
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[3.12] New Club Goals

The second day of the school-free day began. As usual, Radit and the others went about their morning activities like normal students.

Wake up early, shower, have breakfast, and head off to school. However, the difference is that they are currently still staying at the hotel owned by the Leonardo family.

"The class is still quiet," said Raka.

"Yeah, yeah, it's still 6am," Steven said.

"Anyway, why are we leaving so early? Besides, today is still free, not studying," said Radit.

"Well, it's a habit, what else can I do," Leonardo said.

"Leave early in the morning, enjoy the traffic, and study until you get senile, a very boring activity," said Steven.

Three hours passed. Radit, Raka, and Steven were in class without doing anything, just relaxing and lying down.

"So bored, let's go out, Dit," said Raka.

"Where have you been?" said Radit.

"I'm too lazy to go for a walk," said Radit.

"You suck, no fun," said Raka.

"It's so quiet in class, where are they?" said Raka.

"Looks like they're all at the training field," said Radit.

"Hm... what's going on?" said Raka.

"Of course it's to revive their strength," Steven said.

"Oh, yes, that's right. It seems that the students in this school who have activated their powers are still very few. Maybe if you count them it will be easy," said Raka.

Soon, the distinctive sound of Radit's cell phone rang.

"Leo? What's he calling about? Hello?" said Radit.

"Radit, call all the club members, send them all to the club room now," Leonardo said.

"Uh, what's wrong?" said Radit.

"Don't ask too many questions, come quickly," Leonardo said, and immediately hung up.

"Who?" said Steven.

"Leonardo. He said we should go to the club room now," Radit said.

"Ah, the laziness, the long walk," Steven said.

"What's going on there?" said Raka.

"I don't know," said Radit.

"Ok, let's go, gas! I'm tired of staying here," Raka said and got up from the bench.

"Hey, Steven, let's stand up," Radit said.

"Hahm... lazy to stand up. Okay, let's go," said Steven who was a bit lazy to walk.

The three of them went to the club room and when they got there it turned out that Leonardo, Fauzan, Hana, Laras, and Amelia were already there.

"Oh, everyone is here," said Raka.

"You took so long," Leonardo said.

"So what's going on? Are we going to start the club activities again?" said Raka.

"Of course, and it will be more exciting every day," Leonardo said.

"Hm... who is it?" said Steven, seeing a figure he didn't recognize.

"Well, I'll introduce him too, so sit down first," Leonardo said.

Radit, Raka, and Steven sat down after hearing Leonardo.

"Hm... meet him, he's our new club guardian, his name is Adinata Satya," Leonardo said.

"Hello everyone, from now on I will be your club trustee," said Adinata.

However, the atmosphere of the room was ordinary.

"Why are you silent? You should be clapping or something," Leonardo said.

"Well... it's just normal," said Laras.

"How about I tell him that he's also a guild member and that we might be able to join an out-of-town expedition to fight monsters?" said Leonardo.

"Woah... this is what we've been waiting for," said Raka.

"Oh... interesting," Steven said.

"We're fighting monsters!?" said Hana.

"Is that real?" said Fauzan.

"Yes, of course. I'm also a member of this city union," said Adinata.

"Woah, cool!" said Raka.

"The establishment of the union was still a rumor and discussion in the news, but it turned out to be true," said Steven.

"So you've been missing a lot since yesterday because you've planned this," said Radit.

"So when are we going to fight monsters, now, tomorrow?" said Raka.

"Not that fast, stupid," Leonardo said.

"Hahaha... I like your spirit, but right now you can't fight monsters," said Adinata.

"We have the strength and we have eight people, fighting monsters must be really easy," said Raka.

"Yes, that's right, with numbers you'll win quickly, but don't be naive!" said Adinata with a serious look and a high tone when he said 'Naive', and everyone got a little tense.

"Look, the world is no longer safe for humans. Some time ago, humans were at the top of the food chain, but now they're not," Adinata said more seriously.

"Many unknown ferocious creatures roam around the city. They even have powers and not just that. They are very smart, different from the wild animals we used to know," said Adinata.

"The Union was formed due to the weakness of the world's defense system and ignorance of the conditions of this world. Current technology can barely even handle the power of supernatural beasts. Radar satellites, scans, and many others have been destroyed and are not functioning in the monster-infested region. But luckily the communication network is still there and the internet is still there, although not as fast as it used to be," said Adinata.

"Don't forget the tragedies of the past, remember the news of the massacre of the invading forces, remember the monsters that destroyed many countries, remember the mythical creatures that appeared, and remember that we are currently not on the same food chain as those monsters," Adinata said.

"Tragedy is not something to be forgotten but learned from. By learning from bad tragedies, we can survive the next day," Adinata continues to give important advice.

"Remember, don't be naive. Right now you are weak and stupid. Not only you, but all of us humans are weak and stupid. If I let you out there, you'll just be food for monsters," said Adinata.

A tense atmosphere pervaded the room.

"You're the guardian of our club, right? How come it feels like we're about to enter a union?" said Laras.

"Good question. I'm your club's guardian, but I'm no ordinary guardian. I will make you strong and your club members will form a clan," Adinata said.

"Clan?" said Radit.

"That's right, clans. The country established the Guild as a means of defense second only to the military, and the guild is divided into clans. Then a clan must contain more than twenty members. Right now you're just called a group and are only considered ordinary in the union. But if you become a clan, you can have a special mission and act on your own," said Adinata.

"So this club exists to find members?" said Amelia.

"That's right, exactly! It just so happens that your club is a helping club whose activities are to help and assist everyone in need. So our first goal right now is to become strong and the second closest goal is to find members. Don't forget to study to be smart too," said Adinata.

"How interesting is that? Are you ready?" said Adinata.

Everyone grinned and looked visibly pleased, like a child discovering a new joy.

"Yes, we're ready! Right, Radit?" said Raka.

"I think it will be fun to find new members and establish a clan. I'm looking forward to it," said Radit.

"So how about it, do you agree with this goal?" said Adinata.

Everyone looked at each other and simultaneously shouted, "AGREE!"

This is the continuation of the story of the beginning of an association, then the formation of a great clan that was originally just talk in the forest when gathering. Now it's bigger and will be bigger in the future.

Someday, this clan might decide the fate of the world, and they will be the ones to tell everyone that there is a new world that has never been explored.

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