
Nextgen Kids: The New Era

The 4th saga of the Nextgen Series and the first half of the Newborn Era. With an abundance of new operatives, the Kids Next Door is livelier than ever! With new threats on the horizon, the kids can only wonder just how chaotic this next year will be. In spite of the peace and bliss of this new era, the KND will soon learn that it isn't time to stop being afraid. Powerful child gods called the "Newborn" have begun to show up, threatening the universe. To make matters worse, the Four Pirate Emperors - the Big Mom Pirates, Kremling Krew, Boogey Pirates, and Sky God Pirates - threaten to wage war against the KND and against several planets. As their lives are consumed by war and endless struggling, the KND is bound to lose friends as they gain new ones. This story retains the cast of Nextgen Kids from prior stories, while also introducing many new kids from various crossovers. Major crossovers include My Hero Academia, Little Witch Academia, Glitch Techs, Splatoon, One Piece, Super Mario, and more. The story arcs are as follows: Field Day! Sector MG A Newbie's Quest The Horrorverse Sector $ Sector LN Index and the World Rings FOUR EMPERORS SAGA: The Tea Party Operation: REVERT Operation: MONARCH Warriors of Sky Pirate Wars

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Toxic Proposal

Play "Heart to Heart" from Hat in Time.

Gangplank Galleon

Cheadle was fit in a velvet dress, sitting politely at a curtained table. There was a plate of fruit and giant pork. Kroctus held a pitcher in his fingers and poured juice into a glass at her end. "Normally, wine is best used for this occasion, but I prefer to drink healthy."

"You care about my health, how nice." Cheadle sighed, sipping a drink. The smell of the toxic sea made this morning meal rather unpleasant, the sky's sickly green reflecting that of the surface. "Anyway, I've been dying to meet you, Kroctus."

"As have I. It was awful timing that you would be on holiday when I decided to invade. Worst of all, those nasty Sky Gods abducted you and made everything more complicated for us. Heh, this silly war has been a pain in the ruckus, hasn't it? But now that you're finally here, we can discuss the future of this planet."

"The future?! You're destroying my planet, you're ruining its future! And if you think I'm going to let you mock me-!"

"Patience, relax! The Revert-O-Matic isn't meant to destroy, it's meant to reset. We're creating a whole new Mobius! So, why shouldn't the strongest animal and the most intelligent animal rule it together? After all, it would be humiliating for someone of your stature to be Revertified."

"Why do you have interest in me? I have no power in a destroyed government, I have no desire to side with you… so, what is your ploy?"

"Whether you choose to rule with me or not, it doesn't matter… but you will carry my child either way."

Cheadle choked on her drink. "You…you're going to force me to have relations with you?!" The chancellor smashed her glass to the deck, standing and pushing herself from the table in a fury. "Well, I will throw myself in that acid sea and drown before I let you!"

"Oh, Miss Yorkshire… I would never do such a thing." Kroctus smiled consolingly. "You needn't worry… the egg is already bred. See for yourself." He lifted his crown and withdrew a photo from under it, handing it to Cheadle. She reluctantly took it, viewing an egg cell inside a capsule.

"W…What is this?"

"This is one of the egg cells you donated to your hospital. I had Klammy examine each egg thoroughly until he determined the healthiest one. Then, we implanted it with my DNA."

"M-My… egg… YOUR…?!" Each word made Cheadle sick to her stomach. Kimaya wanted to speak up and protest, but wasn't sure what to say. By the look on her mother's face, Kami had already known this plan, and wished she hadn't come to hear it again.

"There are a lot of Klones in the Kremling Krew. It's as easy as taking as much DNA from the same troops as we want and making an endless supply of them. That's the first way to clone someone. But those clones are imperfect. They will easily fall apart, could never become as strong as their parents. Even I am prepared for the worst possible scenario… but I will persevere. I will leave behind a child to carry my legacy."

"And what makes you think that I…I would ever…"

"Because you are not only a kindhearted chancellor," Kroctus slowly walked around the table, "but a noble doctor, too. You wouldn't just leave an unborn baby to die." He gently stroked the smaller woman's hair with his nail. "Between a mother and a father, a child is bound to inherit the traits of the parent with the strongest chi. If both parents contain strong chi, there may be a balance… but this way, my mighty DNA is bound to survive. Why, in some cases, the child even becomes stronger than the parent. Just look at those Kids Next Door. Look at Kami's daughter there! She's far mightier than Mama, isn't she?"

"Please, leave us out of this." Kami sighed.

"Yeh… even if it is true." Kimaya replied.

"Kim, that's not the point!"

"Heh heh har! True, I could make any woman become the mother, though I would never make Kami do such a thing. I value her too much for that. But you, Chancellor… a strong animal such as yourself is the only worthy candidate in my eyes. And I can think of no one else who would willingly carry my child. A criminal such as me… no cruel person would let that child survive."

Cheadle bit her lower lip. She had no idea how far she had fallen into his trap until now. It was true… no one would let a "clone" of K. Rool be born into the world… but it was against her code to let a child die, let alone an unborn baby if she could help it. But would this baby inherit Kroctus's memories and ambitions, or would it truly be born as a new person? If so, Cheadle could raise him to be better. Even so, he would be hated for life because of his father.

