
Life is a Beach

Random papers flew around the inside of the car as it sped down a desert highway. Dust shot through the dark air behind the car as it jutted along. Henry was fortunate to find some random homeless people that had overheard crazy conversations. All he had to do was give them a nice dinner and some pocket cash.

Wheels sped just enough to follow a stretched limo in the distance. The man Henry had seen with Mr. Chambers at the press conference was definitely in that limo. The large creepy black clothed man. The odd sharp black fingernails had caught Henry's attention for sure. He knew he was onto something big , very big. Although it was a lot more complicated than even Henry knew.

Fumbling for his cigarette pack , he almost missed the random stop sign as the street turned . Luckily he was able to stop short and lit his cigarette with a match. Oddly he preferred the smell of the matchsticks . A whooshing sound was heard down the way and as he was driving again he quickly stopped short almost hitting a big black van with an odd detailing of a skull and axes on the side of it.

Henry sighed exasperated and wiped his forehead at his almost near death experience. People are all just crazy he had thought to himself . Including him of course. This could be a very dangerous story he was after and seemed to go much more down the rabbit hole . A smile crept across his face as he noticed the building in the distance and his adrenaline kicked in.

The chrome colored car crept up to a nearby hill of sorts , it was the best spot to stash his car to not be seen. Henry lifted the trunk and rifled through his things until finding a pair of night vision goggles he paid a pretty penny for. Henry also pulled a gun out and packed it with ammo . He was generally as prepared as he could be with all of the dangerous predicaments he put himself in daily. A couple years of military training and an insane drive for truth and adrenaline set Henry apart from most people.

Shadowing along the road towards the building , his eyes went a little wide at the front gate that was broken down . The big black van popped in his head at that moment and he cursed himself for not trying to get a good look at the driver. Something definitely happened here and that black van was involved most certainly. Quietly creeping up through the broken gates and spotting the limo parked near what seemed to be a warehouse bay door. Henry spotted the giant of a man that had connections with the politician.

Black hair swayed around and the roughly seven foot man looked around the area quickly. He sniffed at the air and snorted as he pulled something out of his pocket and placed on his head as well as some kind of device in his hand. " There is a major problem . The holding facility was broken into and it looks like a massacre from what I see Just with a quick look inside. " A few moments pass . " Yes. I will continue to search the rest of the facility, but it does not bode well from the scents I am picking up . I will let you know further once I make a sweep through the building . " The big man shoved the item back in his pocket and began to stroll into the building .

Henry held on to his gun now as he slowly moved forward keeping out of sight as much as he could. He had checked the limo and didn't see anyone else in it , not even a driver oddly enough. The driver must have gone inside before the tall nasty looking fellow did, Henry mused to himself. Stopping in his tracks , Henry almost vomited when he saw the scene in front of him. Blood pooled out of the open doorway and chunks of people were displayed through the room as if a whirling tornado of saws flew through the area. Henry dropped to his knees in the moment at the most grisly thing he had even seen.

Composing himself he thought the best course of action was to find the closest police station. Adrenaline kicked in and Henry instead figured he would take a quick look hoping to avoid the other man . Only after his curiosity was piqued he would than go to the police to report such a horrific crime. Henry was after all quite the knowledge seeker even if it meant his own demise to get the story out.

Slowly moving through the hallways wasn't any less horrible. Body parts and blood dripping down walls meant of course this had happened only some moments before he pulled up to the building. Clicking a small button on his special goggles gave Henry a couple of photos to process later. Trying to make sense of all the carnage in his midst he had forgotten everything else . That was until he turned down one different hallway and saw a figure just standing there with his arms crossed .

" Don't bother with the gun, Mr. Beach. It won't help you anyway. " The large man said staring right at Henry with a bit of a smirk. Henry almost pulled his arm up to shoot but he seemed to be frozen in place. " What is going on" Henry managed to mutter finally. Nodding slightly the man spoke up " You can't help yourself can you? I have followed your career and it is highly impressive. If you promise not to say anything about what I will show you or even try something stupid" he simply went on even seeming excited himself by it. " I will show you the story for all ages ."

The man slowly bent down and made an odd sigil with some of the blood already set on the floor. Bright golden light began to shine from the sigil of dark ichor and shifted to a blue hue. A swirling portal of some kind appeared in the middle of the hallway. " Follow me. You don't want to be here anyway when they show up. " The larger man said plainly. " Whe whe when who shows up and what the hell is that? " Henry asked shaking and stuttering . " A gateway . And whether it's the police or the owners of the facility won't matter. Trust me it won't be good for you." Henry couldn't believe what was happening. Was he dreaming? He really hoped he was. " How am I supposed to trust you " Henry asked the questionable scary man in front of him. " Probably a good idea not to honestly, but you don't really have many options. Plus it will be one of if not the biggest secret you will learn. And if I know you well enough it's something you can't pass up. ". The man winked at Henry and just quickly flung him into the portal jumping in behind the now broken human.