
Moving on and Up

Giant glass doors swing open as a young scarlet haired woman nervously walked through them. Two gentlemen in expensive suits with diamond cufflinks ushered her inside. Long black skirt with a silver colored swirl , black jacket with light silver inlay , and the most beautiful blouse money could buy. The woman was still nervous as this was a major promotion and it showed. " Welcome to Circle Nine , Miss Bryant," one of the men said with a smile as he looked her over.

Miss Bryant let out a sheepish smile back . She felt like a little fish in this giant pond or more precisely like a struggling worm on a big hook. Eyes focused on the three walking through the building from everyone moving and working about. People even stood up from their desks they sat at to get a better look at the new gorgeous lady that had just transferred. People are such curious creatures Miss Bryant thought to herself, much like herself really. They did have many commonalities besides the major differences of course.

The elevators doors finally opened up after what seemed like an eternity . The building was the most extravagant office building she had seen yet even after so many years. Marble and gold color inlay for the furniture and walls. Exotic plants of all kinds were spanned around the outside and inside of the building. It of course had a very wide diameter for obvious reasons to the red haired lass. She had almost wished that someone else was picked , but she would do her best at the job that lie ahead of her. Her hand clasped onto an ornate briefcase that she would always carry now.

The whooshing of the elevator gave her familiarity at least until the dinging of the bell sounded. Doors opened to an expansive hallway leading to a large room ahead with double doors. A scene was etched on the door of a giant serpent eating it's own tail in the form of an eternity symbol. How utterly distasteful she thought to herself. It was an unknown secret even to most of her own kind what the Ninth Circle of the DELPHYNE Foundation was truly up to. She knew of course or she would not have been promoted to this branch.

Knocking on the large double doors echoed the arrival of the newest member to this archaic order within the wider society. The men simply opened the doors and made gestures for her to enter in. Mr Kain sat on his giant marble desk amid a mass of papers with a very foreboding grin. Miss Bryant found herself gulping at that thinking of everything this being had done and was capable of. She put on a giant smile despite herself and even managed a curtsey out of respect.

" I am so glad to finally meet you , Miss Bryant" Mr Kain went on," I have heard and read amazing things about you and your talents in my files. You are greatly welcomed to the team here. " The two men shut the door behind them and Miss Bryant was now all alone with the legend of Mr Kain. " I was honestly quite surprised when I was chosen to come on board to this branch." She said with a grain of surprise in her voice and eyes showing her nervousness. She had kept looking this way and that taking everything in. " Nonsense. You have been outstanding in all manner of prospects and you are second to known in the magical fields. Your research has paid off for our organization on too many occasions to count even. You were the most natural fit and there wasn't even a close second. " Miss Bryant just smiled again not knowing exactly what to say in this situation.

Standing up from the desk , Mr. Kain walked over to the newest member of the branch and embraced her in a hug. " Don't believe all the stories you hear either. I am sure plenty are well exaggerated and you are family here. " He could definitely feel her anxiousness and understood that this was also the most obscure branch shrouded in secrecy and even heresay. He of course wouldn't have it any other way. Most of them would never fully fathom everything that the Ninth Circle was involved with and did for the society as a whole. " You have to understand everything spoken in hushed tones about this facility and motives" Miss Bryant finally spoke up. " I am sure some is fabricated and some is even worse than has been mentioned." She noticed that dark grin appear even wider after she mentioned that and felt more dread now. " Nothing to worry about for you now I assure you. Come let me show you the dark deep secrets you have access to now ." He whispered into her ear and hooked an arm around her shoulder as he began to lead her back out the doorways. " You are going to at least appreciate the knowledge you will aquire here. It's time for you to move up in the world. Or perhaps down as the case may be depending. " He let out a very horrific chuckle that shook even her fiery self right to her core.