Kroctus walked to the port side, reaching a golden hand to the sunrise. "Ever since I set sail, I felt as if… the sun had always shone brighter upon me. As if the gods were smiling at me. I felt, even in my darkest hour, that I would survive if I simply kept going. I wish for the same to be for my child, even after I'm gone. The K. Rool bloodline… is… eternal."

Minutes before, while the table was being set up, Vweeb had dropped out of Cheadle's nose, the little alien creeping around the deck under all the guards' noses. He made his way to Kami and clambered up to her ear. "Psst. Mrs. Heartly." With a light gasp, she glanced left, recognizing her friend's son's voice. "Is there a way outta here? I wanna call backup, but I don't want the king to be around."

"Ahem, well," Kami spoke loudly, "I regret coming on this voyage, so if you'd call us an airship or something, we'd like to go now."

"We can take some food, right?!" Django walked out of the cabin, munching a watermelon with a turkey leg. "Seriously, I haven't eaten fresh food in ages! God, I'm starving like you wouldn't believe!"

"Ahh, that's just like you, Kami." Kroctus sighed. "Always insisting on nosing in, only to change your mind. Alright, I'll call one up."

Minutes later, a Flying Krock hovered above the ship, lowering a hatch for Kami, Kim, and Django to walk on, the latter carrying armfuls of food. Those remaining on deck watched as it flew away. "So, Cheadle… what'll it be?"

"I never thought you would be this… insane." Cheadle hissed. "Trying to give birth to a clone of yourself… just because you think you're perfect."

"Oh, I am far from perfect…" Kroctus approached and pet her hair. "In my remaining lifetime, I may never reach perfection. But I believe my child can go farther than me. He will continue my endless journey… and become a true icon. …And hey, you're friends with Peach, and if my friend is hooking up with her, it works perfectly!"

This was the remark that prompted Cheadle to leap and SOCK him in the jaw. He made no attempt to defend and let his head be twisted sideways. "…Heh heh heh! This is going to be one hell of a honeymoon!" he laughed with a thrill. (End song.)

After Kami's group left, Vweeb dropped down to Kimaya's hat, then to her shoulder. "Wassup, Kimmy-chin!"

"Shorty?!" Kimaya expressed in a whisper.

"The little guy?" Django recognized him from a Gang meeting. "You been here all along?"

"I'll explain in a bit. I need to send a message, but you think you can take out the pilots?"

"Hm, just like old times." Kami smirked, she and her daughter quietly sneaking up to the Kopter drivers.

"So, where you dames wanna head?" a Kopter asked. "How 'bout the Nudist Paradise in Zootopia? Heh, don't worry, we won't tell anyone if ya-" Kami bashed him with her Keyblade and Kimaya shot Gas Bullets up the other one's nose, taking both out as Kami quickly assumed command of the ship.

"Nice work, ladies!" Vweeb cheered. "Now, drive us that way. There's some people we gotta save." (Play "Zoness" from Star Fox.)

Stage 41: Toxic Tides

Mission: Save the Squid Sisters and defeat Ineptune!

Act 1: The Green Sea

After receiving Vweeb's call, Fybi had arrived at an acidic green sea under a similar sky, the noxious smell already infecting her nostrils. Kremling tankers were at work around the area, so she saw no harm in destroying their supply crates and piercing the Krewmen with arrows. She saw movement on the sea as Bitesize leapt up to bite her, Fybi blowing apart the fish and defeating them with weaker arrows. Poison mermaids bent waves up to block the Nimbi, Fybi blowing forcefully to open the waves, electrocuting the water on the way to damage the mermaids.

Fybi noticed searchlights mounted on the water, searching the sky for enemy aircraft. "If those spot me, more vessels may arrive. I shalt make things simpler for my comrades." Fybi shot the searchlights before she could cross their sight. She was nearing an oil refinery, lights mounted around its sides, and she flew around the structure to take them out before shooting one of the weak pillars, causing the refinery to collapse into the sea. Numerous lines of Bazzas shot from the sea up ahead, Fybi maneuvering around the barracudas and having to shoot some down before crashing. Two Bazza lines originated near a floating chest, Fybi swooping down to take it.

Fybi sniped two searchlights through the Bazzas before escaping their field. Jellyfish then leapt out, shooting electro-spheres. They came one at a time, then a horizontal line of jellyfish, a straight line, then a ring, Fybi stylishly flying through the middle and dodging their spheres all the same. A vertical stack of jellies hopped up on her right, Fybi dodging, but she nearly missed the searchlight that had come up behind them, sniping it in time. Two mermaids brought up a wave, which Fybi shot through, and again nearly missed the lights on the sides, her fast reflexes saving her.

The incoming tankers released barrels that rolled along the sea toward Fybi and exploded into fiery spires, the Nimbi shooting some first before they could and proceeding to disable the ships as well. Fybi was nearing a wide force-field, the only way through requiring her to shoot open the central gate, after which small boats shot with cannons, only to be sunk. Fybi neared a force-field with two gates, but she saw the ray of the searchlight behind the right one, opened it, and destroyed. There were three gates, a light behind the left and right ones, so Fybi opened the left and destroyed that one, then swooped to the right to go through while abolishing the light.

To Fybi's amazement, a sea dragon began arching up-and-down out of the surface, seemingly with no hostile intent, so she decided to enjoy herself and run along its arching body. In the process, a treasure chest was snagged on its tail tip! A group of giant four-legged spiders called Kani were gracefully skiing the surface toward Fybi. Normal arrows couldn't damage the first one, but a charged shot took it down, and she did the same for the others before they could dine on her, saving ammo for the searchlights as well.

