than thrown into the wall making it crack.

Germ and Cora both pointed and shot the woman who was already upon them with lightning quick speed. The bullets didn't even seem to phase her as she grabbed Cora by the neck. " You troublesome primates have cost us a lot of money. I'm going to really enjoy devouring you" the crazed woman screamed in Cora's face . Germ jumped and tackled the woman only to not even budge her a half an inch. Next Germ was grabbed by his throat as the woman picked him up like he was a doll. " As for you" Mayhew said and looked at Germ's face . Her eyes froze for a split second. " No. It can't be ! " Her head was suddenly relieved of her body as she was slowly morphing into something else by a giant swinging battle axe. " Good thing you guys managed to find her. I lost track of that beast in the bloodlust." Tank said simply. " Time to go!"