
Next Gen

Every Family has it's faults and being raised by an MC just adds to the fuckery

Akvirtherivv · Realistic
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21 Chs

Mother to all?

The first thing Princess notices was that she was not the most intelligent in her family or the most artistic. No, Wired and the others proved that easily. The second thing she noticed was that if no one reminded those fools to eat like she did they would have all starved to death years ago. The third thing she noticed was that none of them had a mom anymore. It wasn't that their moms were never there. It was just that they all either died or left and she didn't know which one made her more sad.

The twins were adopted and had two dads; so really they didn't count but she noticed they had been the very first to refer to her as mom. Wired and Silver's mom walked out on them in favor of finding her next fix. Tiny's mom had died during labor and so had ClickIt's.

Jay-Bird was Teta's half brother and their mom was too busy favoring her other children from her new marriage to look after them all that much. Shapes was Prince's adopted brother and his parents had been long dead.

McGayer's mom disowned him after he came out but his dad was super supportive and loved him. Prince's mom had been killed in a hit and run when they were six.

Her own mother had given birth to her and then went right back to her drugs and gambling. She was still alive but she was a stranger to her. Her mother didn't even know who she was anymore. The only thing was she looked just like her mother with her father's eyes. It was why she had started dying her hair. She hated looking like her mom.

But realising that they all only had dads...it made her willing accept the role she had been given. She was everyone's so called mom. She went to their practices and school events and had never missed a single graduation. She made lunch for them when they still took lunch boxes to school and took them to and from school. They video chatted her while she was away and asked her anything and everything they needed.

She loved each of them but she felt lonely at times. Sure she took care of them but she didn't have a mom. Teta's seemed to notice this and had declared herself her own personal care giver. The woman was crazy smart and she took care of Princess more times than she could count.

Princess spent all her time and money on the other kids and Teta's spent her time and money on Princess. She never let her but anything when they went out and Princess stopped arguing after a few years.

Prince took care of them both in return. If he went out with them he paid for everything and they would argue. They finally came to the agreement that Princess just wasn't allowed to pay for shit when they all went out. But the two of them would alternate with whom ever didn't pay had to leave the tip. Princess argued till she was black and blue that they let her pay. She never won.

So they accepted their roles in their family and wore them with pride. Anyone who argued or judged them quickly learned that they all had fire like tempers for being a bunch of nerds and divas. They defended each other without effort and they were the type to hit first and ask questions later. Watching grown adults be terrified of children was hilarious to say the least.

So what if they all had shitty moms. They had one another and she was mother to them all.