Fybi entered a region of mini cyclones, carrying spiky Lurchins. Fybi steered clear of them, noting the lights inside some, and only charged shots could breach the cyclones and hit them. Mermaids swam under Fybi and forced up water spires, the first one drenching her before she became wary and evaded. She zapped the water as payback, but Frazzles would then leap out of the water and explode into electrical spheres, Fybi evading the eels. She was nearing a small fleet of tankers, the vessels hiding searchlights, but by blowing them with her strong wind, the ships would collapse the lights. A searchlight was safe in a glass case under a refinery, but by shooting its weak pillar, the structure collapsed and the light with it. "Vweeb's signal is nearing." Fybi observed. "I will dispose of any remaining vessel in hope of a safe retreat." (End song.)

The Gangplank Galleon had already sailed far from where they picked up Cheadle. Kami flew the Krock to the region of ocean Vweeb indicated, hovering the ship just above the water. "Whoa whoa whoa!" Kami yelled in protest. "You want my daughter to dive in THERE?!"

"Relax, it's not as toxic as it looks!" Vweeb assured. "All this poison comes from Ineptune and her merpeople; it's sickening, but it's not lethal, and Kimaya can survive since she's a poisonbend-… Hold on, weren't you dead?"

"Ah was, but now I ain't." Kim shrugged.

"Nice to meet you in the flesh, little bro." Django said.

"Ah… to be honest, this would've been a lot easier if you stayed dead."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" they all shouted.

"Relax, she can still survive down there! In this kind of water, she'll be as nimble as a waterbender. Just… don't ingest too much."

"Sigh… a'ight, little man." Kimaya took off her hat and boots.

"Kimaya, you can't be serious!" her mother shouted.

"Why not? We was gonna turn against the Krew, anyway, better now than never. But if you don't want to, that's cool, too."

"Grr… well, you're not going without me! I'll hide in my Infi-Cube and you can bring me down!"

"Sounds chill to me! Wanna come too, Djang?"

"I'm kinda powerless without my guitar." Django blushed. "I'll just stay guard here with Shorty."

"If any operatives received my message, we should hopefully see backup in a bit. Enjoy your mother/daughter salvaging!" Vweeb winked.

With a sigh, Kami placed Kimaya's discarded clothes in the Cube and jumped in as well. Kimaya picked it up and dove into the toxic sea. She blew an air bubble to keep her breath, the tainted waters already making her skin itch and eyes blurry. However, she noticed a mass deep undersea, thinking it must be Ineptune's base. She swam fluently as a mermaid, the currents moving to her whim—"AAAAH!" Kimaya was not expecting to breach the barrier of a tremendous air bubble, which seemed to cover the entire fortress. She took a hundred-foot fall, but was saved by the softness of a mountain of garbage, tumbling down the filth and landing on a foothold.

Kami jumped out of the Cube with a gasp. "Kimaya, I heard screaming! Are you o…kay?" Kami took in the surroundings with repulse: Ineptune's fortress was built with massive pieces of garbage, forming the most horrible smell to ever infect Kami's nose. "This is where… Ineptune lives?!"

Kimaya helped herself up, brushing garbage off. "Good thing you brought mah boots." She took her footwear out of the Cube and slipped them on. "Ah well, I hang out in a sewer, anyway. This place feels riiiiiight at home!" She took a big whiff, scratching her armpits.

"Please, let this be the end." Kami prayed. "After this war is over, please let us live happily, God."

"Yo, Ma, just chill." Kimaya patted her hip. "Ain't it good enough that I'm alive?"

"No, nothing is ever enough, I want you alive, I want to get you caught up with school, and we probably have to adopt Django or something…"

"How about we just worry about that later… and go beat up a mermaid bitch?"

Kami sighed again. Her daughter's easy-going attitude was as intoxicating as this base. "Yes… let's go beat up a mermaid… y'know."

"Yeah, I definitely stronger than you." (Play "Shell City Dead Ahead" from Spongebob Movie!)

Act 2: Garbage City

To cross a pit of scummy water to the next platform, Kimaya shot a Gas Bomb to take down a standing, giant toothbrush, the top end landing on the other platform to serve as a bridge. Poison mermaids saw them cross, using acid whips to hold rusted swords and lash the two from a safe range. Kimaya twirled her Keyblade-guns and shot them, stunning the mermaids enough for Kami to approach and bash them unconscious. They saw the wheel of a giant bike sticking out of the sludge river, its metal bindings completely broken and misshaped to form rails. Kami waited in the Cube while Kimaya withdrew her skateboard to grind and jump the rails, which fell over from her weight and required quick jumping.

The last rail was bent down to the sludge, but Kimaya fortunately landed on a can platform, Kami coming out. They noticed a Snapjaw swimming in the water, a vicious piranha that could gulp them in one bite, so even if swimming was an option, there was no fighting that thing. There were giant toilet paper rolls suspended around the river, so the ladies carefully jumped the whirling footholds. They landed on the inside of the fallen side of a toaster, looking up at the side still standing. Electric currents traveled along its wiring, so they made sure to avoid them while climbing up. Kimaya noticed a platform with a chest behind some wires, so she snagged it and quickly rejoined her mother.

