
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[1.14] Strange Events Before the Big Stone Phenomenon

Gilbert, Jiyan, and Britta have already passed the requirement to become Leonardo's apprentice by fighting Steven; they all made it through and were accepted by Leonardo.

Those who had already gone through, now went to take a shower that Leonardo had prepared, as well as the two trainers, they also joined the others to take a shower together. It was 3:30 PM.

They had arrived at the bathing floor, which was a special floor for VIP guests; the bathing room was very large. After they separated, women went to the women-only bath and men to the men-only bath.

Inside the men's bath room.

"How are you, Jiyan, are you okay?" said Radit, watching Jiyan open the locker to put clothes. "Ah, it's fine, really. Take it easy," said Jiyan, taking off his clothes.

"Woah, Leon, Raka, you have a scar on your back. You look like gallant men with scars. What is that scar?" said a curious Fauzan.

Fauzan was amazed to see the two scars. Raka's scar looked like a cut on his back, while Leonardo's looked like a gunshot wound on his waist.

"Ah... it's an old story," said Raka.

"It's not good to ask that," Leonardo said.

"Ah, yes, sorry-sorry. I was just curious, because to me it looked cool," Fauzan said.

Radit looked at Leonardo and Raka, he seemed to be remembering the past. Steven also looked at Leonardo and Raka, and said, "Do the women know about the wound?" he said.

"I don't know, I don't think so," said Raka.

After that little talk, they started to enter the bathhouse. They washed their bodies first before starting to soak in the large bathtub with warm water.

"You will go to the cottage by minibus, yes," Leonardo said.

"Yeah, whatever, I leave all the problems to the richest guy," Steven said.

"Radit, you've been normal lately, has your weirdness stopped showing up?" Leonardo said.

"You saying it's weird, makes me a real freak," said Radit, who felt like a freak.

"Well, it is, isn't it?" everyone said at random, except Gilbert and Jiyan who were confused and didn't know anything.

"You guys take it easy, there's nothing strange lately," said Radit.

"What's so weird about Radit?" said a curious Jiyan.

Raka looked at Radit as if to say whether it was okay to tell Gilbert and Jiyan about it.

Radit, who saw Raka's gaze, understood what she meant and nodded to give permission to tell her about the problem.

Raka and the others recounted the problems Radit had gone through in detail. Gilbert and Jiyan listened carefully. Some time passed to tell them about it.

They got out of the bathtub and left the place, except for the trainers who still wanted to linger inside.

On the other hand at the women's bathhouse.

They were already in the bathtub, Amelia looked at Hana and approached her, then hugged her from behind.

"Hana... isn't your skin getting smoother, whiter and firmer?" said Amelia.

"Ah... Amel... what are you doing... it's still like yesterday," Hana said, trying to break away from Amelia's embrace.

"You lying woman, come on try to tell me what the recipe is, what? Especially this butt seems to be getting bigger," Amelia said while holding Hana's underwater butt.

"Hyaaa... I'll tell you, but please let me go first," said a resigned and embarrassed Hana.

"Hah... never mind, just tell me first," Amelia said, she let go of her hand on Hana's ass.

"Ahm... that, I used to tell Radit to regularly do squat jumps, glute bridges, and banded side steps," said a shy Hana.

"Owh...you're quite aggressive, Hana, asking Radit things like that. Are you guys dating?" asked Amelia, still hugging Hana.

"Huh....dating? No really, we're not dating, la...la...anyway it was exercise advice; he told me other moves too." said a panicked and embarrassed Hana.

"Hm!" exclaimed Amelia, squeezing Hana's ass.

Hana immediately shouted, "Kyah....." Laras saw that slowly moving away from the two of them. Amelia, who saw Laras wanting to run away, immediately approached her and said, "Where are you going to run, you big tits?" said Amelia. "Kyahh....." exclaimed a panicked Laras who was caught by Amelia and held her chest.

"What is this texture, it seems to be getting bigger. You make me jealous," Amelia said while squeezing her chest. Laras, who was the victim, was silent.

"Chests this big, maybe Steven would be happy to see them in person. You'd be happy too, wouldn't you, if he saw you?" Amelia said.

"Kyah...ah.... why are you bringing up Steven's name, he just looks at me," said Laras.

"You're just like Hana, huh? You're happy and smiling when she looks at you, especially at this chest. What a lying woman," Amelia said, squeezing her even more aggressively. Laras tried to escape Amelia's grasp and finally succeeded.

Hana from behind prepared to take revenge and said, "So how are you with Leonardo! Your body is more obscene than me and Laras, you know, Mel!" said Hana, catching Amelia from behind.

"Uh, why me too?" said Amelia.

"Laras, help me interrogate her!" Hana said. Laras saw it, immediately joined in and groped Amelia's body.

