
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[1.13] Britta Against Steven

Jiyan was still lying in the center of the hall and being examined by the team of nurses there, while Steven looked proud of himself.

After some time, Steven approached Jiyan to see how he was doing. After approaching him, Steven looked at Jiyan lying down, then Jiyan said, "Want to laugh at me?" he asked.

Steven retorted, "Why not? You managed to get a good hit in too. I'm not in the habit of belittling or demeaning people anyway." he said with a smile and extended his hand.

Jiyan, who heard, responded although it took a little while. "Cih.... basic." she said with a smile and took Steven's hand and stood up.

Jiyan walked straight into the audience to be treated by the nursing team, as did Steven.

In the bleachers, Coach 1 said, "Hmm...that kid is probably talented." he said to himself. Radit who heard him immediately responded, "You mean? He has a talent in martial arts?" he asked.

"If you look at it, maybe yes." replied Coach 1.

Raka, who was also listening, spoke up too, "As far as I know, he's more talented in making things and programs because he likes that too. I've never seen him interested in something like martial arts, but when it comes to weapons, maybe he is." she said.

"Maybe he has two talents." said Coach 1.

The clock read 2:00 PM, the next and final match was Britta versus Steven.

Coach 2 told both sides to get into position. Britta half-heartedly got into position. Then Coach 3 shouted, "Begin."

After a short silence, Britta said, "I give up" in a low voice. Steven spontaneously said, "Huh?" he said.

"I said I give up!" Britta's voice was big and was responded to sluggishly by Steven. "Huh? Give up?" he asked. So did the audience.

"What's wrong, Britta?" asked Hana from the audience.

"Huh...I don't think I can do it, I'll lose against her. I'm the weakest at attacking opponents in this martial arts club." Britta said condescendingly.

Gilbert who heard this immediately shouted, "What do you mean? You're being too modest. Pull yourself together! You're so good, you just don't realize it! You will win. Trust me." he said.

Leonardo looked at Gilbert with a smile. Britta who heard it replied, "But I..." Britta who had not yet finished her sentence was immediately cut off by Gilbert, "There is no 'but-but', just try to face it first." he said.

Britta smiled a little and said softly, "You're such a pushy guy, from the first time we met you've always been like that," she said.

Britta, upon hearing that, made up her mind to fight and looked at Steven.

Steven who saw it said, "Oh, it's ready. I won't hold back even if you're a girl." he said.

Britta heard this and immediately replied, "Fight me with everything you've got," she said, still a little afraid of losing.

Coach 2, who saw that they were about to start fighting again, said, "You two are ready again, ok, ready to fight!" he said.

Britta seemed to stand still and put up a defensive position, Steven who saw it immediately attacked and directed his fists to Britta's face and ..... (..... thud .....)

Steven lay down and looked up the hall. Still lying down, his eyes looked back and saw Britta standing up.

Everyone there was immediately pensive. The pensive Coach 2 also shouted, "THE MATCH IS OVER, THE WINNER IS BRITTA!" he said.

Britta, who heard this, was confused.

Laras saw that Steven couldn't believe he was losing so easily and shouted, "Steven, what are you doing! You said you don't hold back against girls but I see you're holding back!" Laras scolded.

Amelia who heard it immediately laughed, "Hahaha.....Steven was defeated in a few seconds by a woman...hahaha" she said.

Steven, who was still confused, then heard Amelia and Laras, making him immediately wake up and say, "Eh... eh, I lost....? This is cheating, let's compete once again," said Steven.

Fauzan, who heard it, said, "Bang, you've lost and Britta won, so just admit it, hahaha..." he said while laughing.

"Huh? Shut up... this is a lie, repeat the match once," Steven said.

Radit, who was smiling at Steven's behavior, next to him was Raka asking Coach 1, "Sir, what is that move?" he said.