From the toaster's top, they jumped to a platform, above which a fat merman floated on an inner-tube. The merman spewed a powerful stream of barf, Kimaya determinedly holding it back with her bending while Kami ran underneath and batted the merman toward the edge, afterwards thrusting her Keyblade up to flip its tube over and make him fall in the sludge. "Somethin' Ah don't git: if you a member of this Krew, why all these guys attackin' us?" Kimaya asked. "What if you're here for a meeting?"

"Maybe this is how this branch treats visitors." Kami shrugged. Pencils were bobbing up-and-down from the sludge, remaining vertical as they could thankfully jump their weathered eraser tops. Lockjaws leapt up to munch the erasers, resulting in weaker footholds. The ladies managed to cross them regardless and landed on the seat of an enormous toilet. Sadly, there was nowhere else to go from there. "Good Lord, Kimaya, please don't go in there."'

"I ain't trust you to do it." Kimaya held the Infi-Cube and glared at her mother in a way that said, 'Just get in the damn Cube.' Kami moaned in dismay and did so. Kimaya held her breath tighter than ever and dove in the toilet, swimming through a tunnel. A current pushed her, Kimaya having to maneuver around giant shaving razors with blood on them; just as well, there were dead fish pieces. She resurfaced within a large chamber and sought refuge on the lid of a floating plastic cup. Snapjaw found its way in the room, so Kimaya had to jump the lids, holding back the spews of fat Barfmen. She then had to swing some thin, hanging strings, the origins of which she didn't want to know.

Kimaya swung out of the pipeline and onto a safe ground, Kami climbing out as her daughter bent the filth off herself. They were at the base of a mountain of normal-size garbage. Kami took the first step, her foot sinking into the garbage—"AH!" She fell back, feeling something stab through her shoe.

"Ma, you alright?!"

"Yeah… Something sharp was hidden under the trash."

Kimaya used her bending to press the trash in, revealing the needles hidden throughout. She kept it pressed as they climbed up the safe spots around the spikes. The duo had to cross an open, mostly clear path, but alarms went off as large cannons locked on them from the distant sides of the garbage canyon. The cannonballs were clusters of garbage that exploded into shrapnel, cutting the ladies. Kimaya tried to grab some of the clusters and throw them off, though most of them came too quickly. There were twin watchtowers at the end of the path, Krackshot Krocks using laser rifles to push them back. "Looks like we're past the point of a friendly greeting." Kami figured, her daughter catching the cannonballs to throw at the towers and defeat the snipers.

The ladies could proceed into a safe, trenched path, Kimaya removing any poisonous contaminants that had been cut into their skin. The path led to an enclosed field with multiple pillars of stacked, broken shopping carts. The area was chi-blocked, preventing Kimaya from cheating, and a magic barrier indicated the need of a key. The ladies examined each cart stack, careful not to touch their pointed bars, until Kami found the key within some carts. She carefully squeezed her hand between the bars without touching their points and got the key out with some struggling. Past the barrier, the girls came to a rusted tower, looking up to the seat of a colossal bike. "Why do you think all this giant junk is down here?" Kami asked.

"K. Rool's got a big booty, maybe this is his shit."

"You know what, I'm perfectly fine with that headcanon." The ladies clasped the rusted surface and disgustedly began to climb. Kami noticed which parts were loose and advised her daughter to climb around them. Puftups were floating around the tower via bubble rings, and would explode into spikes if they saw the ladies. They were able to make it up, but had no way of getting onto the bike seat. So, Kimaya simply reached up and pushed its underside: despite its size, the loose seat easily tilted from her push and fell off, splashing and floating in the water. They could drop down and possibly ride it, but Kami first called attention to the giant handles of the bike: a shadowy bird person appeared to be chained to the furthest handle, flapping helplessly.

A slope stretched down from the seat pole, so Kimaya could ride her skateboard down and use the momentum to jump to the closest handle. She trekked up and crossed the center to the furthest handle, reaching the top of its slanted end. The bird person was Tsukuyomi, the Revertified U.A. hero desperately flapping his arms as he thought he was a real bird, if only the chi-blocking chains didn't restrain his power. Kimaya bashed him unconscious before freeing him, storing him in the Cube.

She returned to her mother as both made the great jump to the bike seat, which softened their landing. Kimaya blew gas in the opposite direction to make the seat float. Kimaya maneuvered around floating mines and Kami protected her from Poppers that shot slimeballs from platforms, batting their projectiles back at them. They parked the boat at a shore near the base of the main tower, seeing a flagpole at the top and Ineptune's submarine docked. Alarms went off again, and a large cannon took aim at them from the tower, controlled by a Gooper Blooper. The squid imbued the cannon with his ink and fired a beam of the blackness, Kimaya repelling it with her bending. She was almost overwhelmed, but managed to block it until the beam wore off.

The ladies hurried up the shore, batting away Shuries that spun out of garbage piles, and three more mermaids whipped rusted swords at them, Kimaya grabbing their poison in her own bending to take their swords, leaving them open to attack. The ladies were blocked by the wall of a giant cardboard box, but Kimaya easily tore down its wet, withered surface. They crossed the floor of the box's inside—Kimaya fell through a soft spot, Kami grabbing her daughter. After being pulled up, Kimaya got down and hung her head in the hole: the box was situated on a snaky path, with everyplace else dangerous to step on. They memorized the safe path and crossed along it. Of course, Kim remembered seeing a chest under one of the spots and fell through it, taking her loot.

