
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[3.11] New School Tour Part 3

Radit and Raka continue to explore every corner of the new school, while Daniel trains to awaken his powers.

Now, Radit and Raka headed towards the administration building and the school garden.

The administration building has three floors. On the ground floor, there is nothing special about this building.

"Hm..." Raka's astonished voice. "Hm..." Radit's astonished voice too.

"There doesn't seem to be anything special about this building," said Raka.

"Yes, it's like a normal office building," said Radit.

"Never mind, let's go straight to the park," said Raka.

Before going to the park which is not far from the administration building, Radit saw Leonardo who was looking out of the building. Leonardo also looked at Radit, then Raka looked at Leonardo from the second floor.

"Hey, Raka, wait, there's Leo," Radit said.

"Hm... oh, right, that's Leo. What's he doing there?" said Raka.

"Oi, Leo!" shouted Radit.

"Yeah, what's up?" replied Leonardo.

"What are you doing?" asked Radit.

"A little business here," Leonardo replied.

"What business?" asked Radit.

"It doesn't really matter," Leonardo replied.

"Leave him alone, let's go to the park," Raka said to Radit.

"Alright, let's go to the park first," Radit told Leonardo.

"Yes, ok," Leonardo replied.

Before leaving, Radit reminded them that there were other members in the club room.

"Leo, the other club rooms are gathering, you can go there later," said Radit.

"Yes, ok, I'll be there after this," Leonardo replied.

Radit and Raka left the administration building.

"So that's them, your great friends," said someone mysterious.

"Yeah, they're great, especially Radit, he's always interesting," Leonardo said.

"Oh, really?" asked someone mysterious.

"Yes, since I first met her, she has always shown me interesting things about herself and her surroundings. I never get bored around her," Leonardo said.

"Oh... if you say so, I'm interested too. I can't wait to be friends with her," said a mysterious person.

Radit and Raka had arrived at the park, which was almost the size of a practice field.

"Here we are, our final destination," said Raka.

"No, there are still some that we haven't visited, those that are close to our class, the gymnasium hasn't been seen yet," said Radit.

"Well, we'll just take it as it is, because it's close to the main building," said Raka.

Radit and Raka walked into the park and looked around.

"This park is crowded too," said Raka.

"Yes, it seems like most students frequent the park," said Radit.

Raka looked around carefully, like he was looking for something.

"Raka? What are you looking at? Looking for something?" Radit asked.

"Hm, I'm looking for a food stand. Where there is a park, there must be food stalls too," said Raka.

"Isn't there already a cafeteria?" asked Radit.

"The distance between the canteen and the park is quite far. It's impossible for students to bring their food all the way to the park," said Raka.

Raka, who was still looking around the corners of the park for food stalls, finally found one.

"Radit, look over there, the food stand. Let's take a look," Raka invited, and they both approached the food stand.

"There are only four snack stalls and one drink stall," said Raka.

"Well, it's still better than nothing. I'm a little tired of walking, I want to buy an isotonic drink, do you want one?" asked Radit.

"Yes, you may," Raka replied.

And Radit walked over to buy a drink. When Raka wanted to sit down, he suddenly saw students scrambling to buy food at a fairly crowded booth.

Seeing that, Raka was curious and joined in buying the crowded food. Radit, who soon bought a cold isotonic drink, was confused to find Raka.

"Where is that kid again? Hah... never mind, I'll just sit down, he'll look for me too," Radit muttered.

Then he sat on a bench where there was an empty table. She rested and laid her head on the cool table in the heat of the sun.

Radit, who was relaxing, was visited by two women.

"Iho, Radit, long time no see," said the woman.

Hearing a voice calling her, she immediately woke up and saw the woman's voice.

"Oh, it's Citra and Ratna," said Radit.

"May we sit down?" Citra asked.

"Hm... go ahead, there are plenty of benches anyway," Radit replied.

The two women sat down and they both glanced at Radit.

"Hey, there are two beautiful girls, but they are silent," Ratna said.

"Girls? Who, you guys?" Radit asked a little jokingly.

"You're getting annoying!" said Citra.

"Hahaha... just kidding, don't be angry like that, you're a good and beautiful girl," Radit said with a smile.

The two women blushed slightly at Radit's words.

There was a moment of silence and Citra started the conversation again.

"Radit, you've changed a lot in this short time," Citra said.

"Hm... really? My height hasn't changed and I still look handsome," Radit said.

"Ih... so confident," Ratna said.

"Hahaha..." laughed Radit.

"You've changed since that catastrophe," Citra said.

Hearing that, Radit was silent for a moment and his face looked flat. Radit's silence made Citra a little guilty.

"Um... I'm sorry, Radit, I'm talking weird," Citra said feeling guilty for talking about something that shouldn't be discussed.

"No, Citra, you're right, I probably did change. But not just me, but everyone. Everyone's true nature comes out in times of crisis. You guys have also changed, a little more mature," said Radit.

Radit's words made the atmosphere quiet because the two women also felt a different atmosphere in the city and at school than usual.