"Well, how do I explain it, it's a defensive move. Throwing the opponent by throwing the opponent back," said Coach 1. Radit and Raka responded with a confused, "Huh?".

"Well, when Steven aimed a hand punch at Britta's face there was a distance, it made Steven's arm almost straight and not bend. However, it looks like his next attack with his legs was immediately thwarted because Britta caught his hand and immediately lifted it up and threw it behind her," said Coach 1. Radit and Raka who heard it, immediately nodded.

Leonardo, who heard Steven's ramblings, continued to say, "Steven, you've already lost, you still want to rematch," he said.

"It's not fun, it's over in a few seconds!" said Steven.

"Losing quickly means you're weak, you know," said Leonardo. "Huh, what do you mean!" said Steven a little annoyed.

"Huh... you, Britta, you want a rematch with Steven?" Leonardo said. Britta, wanting to answer him, immediately turned to Steven.

Steven was staring at her with a burning desire, Britta was watching as if she heard the words 'repeat - repeat - repeat - repeat'. Then Britta looked back at Leonardo who was in the audience and said while stammering, "Ah... yes, it's okay," she said.

Steven, who heard this, immediately said, "Yeah...! Sir, please give me another signal," he shouted and pointed to Coach 2.

Then the match restarted, this was the second half. Coach 2 told them to be in their respective positions and the match started again.

Just like before, Britta set up a defensive position and Steven an offensive position.

Steven went for Britta's first attack but failed, and was knocked back by Britta again but did not fall and lay down.

Steven continued to attack but always failed and was knocked down.

Steven attacked all areas of the body: legs, knees, thighs, waist, stomach, chest, neck, back, head, face, but nothing was hit.

Britta was always on the defensive and never attacked at all. Steven, who was moving around a lot, started to get tired and said, "You're cheating, attack me, don't keep dodging," he said, pointing at Britta in annoyance.

As Steven was talking like that, Jiyan who was sitting under the pitch (not the bleachers) shouted, "Feel it Steven! You won't be able to fight the reigning champion in our club, Britta, hahahaha..." she said proudly of Britta. Steven who heard it immediately replied, "Shut up you've lost!" said Steven who was upset.

Britta, who was listening, smiled and thought that she was great.

Steven, who saw the smile, misunderstood and said, "Oh, you're underestimating me now," he said.

Britta immediately replied, "Uh, no... you misunderstood," said a panicked Britta. Steven attacked her instantly but she continued to dodge him.

After a while, it kept repeating itself and Steven started to run out of stamina.

Leonardo stood up and shouted, "Ok, enough, stop!" he said. Steven spontaneously replied, "Not yet! I haven't even hit him yet," said a breathless Steven.

"There's no point in continuing, you're out of breath," Leonardo said. Steven was silent because he also saw the fact that he couldn't attack Britta.

At that moment, the match ended. Leonardo looked intently at Britta. Britta, sensing this, immediately lowered her head.

"You seem to be good at defense," Leonardo said. Britta was silent.

"Ok, now I'm going to attack you," Leonardo said. Britta heard that and replied, "Eh....eh?" she said.

"Don't ask too many questions, get ready and assume your best defensive position," Leonardo said. Britta heard that and immediately assumed a defensive position.

Leonardo approaches Britta, the first attack using the foot. Leonardo's foot went forward and targeted Britta's leg.

Britta immediately backed away. There was no chance, Leonardo immediately pointed his hand towards Britta's face. She immediately responded by trying to cover her face with her hands and retreating backwards.

Instead of wanting to attack her with fists, Leonardo caught Britta's left hand.

Leonardo's right hand was previously clenched into a fist, but when he got close to Britta's face, his hand stopped clenching.

Leonardo, who managed to catch his left hand, tried to keep his hand from shielding his face.

After that, Leonardo's left hand moved and aimed at Britta's unprotected left cheek, then Plak.....

Leonardo slapped Britta's left cheek quite hard.