Upon exiting the box, Gooper Blooper fired another Ink Beam, Kimaya impulsively blocking it. Two Barfmen spewed gushes of their own, adding more of a strain to Kimaya, so Kami ran to knock the mermen over the edge before flipping their floaties. The weakened pressure helped Kimaya hold out long enough for the beam to stop. They reached the area under the wide tower, and the only way up was to climb hanging toilet paper rolls. Of course, the paper would easily unravel under their weight, but they were covered with sludge, allowing Kimaya to hold them in place telekinetically. Unfortunately, this meant Kami had to climb them and unlock a way for Kim to come up.

With great repulse, Kami grabbed the first sludge-covered roll and climbed. At the top, she could jump to grab the next and so on, being wary of the faucets spilling sludge between the rolls. Kami reached a platform on the side of the tower, flipping a lever to lower an elevator to bring her daughter up. Kimaya bent the sludge off Kami's hands and joined her to the roof, where the Blooper panicked at their presence. Its face slathered with ink, it spat globs at the girls, Kimaya catching and tossing them. When the Blooper slammed its tentacles, the girls dodged as Kami stabbed them, stunning them as Kimaya ran closer to bend the ink off its face. Kim clasped the Blooper's nose and pulled as far back as she could before it snapped free, injuring the squid.

The Blooper surrounded itself in ink before whipping tentacles furiously. Kimaya shot his face, prompting Gooper to rub it, after which she could shoot the tentacles. When it was stunned enough, Kim told Kami to run up and tug its nose, while the daughter held onto a tentacle. "What're you doing, Kimaya?"

"I know this from a game, I bet it's a secret!" Trusting her daughter, Kami pulled the nose tight enough before it snapped free—overcome with pain, Gooper Blooper flew to the sky, arching over the flagpole as it fell to the river. Kimaya let go just then and could hit the top of the pole, swapping the Kremling logo with a gold 'Kimmy-Kam' flag. The Squid Sisters were trapped in capsules on the flag's platform, Kimaya breaking them free. (End song.)

"Thank goodness, rescuers!" Callie beamed. "Are you guys KND?"

"Kremling Krew." Kami replied.

"Oh, so this is a prison transfer?" Marie asked.

"No, we was asked to save you by Vweeb!" Kimaya clarified. "We kinda… betrayin' the Krew."

"As I SUSPECTED!" The group gasped when Ineptune flew up on a bubble floatie. "I grew wary of you the moment Kroctus let you in the Krew, Kami!"

"Is that why your guards were attacking us?!"

"Yes! It seems they 'mistakenly' distinguished you as an intruder, and what a happy accident it was. You attacked my fish and freed my prisoners. Oh, Kroctus is going to be so disappointed in you. But I'll make sure you won't have the strength to do any further damage! DEFLATE THE BUBBLE!"

A pipe rose from the tower, sucking in the air as the bubble covering the valley began shrinking. The shrinking stopped when the bubble was only wide enough to cover the roof, Ineptune retreating to the waters. "I'm not going to drown you dearies, but I'll make you sick to your stomachs!"

"Not before Ah make you sick first!" Kimaya jumped into the water as well, swimming after the mermistress.

"Kimaya!" Kami tried to chase, but stopped herself from touching the liquid. "Darn it… can you girls survive in this?"

"We can't swim." The squids chorused.

"But you're squids!"

"Wait, we can use this cannon!" Callie indicated the Ink Cannon the Blooper was using. "We'll pump it with our own ink just like the Blooper was doing. Its force might be strong enough to go through the water without the ink fading."

"Then use it. I won't let Kimaya handle this on her own." (Play "Puftoss" from DK64!)

Boss fight: Kremling Sea Queen, INEPTUNE

Ineptune spat toxic Bubble Bombs, Kimaya swimming around them en route to the mermaid. She caught some of the bombs and threw them back, Ineptune enduring and blowing Kimaya away with a current. Ineptune called up the giant trash from the seafloor, whirling it around herself and shooting one piece at a time. Kimaya dodged a giant can, a giant bottle, and a little less trash surrounded Ineptune with each throw. She channeled chi to her Keyblades, so when a toaster was thrown, Kimaya shot a charged double-shot, enough force to blow the toaster back at Ineptune, bashing her on the head and dizzying her.

"She's stunned! Let's shoot her with that Ink Cannon!" Kami told the Inklings. Callie and Marie pumped said cannon with their ink and took aim at Ineptune. The combined Ink Beam pierced the water and struck the mermaid directly, giving her a mouthful of ink before she escaped. The beam slowly faded as the ink was soon dispersed by the currents.

"You've crossed the line now, Callie! I'll gas you for good!" Ineptune swam far away from Kimaya and began to mold a Gas Nuke. As Kimaya swam to the queen, Puftups tried to intercept and explode on her, the cowgirl quickly shooting them away. The Gas Nuke had grown to Ineptune's size by the time she arrived, but one more Puftup tried to ram her, so Kimaya bent a current to throw the fish into the nuke. Kimaya was blown away by the explosive force while Ineptune seemed to suffer the most damage.

Ineptune whirled her arms and conjured a thin, snakelike cyclone, stretching it to catch Kimaya and spin her rapidly. She sent Bubble Bombs up the cyclone to burst against Kimaya, so the cowgirl pushed her arms against the current to block any further bombs with her bending, causing them to explode against each other and burst the cyclone. Kim escaped, reorganizing her mind and evading the next round of bombs. Ineptune then chose to suck in her own bombs, exploding inside her stomach as she spewed a powerful Barf Beam.

