
Mistress of the Tyrannical Twists

Rushing through the lobby, a well dressed middle aged man in a dashing and dark purple business suit nearly ran into people. Slicked back hair and a pair of expensive sunglasses. Most would be drawn to his eyes if not for those sunglasses. Instead the focus was on his multiple fancy rings which upon inspection looked like glittering black claws. The tie swishing around him was an odd choice filled with ornate looking swords on it.

Abruptly opening the door to the enormous office and stopping short for a moment. The echo of a phone slamming down on the jack reverberated through the office. A woman with the nastiest scowl in anyone's memory looked up at the office door opening. Long white hair tied tightly into two braids that ended with what seemed to be little spiked maces wrapped in them. Her bright blue eyes narrowed at the man that had just barged in and her icy demeanor gave way slightly. She wore a black slinky business dress with long leather gloves draped over the chair back.

Composing herself momentarily " Do you believe we were this close to the tome" she hissed through her gritted teeth. " Some street urchin managed to grab it even with a whole force on them. " She went on now pacing around the office. " How does one of them evade a whole damn group?" The well dressed cold as ice man simply stepped in and closed the door. " Unfortunately I was not there or it would have been resolved much sooner. I am here at your request , Queen Lorelei. " He got down on one knee and bowed in reverence to her.

Shaking her head with a smile now " You always were a charmer weren't you , Mr. Black." He was always her favorite and he had never failed the missions she set before him. Not to mention she was closest to him than any of the others. Her hand met under his chin and she beckoned him to stand as she kissed him. " Another thing is the girl was also taken from our grasp. We had her. The most important oracle and some people took her . " She backed away now and her fingernails grew long serated claws that she dragged across a nearby wall. " It was the war monger. They know too much somehow . I want you to find his associates. He of course will be harder to deal with , but we have our ways. "

Mr Black sighed and then snorted some. " They will be dealt with. One thing though, is how did they know ? I had thought we had her guaranteed. Also the tome being taken shows something is amiss somewhere. Are they growing stronger again ? " Running a hand through his hair as he asked. Mrs. Lorelei shrugged and nodded. " I suppose that is it. Somehow their powers are growing again .It is possible. We need the girl and the tome back at all costs. " She said as she finally sunk down onto a couch.

Mr Black followed and sat beside her. " I will get my crew together and scour every last bit of dirt to find them both. " Thinking for a second he leaned closer to her and began to rub her back slowly to console her as best he could. " And I will wipe them all out. " He said with zero emotion except a cold rage that seemed to constantly flow from his presence. Lorelei simply put her pointer finger up and shook her head. " I want the pest that managed to steal the book brought to me back alive . I want to deal with that nuisance myself."

Lorelei stood back up and moved to a file cabinet in the far end corner. She began to flit through the files and found what she was looking for. Extending the folder towards the stone cold Mr Black as he took it from her. " This is everything you will need to know about what has transpired so far and who the targets are that we know of. It is unfortunately not too much to go on as we are in the dark on a lot of these maneuverings somehow. " Mr Black nodded and slightly bowed to her with a dangerous and playful smile creeping across his face. " Also ," Lorelei went on " He killed Mayhew so we need to be more careful. Not that she will really be missed , but she was useful unfortunately. " Mr Black just chuckled a little bit at that and he spoke up. " She was pathetic and if she had been stronger she would still be alive ." Lorelei shook her head with slightly widened eyes at the comment ," Do not be so arrogant, it wasn't just anyone . You need to understand what is at stake . The war monger has never been weak and only continues to grow in power. If you are not careful you could end up dead and and I do not want that"