
Next Gen

Every Family has it's faults and being raised by an MC just adds to the fuckery

Akvirtherivv · Realistic
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21 Chs

The Trio Explained

The Trio became known as such when Rena was born in August of '95 and a month later in September Temika was born. October came and that brought Erik into the fold.

Growing up every time one of them did something the other two followed shortly after. When Temika was potty trained the other two would not let her out do them and quickly became potty trained as well. When Erik was the first to learn to walk: not to be outdone the two girls learned to run before walking. When Rena learned to read; the other two quickly followed suit determined not to be left behind.

Somewhere along the way wanting to out do one another turned into friendship and helping each other. The first incident was in preschool at the age of five. The club learned that children are tiny little assholes. It turned out some of the kids made fun of Temika because of her skin. Rena and Erik ended up beating those kids up.

When they were seven Erik got made fun of by the other boys for hanging out with two girls. Those group of boys quickly learned that two girls can and will beat them up.

At the age of ten Rena was both made fun of by the girls in school for being a nerd and chased after by the boys for being an early developer. Not by much but enough to make ten year old boys notice her. Temika chased the girls done and through hair pulling and a few well placed punches after school hours. They left her best friend alone. Erik easily chased off any boy that dared to look at his two best friends by learning and perfecting his "I will fucking kill you if you come anywhere near me or my girls" look.

Of course as puberty hit that changed things between the three of them. But instead of pulling them apart the three of them became even closer. Because to them it only seemed natural for the three of them to be each others first for everything. At fifteen they became a triad together and there was never a bit of jealousy between them. Unless it was an outsider that tried to get involved.

At sixteen they stayed as a weird triad friendship but they each went off to have their own relationships with other people. But they knew each others secrets and still they stuck together. When Erik and Rena became an item at eighteen Temika was the only girl allowed either one of them that Rena wasn't jealous of.

So when Erik and Rena accidently ended up married in Vegas with Temika in their bed with them. It was not questioned but laughed about and became the long standing joke of husband, wife and mistress. They had never held jealousy between the two woman and Erik loved them both. Rena he was in love with and Temika was just understood to always be there.

Anyone who seek out Temika as a partner soon learned that where Temika went Rena followed. Where Rena went there was bound to be Erik. So when they were twenty six and Temika said she found a man. It was not a question of if he was good enough for her but if he would be like the others who called them freaks for their strange polygamy triad friendship.

When he did nothing but accept it as a part of what made Temika so special it was with smiling faces and happiness that he was brought into the fold. So when said man was running late one night and Temika found Rena being held by Erik that she cried.

When asked why she was crying she stated that she was so happy to have found someone that gad accepted her family. That lead to Rena promptly leaving Erik and engulfing the dark skinned beauty into her embrace. Erik thought nothing of it as his arms snaked around Temikas waist and held her to him as Rena held her.

They were a strange trio and things were changing but they would always have one another. When Tim; Temikas boyfriend came in apologizing for being late. It was a testament of his love for Temika that he didn't even bat an eye to find her squished between the two other and they were all slightly swaying to the music playing.