Kimaya took the vomit head-on, swimming against its current in attempt to bend it back to the source. Ineptune spewed with more pressure, but Kimaya was determined, pushing back no matter how much came, and was finally able to shove it all back down Ineptune's throat. The mermaid choked on her own vomit, struggling to swallow as she was rendered helpless. However, she noticed the sisters locking the Ink Cannon, so Ineptune swam around, hoping to confuse them, but because of her predicament, Kimaya could stop Ineptune with her bending, allowing the squids to score another face-full of ink.

Ineptune swam to the seafloor and squeezed herself in the toilet Kimaya swam into earlier. She carried the toilet up, wearing it like armor as she willed sludge to shoot out of the box and fly at Kimaya. Bullets or bombs wouldn't penetrate the toilet, but Kimaya noticed a plunger on the seafloor. While she swam to grab it, Ineptune faced the toilet's underside at the air bubble, intending to drown the traitorous girls with a Dung Cannon. Kimaya swam faster and lifted the giant plunger by bending the currents, growing worried as Ineptune was nearly done charging her attack. Luckily, she was able to get the plunger into the toilet hole in time, thrusting it in-and-out before Ineptune was forced out of her armor.

Kimaya pelted her face with Gas Bombs, Ineptune recovering and whacking her away with a flip of the tail. Ineptune began to spin, speed and momentum increasing as she became a Whale Torpedo. She shot at Kim, who knew her only hope was to dodge, but Ineptune was quick on the rebound. Kimaya combined Gas Rocket with kicks to swim as fast as possible, barely staying away from her pursuer and dodging when necessary. She noticed the Ink Cannon was ready for another shot, so she swam straight for the turret. Ineptune swam after as always, the world spinning too fast to notice the trap. When the ink fired, Kimaya dodged with aquatic nimbleness, the ink directly smothering Ineptune's face.

Kimaya entered the bubble to catch her breath, but once refueled, she returned to swimming. Ineptune decided to keep a far distance away from Kimaya, sending bubble torpedoes of condensed gas. Kimaya linked her Keyblades together into a sniper, shooting fast, small, but deadly Gas Bullets to Ineptune's face. The mermaid continued swimming to evade, Kimaya avoiding her torpedoes and landing a headshot whenever she could. Ineptune ultimately decided to bend up murk from the depths as she swam to Kimaya, surrounding them both in filthy fog. Kimaya suffered Bubble Bombs from her enemy in the darkness, using her bending to spread the murk apart as she traced Ineptune to where the bombs came from.

Kimaya could vaguely make out Ineptune's bulky form and swam toward, grabbing hold of the tail. Ineptune aggressively tried to shake her off, but Kim held firmly with the left hand and shot up at her rear with the right Key-gun. Ineptune did a flip and brought Kim up to her hands, binding the girl's arms and bringing her to her face for a direct Barf Beam. However, Kim was one step ahead: she had already inhaled some of the murk, holding the awful churning sensation in her stomach, and then threw up right into Ineptune's mouth. Ineptune winced, but tried to send it back with her own puke, and the two were in a shoving contest between their vomit.

Kimaya kicked her feet to bend the other surrounding murk to Ineptune's mouth as well. Ineptune decided to squeeze the breath out of the puny human, but those below could determine their location through the murk by how it was stirring. The Inklings fired a weaker blast for safety's sake, striking Kimaya by accident, but it freed the human and forced her out of the murk. Kimaya quickly swam down to the bubble to refuel her breath, but Ineptune was gathering all the murk to create a twister. "You wasted your shot, dearies!" Ineptune called from the center, forcing the twister down.

Kimaya stabbed her belly with a Keyblade to unlock Poison Fury. With her enhanced bending, she grabbed the twister and used even greater strength to hold it back. "Can you use that thing again?"

"Yeah, we only used a weak shot." Callie replied. "Give us time to pump up." The cousins hurriedly began pumping the cannon with every last ounce of ink in their veins. Puftups swam in to thwart Kimaya's resistance, Kami batting the puffers away. Kim applied more power to open a tunnel through the water and murk, revealing an agro Ineptune. The mermaid spat Gas Bombs down, Kimaya enduring their explosions as she was determined to keep the tunnel open. "FIRE!" The Ink Cannon unloaded once again, and with less water to obstruct it, Ineptune swallowed a heavier mouthful. Her control of the murk weakened, so Kimaya quickly swam up to shove the murk into her mouth.

Choking on her own trash, Kimaya shoved both Keyblades into her mouth and fired, puffing her cramped stomach with Gas Bombs. A sick and dizzy Ineptune sank to the sea bottom with seemingly no will left to fight. (End song.)

Kimaya returned to the bubble and turned off her Fury, receiving a grateful hug from her mother. "Sigh…honestly, I just brought you to life, haven't you been a reckless hero enough?"

"Meh, I can go another quest."

"Not while I'm around. Sigh…at least we won. We can get out of here on her ship."

"Sorry, Lady Ineptune." Callie said. "But I'm calling our deal off."

"About time." Marie smiled and nodded.