Britta, who saw them acting like that, smiled and laughed. The three women who had been groping each other stopped and looked at Britta who was laughing and smiling at them. The three of them approached Britta.

Britta, realizing that she was in danger, started to get out of the tub, but failed.

When half of her body was out, Britta climbed up the small steps to get out of the tub, her feet held by Amelia, "Where are you going? Here, come have some fun with us," Amelia said with her hunting eyes.

"No thanks, you guys enjoy it," said a panicked Britta. Hana and Laras grabbed Britta by the waist and immediately pulled her into the big tub again.

Some time passed, and the women had finished soaking.

The men were seen coming out of the bathhouse first and were relaxing in the front lounge, followed by the women.

The men were mesmerized by the women who had just finished bathing. At that moment, Radit saw Hana looking at her freshly dried hair from behind, at that moment the strange events began to return.

Radit who was staring at Hana's beauty when he blinked, the surroundings changed.

He looked and realized that there was a girl beside Hana. It now seemed very clear that it was a silver-haired girl.

The girl seemed to be joking and laughing with Hana, but no sound could be heard, after which she faced Radit and approached him. When she got close to him and wanted to talk, things returned to normal.

Radit stood pensively and looked at Hana in front of him who was talking and looking at him.

Amelia saw Radit looking pensively at Hana, then he whispered something to Hana.

Amelia seemed to be telling her to tease Radit who was pensive looking at her. Then after the whisper, Hana looked back, saw Radit and approached him and said, "Radit, is there something wrong with my hair?" asked Hana with a blushing face.

Hana seemed to realize that Radit looked strange, like he didn't realize he was in front of her. That made Hana very worried.

Hana immediately shouted, "Radit!" The others immediately looked at Hana who was screaming. Radit instantly realized and looked at Hana's worried face.

Radit was very confused, the girl in front of him should have been a silver-haired girl, suddenly turned into Hana. Radit realized that he had just experienced another strange phenomenon.

Raka saw Radit in a daze, went over to him and tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Are you okay? Come on, sit down first." Raka said.

Radit complied and sat down. "Fauzan, please order a warm milk drink at the drink machine." Raka said.

Fauzan heard this and went straight to the automatic drink machine and bought some warm canned milk.

After finishing buying warm canned milk, he went to Radit and gave it to him. Everyone began to gather around Radit.

"You're okay right?" said a worried Hana. "Yes, I'm fine, I'm sorry you all got worried." said Radit to Hana and everyone.

"Don't be shy, we're all by your side, Radit." Steven said with a smile, the others also smiled at Radit.

"Radit, did you experience that strange phenomenon again?" said Leonardo. "Yes, it happened again just now." said Radit.

Britta, who didn't know anything, said, "Strange phenomenon? What phenomenon?" she said.

Raka, who heard this, asked Laras to explain it to Britta.

While Laras was explaining what happened to Radit to Britta, Leonardo asked Radit, "What do you see now?" he said.

Radit was silent for a moment and began to say, "When I looked at Hana, suddenly the surroundings changed, and I looked at Hana again, realizing that there was another girl next to Hana." Radit said.

"Is that the girl from the dream and the previous incident?" said Raka.

"I don't know, because it wasn't clear before, but now everything is clearer. She is the silver-haired girl near the hut." Radit said.

"The silver girl at the cottage?" said Raka.

"Ah, that's the one... the other day, during school vacation, we went to Leonardo's cottage. In the afternoon we went to a large meadow and when we got home, we helped a broken car and all the people there were all women." Fauzan said.

"Oh, that's the one." Leonardo said, everyone knew it except the women, Steven and the martial arts club members who weren't there.

"Oh yes... yes, I know her, the all-white girl. Well, she's among the others, she's a bit conspicuous anyway." said Raka

"What happens after that?" said Steven.

"After that, the girl approached me and when she got close to me and wanted to say something, everything went back to normal." Radit said.

"Hmmm... I see." said Leonardo.

"Should we call George's doctor?" said Laras, who had finished briefly explaining Radit's strange phenomenon.

"I don't think so, we also know the mysterious girl is her." said Raka.

"Yes, only the four of you know that," said Amelia.

"Hahaha... we've also seen his face, maybe we'll meet again someday. Besides, look, Radit looks fine." said Raka.

"Yes, I'm fine, I can stand up, look at this." Radit said and began to stand up and finish his warm canned milk.

Behind their cheerfulness and anxiety with Radit, only Hana seemed unhappy that Radit had met a woman similar to the one in his phenomenal case.

Everyone smiled at Radit, then Leonardo said, "Ok, it's 5:15 PM. Come on, let's go to the parking lot and go to the cottage." he said while walking towards the exit of the bathing room.

They all saw him and followed him, and went to the elevator to the parking lot.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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