Leonardo immediately looked back, there was Steven sitting in the arena and said, "You can't be this easy?" he said.

Steven saw that and couldn't say anything. Steven himself was focused on looking at Britta.

Britta who was standing near Leonardo held her left cheek, lowered her head, and closed her eyes.

Amelia immediately said, "Ah...Leo, you're bad...slapping a girl!" Amelia said. Raka said quietly, "Huah...he's mentally hit already." he said. Radit continued Raka's words, "Does it hurt more than being hit?" said Radit.

Everyone there looked at Leonardo sarcastically. Leonardo said, "What's wrong with you guys? It's a fight, so it's normal. In fact, I slapped him instead of hitting him," he said.

Britta, who was standing, sat down and began to cry. Amelia, Hana, and Laras stood up and approached Britta.

Hana rubbed her head and Laras rubbed her back. A tearful Britta said, "Hue....Hue.... My parents never slapped me," said a tearful Britta.

"You, you enemy of women!" said Amelia. "Why am I at fault?" said Leonardo.

This went on for a while, and Britta stopped crying.

He immediately stood up and said to Leonardo, "I'm sorry, Leo wasn't wrong. That's right, it's a match so it's also possible," he said with sincerity in his heart. He also felt bad about himself for being arrogant about winning against Steven. Having been defeated by Leonardo so easily, he felt that he was still inexperienced.

"You don't need to apologize, he's the enemy of women," Amelia said. "No, Mel...it's my fault. I apologize for crying earlier," he said.

Leonardo who saw it said, "Well...never mind, I forgive. Anyway, there's no need to apologize either. So, forget it," he said.

It was almost 3:00 PM. Gilbert, Jiyan, and Britta stood in the center of the field facing Leonardo and Steven.

"So...two people lost and one person won. It's ironic that two people with stronger goals were defeated," Leonardo said.

Gilbert and Jiyan bowed their heads.

"But from the beginning, I didn't think we should win or lose," said Leonardo. "So, are we welcome?" said Gilbert.

"Hm...Gilbert, even though he lost, he realized the cause. He was too rash and underestimated his enemy. Jiyan too...felt that he had defeated Steven and let his guard down," Leonardo said.

"Oh yeah...let me ask you, why aren't you attacking? Is that your strategy to deplete your opponent's stamina?" Leonardo said.

Gilbert and Jiyan turned their faces away. Leonardo and Steven looked confused.

"Ok, try to attack Steven," Leonardo said.

"Uh, why me again?" said Steven.

"Just go with it," Leonardo said.

Britta stood ready to attack Steven, and Britta drove her fist into Steven's chest.

But her fist was so slow and powerless, Britta's fist was easily caught by Steven.

Steven looked at Britta whose eyes were closed.

Steven shouted, and Britta was so shocked that she opened her eyes. "Why are you so weak? You're deliberately belittling me again!" said an annoyed Steven.

"Mom... I'm sorry," Britta said.

"What the hell?" said Leonardo, to which Jiyan immediately replied. "Leo, he's considered the weakest in the martial arts club because his attacks are not powerful, not because he can't do martial arts moves," Jiyan said.

Steven looked at Britta, still holding Britta's fist, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you often close your eyes when I attack you... maybe... you're a coward, huh," Steven said. They all looked at Britta pensively.

"So... how was it? Are we accepted?" said Gilbert. "Huh... yes, you are accepted. You're all very unique. Maybe training you will be fun," said Leonardo.

Gilbert, Jiyan, and Britta, whose hands were still held by Steven, heard this and were immediately delighted.

Laras, who saw Steven's hand still holding Britta's hand, said, "How long will your hand hold Britta?" she said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Ah, yes, I forgot to take it off. Uh... why are you upset," Steven said.

"Hmmmm..." Laras said while looking away. Hana, who saw that, said quietly, "You're predictable."

Hey you know, Radit is rarely in the spotlight. But he is the main character, but why?

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