The group boarded the Rusty Angler, taking down any pirates onboard and driving it to the surface. Vweeb and Django gasped seeing the submarine rise, expecting the worst. "Vweeb! Django!" Kami waved to them from the outer walkway.

"Hey, they made it!" Vweeb cheered. "Looks like they won!"

The boys climbed onto the submarine, Django sharing a high-five with his friend. "HOLY CHURROS, you reek!" Django yelped. "Man, I forgot how awful having a nose was!"

"Weren't as bad as smelling yo' rotting breath!" Kimaya raised her arm and held her pit close to him.

"Haha, okay, kids." Kami chuckled. "Let's leave before any more ships show up."

"Haaaaaark!" An angelic voice called at them from the distance. The group saw a bird-like figure flying across the sea.

"It's Fybi!" Vweeb recognized. "Yo, Fybs, this is Vweeb, I'm with Mrs. Heartly on this ship!"

"Thine message reacheth my ears!" Fybi replied to her com. "I canst not wait to regroup with-" A tremendous fish exploded from the sea, swallowing Fybi as easily as a fly.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" The group froze horrified at her sudden fate.

"Hm hm hwa ha ha…" The island-size brown fish lay flat on the surface, the movement of its gaping mouth emphasizing every word. "And where do you tiny things think you're going?"

"I-I-I…Ineptune?!" Callie stuttered.

"She never changed into this before!" Kami exclaimed.

"With my Fish-Fish Fruit, Ulysses Model, my enemies have never looked more small. I will devour you all like simple krill. Then, I will swim right back to Inkopolis and munch on every last Inkling, as PUNISHMENT for your rebellion, Callie!" (Play "Old Ulysses" from American Dad!)

Ulysses submerged beneath the sea, her ominous shadow visible as it swam away. "Time to go!" Kami yelled, running inside and stamping the gas pedal. The ship sped away as Ulysses flew to the sky, intending to flatten the ship, but it got out of range as the waves pushed it further away. "Yo Ma, there's a harpoon!" Kimaya noticed. "Help me aim at 'er!" Kami nodded, steering the sub to get the front part aimed at Ulysses. The titanic demon sped for the sub, ready to welcome the whole thing in its throat. Kimaya saw her uvula, so when Ulysses was close enough, she hit it directly with the harpoon. Ulysses gagged and reeled back, and Kimaya pulled the harpoon back.

Kami drove them away when Ulysses whirled her tail. Ulysses flipped repeatedly, sending massive gushes of poison at the ship. Kami turned consistently to evade the poison, Kimaya twisting the harpoon to aim at her. Ulysses submerged and swam toward the ship, her top fin visible. She circled them calmly, rising and sparing a sideways glance to Kimaya, stunning her terribly. Vweeb gasped, crawling up to her arm to tickle underneath, while Ulysses submerged and flipped the ship into the air. Its front faced down at her waiting mouth, but Vweeb's action helped Kimaya recover in time to grab the harpoon and shoot, hitting the uvula. Ulysses' mouth snapped shut and the submarine bounced off, thankfully landing upright.

Ulysses swam underwater, releasing Two-Ton Dung that floated to the surface and surrounded them. She then swam a far distance to fling more of the giant dung, but Kimaya could grab and toss them aside as Kami maneuvered them out of the filthy reefs. Ulysses swam to where they would exit and flipped to smash them under her tail, but Kimaya grabbed two of the dungs and hurled to push the tail back. Ulysses flipped back upright, flinging them onto her back as they slid down the side. Ulysses swam underwater and past the floating dung, a titanic wave rising to wash them away, carrying the dung up with it.

"Kimaya, hold your breath! And the harpoon!" Kami yelled, submerging the sub underwater to avoid the wave. Ulysses charged to ram them, not expecting them to use the harpoon underwater, but she was wrong as Kimaya was still able to aim and shoot the left eye. Ulysses retreated and the sub returned to surface. Ulysses resurfaced, using only one eye as it swam circles around the sub. A maelstrom was created, growing deeper and faster as her enemies whirled around, Kami struggling for control and Kimaya unable to aim at her. Ulysses swam up from under the ship and flipped her tail to fling them to the other side, the sub splashing top-first in the current. Kami frantically steered to turn them upright, thankful that her daughter was hanging on. Ulysses swam around at whipping speed, ready to devour the ship for good, but even upside-down, Kimaya was able to shoot the harpoon at her uvula.

Kami got them right-side-up and resurfaced. Ulysses was coming from underneath, mouth open, but Kami sped away before it could snap shut. Ulysses emerged, dropping multiple Two-Ton Dung and willing them to rotate above her. She launched them at the ship, Kami turning to dodge, and Kimaya caught one in her bending and stuck it to the harpoon. When the attack concluded, Ulysses submerged and came out behind the sub, ready to munch it from the harpoon's blind spot. Kimaya stuck her Keyblades into the dung and pumped it with poison, turning it into a throbbing Gas Bomb. Ulysses was seconds from snacking, but with a tight turn on Kami's part, the ship did a 180 at the same time Kimaya fired. Ulysses gagged on her own dung, and it also exploded as Kimaya intended. (End song.)

Her sickness having reached its peak, Ulysses fell on her side and fainted. Fybi flew out of her open mouth, landing on the submarine and blowing off the filth. "Didst thou hath to use such means whilst I was in thither?!"

"Eh, sorry." Kimaya blushed. "But hey, at least you ain't hurt."

"Verily. Now, shalt we sail to rejoin my comrades?"

