
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[1.12] Jiyan Against Steven

Time passed; lunchtime arrived. They now took a break and had lunch first before resuming the match.

Now that they were in the communal dining hall, they ate together with the other building guests. Their trainers joined together to eat as well. They all talked to each other to deepen the relationship.

Laras at the dinner table sometimes still glanced at Steven. Hana, who saw this, immediately said, "What's wrong with you, looking at Steven all the time?" she said.

Amelia, who was next to Hana who heard it, also joined in the conversation and said, "Ehm... maybe he was mesmerized by Steven's manliness who won earlier," she said.

"Hah, where is it!" said Laras, who was getting annoyed. "Uh... but earlier, Hana, you kept looking at Steven. Do you like it?" said Amelia, teasing her.

When Laras heard this, her ears turned red and she said, "Shut up, you nag! Look at yourself these days, you're too close to Leonardo. Yesterday at the hut at night, when you went into the hut and when you came out, your ears were red," said Laras who was annoyed and teased Amelia back.

Amelia, who heard it, was immediately provoked and raised her voice to Laras.

"Huh... ke... why are you bringing up Leo's name? He has nothing to do with me, and yesterday at the hut... I was just rubbing my ears because it was cold. So, don't bring him into this relationship," she said.

Because the voice was a little bit loud, the people around him looked at the origin of the voice. Hana, who was beside him, gasped slightly and said to herself, 'Oh my, to shout like that, it's so easy to guess.'

Radit, his friends, and also the coach saw Amelia. Leonardo who heard that immediately said, "Huh... what's wrong with me?" said a confused Leonardo.

Amelia, who realized his attitude, immediately looked at Leonardo and said, "You shut up! This is because of you!" she said.

Leonardo, who heard this, was confused and said, "Why did I get it wrong?" he said.

On the other side, Raka, Radit, and Coach 1 are talking; Radit is just listening to their conversation.

"Sir, how did you know Steven would win?" said Raka. "I didn't say he would win, you know," said Coach 1.

"But you seem to be saying Steven will win," said Raka. "Well... I bet myself that Steven will win," said Coach 1.

"So, why do you think Steven will win when he doesn't join any martial arts club or community?" said a curious Raka.

"You remember during your club activities last week? I trained Steven, you know... and when I trained him, he was weak at first. Well, not weak, the way he moved was like someone fighting in the streets, but every now and then he would also make moves like a martial arts fighter," said Coach 1.

"Then, during sparring practice, he kept losing, didn't he?" said Raka. "Yes, like you said, he always loses, but for a while in sparring with Leonardo for 3 rounds. Leonardo invited him while we were practicing," said Coach.

"What does it have to do with Leo? You also said before, 'Because Steven often fights with Leo.' Right?" said Raka.

"Yes, I said that before. It's because of Leo that he keeps improving. During the 3-round mock trial, I saw their battle. Well, if you look at it, it's kind of one-sided, Steven is always cornered by Leonardo," said Coach 1.

"So, what does that have to do with Steven being stronger?" said Raka.

"During their sparring, you know, Steven tried to copy Leonardo's moves. It wasn't really, it looked like a modified move, but yeah because he copied and changed it, it looked messy and there were a lot of unnecessary moves. Is he talented at copying people's moves? When I sparred with him, he also tried to try my moves, I guess it was just trying to look cool," said Coach 1.

"Oho... The technology freak has a hidden talent," said Raka, and Coach 1 continued his sentence.

"When he finished sparring with Leonardo. I continued training again with Steven. Then when he did the sparring again, I was very surprised. He was getting better and the moves he copied from Leonardo were successful and also modified his movements even though they were still messy and futile movements but they were quite effective if the opponent was not an experienced person. Yes, even so he still lost," said Coach 1. Raka and Radit were a little amazed by Steven.

Some time passed, the meal time for them had passed. It was almost 00:30 PM, they had finished eating and returned to the martial arts training hall.

After arriving at the hall they took a short break to catch their breath and relieve their satiety. After a few minutes, Britta, Jiyan, and Steven changed their clothes. Inside the changing room, Jiyan was still staring at Steven.

"Oh, come on, I told you, I'm still normal and still attracted to the opposite sex," Steven said. Jiyan, who heard this, quickly changed her clothes and came out while saying, "You will lose to me!" Jiyan said. Steven who heard it was speechless.