During this moment of silence, Raka arrived who had finished buying a lot of food.

"Oh, there's Citra and Ratna. Greetings again, ladies. This is our banquet after not seeing each other again. It's free," Raka said in a strange tone.

Radit, Citra, and Ratna looked at Raka strangely.

"Well, at least there are some people who haven't changed," Radit said with a chuckle.

"You're right, Radit," Citra said with a chuckle.

"This idiot is the best entertainer," Ratna said.

"Ah, why are you laughing, when I gave you free food," said Raka.

"Uh, really?" asked Radit.

"If you pay," said Raka.

"Eh, how come!" Radit protested.

The four of them reunited after a few months apart and talked about many things.

"Hey, hey, do you guys have superpowers yet?" she asked.

"Super? Oh, that supernatural power," Raka said.

"Do you have one, Raka?" she asked curiously.

"Hehehe... I'm not bragging, I have two elements and one unique power," said Raka.

"Unique?" asked Citra and Ratna.

"Well, in short, it's a power that only a few individuals or individuals alone have," Radit said.

"Show me your strength," Ratna said.

"Then... Radit, please take the iron spoon," said Raka. Without feeling suspicious, Radit took it. When Radit handed him the spoon, Raka held one end of the other spoon and immediately used the electric element.

Radit who was holding a spoon suddenly jerked up and was very surprised.

"Ouch! Hey, damn you," Radit said.

"Well, that's one of my powers: electricity. Cool, isn't it?" said Raka.

Radit, who did not accept being practiced, immediately grabbed Raka's wrist and heated it up.

"Oi, Radit, wait, that's hot. Oi-oi, Radit, yes, sorry-sorry, I won't repeat myself. Radit! Ouch, it's hot! Radit, my hand is blistered!" said Raka trying to release Radit's grip.

Shortly afterward, Radit stopped and released his hand.

"Are you two acting?" asked Citra.

"Huh, acting? Look at this, my hands are almost blistered because of him," said Raka.

"Your own fault," Radit said a little annoyed.

Citra and Ratna laughed at Radit and Raka.

"So Radit's power emits heat?" Ratna asked.

"No, more like the fire element," said Radit.

"Owh... fire yes," Ratna said.

"What's your other power, Raka?" she asked.

"Water," replied Raka. "Water?" Ratna asked.

"Look at this," Raka said, taking a water bottle that was almost empty and refilling it with his water power.

"Look, it's cool," said Raka, and then he drank his own elemental water.

Seeing that, Radit, Ratna, and Citra felt strange.

"Hey, did you drink that?" Citra asked.

"Yes, so what?" asked Raka.

"Is it safe?" she asked.

"Safe, tasteless? No flavor? Yeah, well, it's safe, isn't it, Radit?" asked Raka.

"Hmm... I don't know, there's no mention of it being safe in the guidebook, and even if it is, it feels a bit strange to drink water from your own elemental source where the origin of the water is unknown. Who knows if it's from your body or like magic taken from randomly in this world or maybe another world," said Radit.

"Akh... that's right," Raka said after hearing Radit. He started to feel disgusted and wanted to vomit.

Again, because of Raka's behavior, Radit, Ratna, and Citra laughed.

"So what about you two, do you have the strength?" asked Radit.

"No, we don't have one yet," Citra replied.

"Hey, how do you get that power?" she asked curiously.

"Hm... it doesn't seem too difficult, depending on how you understand it," said Radit.

"So how do you do that?" she asked.

"Hm... I think you can do it by yourself, but it's good to have a coach and safety equipment," said Radit.

"Oh, I see," said Ratna.

"You guys go to the school's supernatural power training center. Some of the students have been training, even though the lessons haven't started yet," Raka said.

"Ah, right, you go there, Daniel is also practicing there," said Radit.

"Uh, there's Daniel too, Citra, let's go there now," Ratna invited.

"Uh, now?" asked Citra.

"Yes, when else? We'll have the power, don't you want to?" she asked.

"Hm... yes," Citra replied.

"Then we'll go there, Radit, Raka," Ratna said.

"Yes, until then," Radit and Raka replied. Then, the two women went to the training center.

"In that case, where else can we go? We've visited everything except the gymnasium. Shall we go there?" asked Radit.

"Hm... I don't need to go to the sports hall, it seems normal," said Raka.

"Then where do we go now?" asked Radit.

"Let's go back to the club room," Raka said.

"Okay, let's go back," said Radit.

"Before that, we went to the cafeteria for lunch," said Raka.

"Ekh! We just ate," Radit protested.

"Those were snacks, now it's the heavy food. Let's go!" Raka encouraged, then walked.

"You're a glutton," Radit said, then followed suit.

Their activities for the day ended, and the rest of the day was spent in the club room.

The plot feels slow? Yes, you're right, the story is designed to be slow, it's to make the world more detailed, but remember that doesn't mean I won't use 'timeskip' later. But I will still make it balance the chatter and action in each chapter. But too much chatter in your opinion? There is no intentional element of adding random words or scenes to make it look like a lot, each scene will have additional world details and will even allow for side stories.

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