"Sounds good to me." Kami replied, walking out. "But YOU, young lady, need a bath! Let's look for one in here." She dragged her daughter by the arm, the others chuckling.

"But what happened to the chancellor?" Callie asked.

"She was taken by Kroctus." Vweeb replied. "He, uh… he has an interesting proposition for her. Luckily, I stuck a tiny tracker inside her nose, so I can trace her. Maybe we can send the group we were originally planning to have fight Ineptune…"

Hideout Helm

"Baron Klammy?" The ghost of Specter entered the control room, finding the vice-King mashing the keyboard. "I think I've figured out a way we can shoot the Revert-O-Matic to distant worlds. I've taken some of Skaios' blood; given his power to fly across galaxies in seconds, I believe it can enable the cannon to fire such distances."

"Have you now? That would make things much easier for us." Klammy replied. "Unfortunately, the machine is still glitching because of that wretched Resetti figure. Do me a favor and see if you can sort it out. Kroctus wants me to meet him at the laboratory." The younger Rool pushed himself up and walked past Specter. "He's made the 'proposal' to the chancellor. …And it seems like his deductions were on point."

Specter cocked a curious brow, watching as the door sealed behind him. The ape seated himself at the controls, and with a few strokes of the keys, he smiled. "There. Not too difficult. Now… let's change perspectives a little bit." The screen displayed outer space. "Which star is Milky Way… there we are." It targeted the star. "Zoom in just a teeny bit closer… and where is Adams Tech…"


"Chimney! Viking ship sighted at the port-bow!" Aisa reported.

"Nyeh? Only one? Oi, these guys are a little too desperate for their own good."

"We'd better prepare to shoot it down just in case." Apis replied.

The other crewmen viewed the incoming ship with only slight concern, hoping it would be as easy to take down as they thought. But as Judy Hopps studied the ship, she noticed the flag it was flying: black, with a white, elegant 'B.' "Wait… that symbol. Guys, I know who they are! HEEEY! OVER HERE!" The rabbit hopped on the railing, waving to the ship.

"OI, Inferior Gonbe, what're you doing?!" Chimney shouted.

"It's okay, those guys are friendly! That's Mr. Big's symbol!"

"Who's Mr. Big?" Aisa asked.

"I'll explain later, just don't shoot them! Heeey! It's me, Judy!"

"I hope she's right about this." Aeincha said worriedly. "No one calls their self 'Mr. Big' without a reason."

Judy's hopes were proven true as the approaching ship didn't attack. It turned and lined up parallel with the Rocketship. Some polar bears laid a plank to connect the boats, Judy and the operatives crossing over. Aeincha whimpered in fear as the tallest bear stepped forward, thinking for certain that was Mr. Big. Then, the bear revealed something in his paws: a mouse in a tuxedo. "Well, I'll be iced… You really managed to escape, Judy. I had a feeling you would."

"Oh, Mr. Big, it's so good to see you!"

"I don't think he had a reason, Aeincha." Apis replied awkwardly.

"Who's this weird gerbil?" Chimney asked.

"CHIMNEY!" her friends screamed in panic.

"Mr. Big is a friend of mine!" Judy replied. "You're the reason I wasn't Revertified, aren't you?"

"Correct. I couldn't refuse the Kremlings' 'offer,' but they are surprisingly negotiable. These crocodiles are giving us criminals free reign, but even I didn't want this for the planet. Seeing you free, Judy, gives me less incentive to work for them."

"Does that mean you'll help us?" Apis asked.

"Hold up, Sweet Cheeks. I ain't lookin' to make an enemy of the Kremlings, either. How can you guarantee that you can beat K. Rool and stop everything he's doing?"

"Our friends have a plan to reverse everything he's done to the Mobians." Aisa replied. "Those same people have beaten up a ton of Kremlings up to now, and they'll definitely beat K. Rool! If you could see them in action, you'd be blown away!"

"It's true, Mr. Big." Judy said. "I saw it myself, these kids took down three Kommanders!"

"That's mighty impressive… but even if you can stop their plans now, crushing the Krew for good is a different story. A powerful group like this just doesn't end casually. If they know I betrayed them, they'll remember my face, my family's face. I'd like to stay on good terms with them… so, how can I do that if I'm helping you?"

"Mr. Big! The Mogeko ship is coming!" the crow's nest bear yelled.

"Huh?!" Judy gasped. The girls looked to where he pointed, seeing the metal warship growing from the horizon.

From the Kremlin's deck, the Nyakuza Empress was viewing them with a telescope. "My, my… is Mr. Big socializing with the enemy? I don't see any gunfire."

"Mmm, Kitty Rool sure isn't gonna like this." Moge-ko cooed. "Should I just hit them with the Mega Screamer?"

"Not yet. I want first dibs."

Mr. Big viewed through his own mini telescope. "Darn it… that yakuza bitch is always trying to 1-up me. She probably already decided I'm a traitor."

"Don't worry, we can take them!" Aisa promised. "Just wait!" She rushed back to their ship and ran in the cabin. "April! Wake up!" She shook her slumbering friend, April gasping awake. "Moge-ko is coming!"


"Yeah. So, were you able to get in contact with Madotsuki?"

"Yep." April smiled and flicked her head. "She's ready to fight whenever. All I have to do is let Moge-ko use her attack on me."

"Sweet! Catgirl won't know what hit her!"