After some time, the three of them had finished changing. The next match was Jiyan against Steven.

They stood in their respective positions and Coach 2 shouted, "Begin."

Unlike Gilbert who immediately attacked first, now both of them were silent and staring at each other to prepare an attack strategy.

Moments later, Jiyan approached Steven and started the attack by pointing his fist at Steven's face, but it wasn't that easy, Steven managed to dodge the attack.

Jiyan continued to unleash his fist attacks continuously but was always evaded and parried by Steven.

After continuous attacks from Jiyan, Steven finally got the chance to counterattack.

Steven ducked down and drove his foot towards Jiyan's leg in an attempt to knock her down, but the attack failed.

Jiyan realized it and immediately stepped back a little. Shortly after, Steven launched his next attack as he ducked again and aimed his fist at Jiyan's chest but was successfully blocked by Jiyan.

Jiyan attacked again after Steven launched his attack, Steven's position at this time was ducking and failed to attack Jiyan's chest because it was parried with his left hand and at that instant Jiyan's hand moved up and directed his elbow at Steven's neck but Steven realized it and tried to direct his body forward and Jiyan's attack missed but hit Steven's back quite hard.

Steven fell to his stomach instantly from the hard blow and immediately rolled himself away from Jiyan and got to his feet.

"What a sadist, you want to make me faint huh? You said you weren't very talented, I guess that's bullshit," said Steven who was in pain in his back. Jiyan didn't reply to his words and just looked at him.

In the audience, they were all amazed by the fight. Laras who saw Steven in pain was a little worried.

Steven who was still taking a breath because of the pain in his back, suddenly Jiyan immediately launched continuous punches at Steven, it made him a little surprised and panicked. Because of the sudden attack, Steven was hit several times in the legs, face, and chest. Steven immediately dodged away because there was a chance.

Steven took a breath, cupped his hands, and devised a strategy to attack.

In the audience, everyone seemed very tense.

Coach 1 who saw it said, "Wow, it looks like he's going to start," he said.

Steven began to look serious and began his attack, moving little by little closer to Jiyan.

Jiyan, who saw that Steven was about to attack, began to strike a defensive pose.

There was an instant silence and suddenly Steven moved very fast. In two steps, he approached Jiyan.

Steven moved his right hand to Jiyan's face, but Jiyan dodged it. Immediately, Steven squatted (bent his legs) while spinning, and his extended legs while spinning aimed at Jiyan's lowermost leg.

Jiyan immediately jumped to avoid it, but failed.

The sole of his foot hit him slightly and made him land imperfectly, then lose his balance slightly.

Not stopping there, Steven immediately launched a bottom-up attack with his right fist aimed at Jiyan's chin.

Jiyan, unable to escape, was hit hard on the chin by Steven.

Jiyan started to lose her balance and staggered. Steven is still attacking Jiyan.

After the uppercut, Steven spun back around and his foot came down hard on Jiyan's right waist, which made him stagger and limp in pain.

Steven then quickly attacked Jiyan's face with great force twice, but Jiyan managed to cover his face with his hands.

In the last move, Steven aimed a strike at her chest but it was successfully parried by Jiyan. However, that was a feint. His real intention was to grab her right hand.

After successfully holding Jiyan's limp right hand, Steven lowered his head to Jiyan's chest and began to lift her up.

Steven succeeded and slammed Jiyan very hard.

Jiyan was lying in the hall motionless. Coach 2 was pensive for a moment, then said, "The match is over, and won by Steven," he said.

In the stands, everyone was in awe after watching the match.

Fauzan at that moment shouted, "Wow, crazy, great bang!" he said while clapping his hands.

The others, after Fauzan's shout, also shouted and clapped their hands. "Wow, crazy!" said Radit. "Crazy, makes me tense," said Raka.

"It was like watching professionals fight," Amelia says.

"Hmm... basic copying of people's movements and changing them at will," Leonardo said.

"That was very exciting," said Hana. "Hahaha... not bad... not bad, very good match," said Coach 1.

Laras said nothing, but seemed very amazed and fascinated by Steven.

Steven was in the center of the hall, breathing heavily. The hall's nursing team arrived and checked on Jiyan's condition.

In the audience, Britta, who saw Jiyan, who won the race, being defeated, felt even more inferior.

She felt wrong for participating in the requirements to become Leonardo's apprentice.

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