
Next in line to the Primordial

BluRog · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 21 : Offer

As Cain stared at this blonde man who had blue eyes the person spoke in a authoritative tone

"The guildmaster wants to speak with you , she asked you to come meet her now , so now follow me " Cain hearing this asked

"Is it really important , it's getting late . I mean its evening now can I meet her tomorrow" Cain said this because he wanted to avoid meeting that woman at all costs as she was a mage and also an Expert Rank , so she may examine him to find out his identity . The Blonde man sighed and spoke

"Sighh... , What is wrong with you , Its the guildmaster calling , even the top adventurers never say no . Just follow me " Cain nodded an followed as they went to the Guildmaster's office.

As Cain entered the office , he looked around the office . It had a modern appeal to it . In the middle with a glass wall to the back the Guildmaster sat as she was examining some documents. There were huge racks of books around the walls , there was another desk where the blonde person sat down . Cain sat on a sofa as he waited for the guildmaster to finish her work.

After some time , Olivia observed Cain for sometime then spoke

"I called you here so that we can take you under our wing" Cain a little confused asked


"After you're registration test Ryken spoke with me , he also told that you have great potential . And during the Meet Martin had already guessed that , he even told you're likely a criminal who escaped and came to live a new life .We technically don't care about you're past .So how about it ?" Cain more confused asked

"First i'm already in the adventurer guild so i'm technically under you and i may be little talented in swordsmanship but i'm nowhere near Mr.Usagi's skills" Listening to this Olivia took out a contract and asked Cain to sign it .

Cain looked at the contract carefully , Basically what it meant was that whatever they would speak in this room would not be spoken outside anywhere and if spoken the person would be imprisoned and without a proper reason would be killed.

Cain looked at Olivia who said

"I'll make sure you won't have any problems just sigh it" Cain then signed the contract and gave it back to Olivia as she spoke

"The Adventurer's guild is an international organization with its headquarters at URF , while most of the adventurers are registered to their countries branch . If You get my approval you can join the international branch . Almost all the strongest people are registered to it , here me & Ryuken are registered and my disciple is applying this year" Cain then inturrupted her to say

"I have goals which i want to achieve in life but if i join this organization i most likely won't be able to achieve it"

Olivia looked at him at disdain and spoke

"You are strong , and i don't know how you can control mana cause when i peek to see your mana veins they are not normal .So it's likely you have a special body constitution , so my guess is You will surely be strong and surpass me in strength , i'm telling this because even Ryken feels the same .

This organization only calls its members in moments of dire need such as if a Calamity Level beast tries to destroy countries to subdue them or when two primordials fight to protect the surroundings, for only this you will get all sorts of benefits such as all information will be available to you prior to others , the whole archive of books from the International Adventurers Council , item or herbs locations and aid if in a financial difficulty . What is your goal depending on that we can help you also ? " Olivia and her disciple glared at Cain as he spoke

"This i'll decide later can you give all the terms of working for this organization to me . I will tell the decision later" Cain dogged the question and replied . Olivia hearing this in a angry tone spoke

"Many people work their lives to get into this organization , It's widely known in the top 4 empires ,in other kingdoms all high officials know . They restrict information as they don't want to loose talent and yearly we can take only 10 people . From which i can choose 3 people and you're one of them . Think wisely " Olivia said this as she used some type of telekinetic magic to take some files and give it to Cain , Cain then spoke

"How are other 7 chosen? and what will you get in return by choosing me or to put it straight what do you want ?"

"4 by the President of the adventurers guilds of this kingdom and 3 by the king of Wulfruric . Well i chose you because I think you'll make it to the top positions and also because of Martin's hunch , he has weirdly accurate hunches . So I might as well get a connection to the top " Olivia looked at Cain as she sneered at him and continued

"Well also there is some bastard going around and clearing levels of dungeons which weren't explored for years , so i thought I might as well help him , gaining a connection with him" Cain for a moment didn't show any reaction but then he looked surprised and asked

"Who all are clearing whole levels by themselves ?! , Mostly the top 2 parties may have teamed up" Olivia looked at him in irritation and signaled him to leave as she spoke

"Liam , accompany him as he goes out"

"Yeah "

Liam the blonde person walked with Cain as he was about to leave Liam asked.

"What's your goal ?" Cain with a smile spoke

"Being jobless , rich and marrying a beautiful wife who is obsessed about me " hearing this Liam showed a look of disappointment and spoke

"Tsk "

"Well each man has his own dreams " Cain said as he left.


After some time passed as Cain left Liam asked Olivia

"Is it really the right choice teach , even if Mr.Dustberg thinks highly of him and he shows some skills he seems very shallow"

"Liam Peterson , this is why you need experience to judge people . Do you know when i mentioned about the levels of dungeons being cleared he looked at me as he wanted to kill me but that look vanished just in a second"

"What !? I think you're getting old and having delusions , even the A ranks here look at you in fear"

"Tsk , brat don't make him you're enemy if you want to live . He has eyes of a Mad Beast which destroys things while also protects .For no reason whatsoever but if we become it's enemy at the least it will drag us to hell with us . He wouldn't have held back and attacked me now , even if he is afraid and weak but he is trying to hide from someone , more dangerous than me so didn't want to drag attention"

"Yeah yeah , you are right about the mad part but he looks like a shallow coward "

"He is most likely the person who cleared the 4th level of the Mynard Dungeon , I know you don't like his attitude but deal with it you can get a great ally" Liam was a little taken aback as Olivia continued

"Just what did you bring to this city Martin , I'm sure he isn't a human now as i've seen him closely. Sighh..."


Cain back at his room in the Tavern

"Time to read"

Liam Peterson Charecter art in comments

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