
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

[1.11] Gilbert Against Steven

It was 10:00 AM. It was the day when Gilbert, Jiyan, and Britta would have a 1-on-1 battle against Steven.

Radit, Raka, Fauzan, Steven, Gilbert, Jiyan, Amelia, Laras, Hana, and Britta visit Leonardo's building residence.

As before, they headed to the back of the building where they were greeted by the servants and one of them escorted Radit, Raka, Fauzan, Steven, Gilbert, Jiyan, Amelia, Laras, Hana, and Britta to the martial arts training hall.

Until then, they didn't know the reason why it was necessary to fight Steven to become a disciple.

After some time they had arrived, they were greeted by Leonardo who had dressed in martial arts accompanied by 2 other trainers. They greeted each other at that moment.

"Hi, boys, we meet again. Looks like you guys have an interesting fight," Coach 1 said to Radit.

"Hahaha... yes, that's right. They, Gilbert, Jiyan, and Britta, want to be Leonardo's students, but they have to fight Steven," said Coach 2.

"Hahaha, isn't that great? With the conditions, it doesn't just prove they have to be serious," said Coach 1.

Raka, who heard Radit and Coach 1 chatting, came over to him.

"Leo, what's wrong with that? Why do you have to fight Steven first?" asked Radit, who joined the conversation.

"Ah... Steven is the one, he's strong," said Coach 1. "Hah...!" said Radit and Raka who were surprised, Laras who was beside Coach 1 also heard it and was surprised too.

"Sir... don't joke, how can that weakling be strong? He just keeps losing when he fights Leo," said Laras, who joined the conversation.

"Well, if you compare him to Leo it's like comparing white and black," he said with a laugh and then continued.

"However, a kid named Steven is quite interesting, you know? That's because away opponents are always Leon," said Coach 1.

Radit, Raka, and Laras were confused to hear that because why would someone who was always outmatched by Leo be stronger? Steven is not even a member of a martial arts club and has never taken martial arts training.

"Well, if you believe me, see for yourself," said Coach 1.

Leonardo told Steven, Gilbert, Jiyan and Britta to change their clothes. Steven's martial arts outfit had been prepared by Leonardo.

After some time they finished changing their clothes. Steven seemed still annoyed at being used as an excuse for his student requirement.

The first match was Gilbert versus Steven.

They got ready in their respective places, after which they started fighting when they heard the starting sound.

When the match started, Gilbert spontaneously attacked Steven and aimed his right hand at his solar plexus.

Steven spontaneously stepped back a little, but it was a trick. Gilbert brought his left hand straight to his face. But once again successfully blocked, Steven immediately used his left knee to aim for his stomach.

Gilbert was instantly hit by the attack and retreated instantly. Gilbert looked in pain after taking the attack.

Not stopping there, Steven immediately launched a continuous hand attack at Gilbert.

The rest of the crowd was mesmerized by Steven, who did not expect him to fight a member of the martial arts.

"Oh my, he underestimated his opponent," said Coach 2.

"What do you mean, sir?" asked Fauzan next door.

"Well... you know, Steven's not a martial arts member and he doesn't seem to have any martial arts training, so this Gilbert guy is underestimating him," said Coach 2.

Others also heard the words of Coach 2 and then returned to the battle.

Now it was Steven's turn to launch his attack and approach her.

Steven immediately used his right foot to aim at Gilbert's head, and he caught his foot. Gilbert saw Steven's face and he smiled. Gilbert sensed danger and immediately released the leg he was holding. Steven immediately turned his body around and jumped slightly, using his left foot aiming for Gilbert's head, but missed because Gilbert immediately ducked and retreated.

"Hey... isn't your body too flexible? Are you from the ballet club?" said Gilbert, looking heated.

The words were immediately replied to, "What's the point of winning, isn't it interesting to fight a martial arts member and lose against someone who has joined a martial arts club." Steven said seemingly teasing Gilbert.

Gilbert immediately attacked back, and Steven challenged him. They punched each other, but Gilbert was caught off guard. Steven managed to direct his punch to the stomach and his body seemed to falter for a moment. Steven took the opportunity to deliver a punch to his cheek, but it was blocked.

Steven immediately spoke softly, "Your stomach doesn't look awake." Apparently, Steven's movement position was ready to launch a leg attack.

The sole of Steven's foot at that instant went straight into Gilbert's stomach with force. He bounced backward and fell to the ground.

Coach 1 immediately ended the match, and the match was won by Steven with minor injuries.

The audience was amazed by Steven. "Wow, Steven's great, he's very strong," Hana said.

"Bang, I never thought you were this strong," Fauzan said, and the others cheered too. Laras didn't stand up and she seemed very fascinated with Steven.

The hall's medical team immediately went over to Gilbert who was lying down and checked on him.

It seemed that Gilbert was still pensive and still didn't think he would be defeated by Steven.

Leonardo, who was in the audience, smiled at them. After that, Leonardo called out to family services near the exit of the hall.

He told the servant to prepare food for his friends. Upon hearing that, the servant immediately left the hall.

Then Leonardo stood up and said, "Okay, enough interesting matches, I've lost Steven, yesterday was my compliment," Leonardo said. Steven who listened to Leonardo's words did not reply and he just turned his face away and looked embarrassed.

"Everyone, now we take a break, it's already 12.30 PM, now we have lunch first and then at 1 o'clock come back here again. Jiyan, Britta, and Steven, you change into your normal clothes first," Leonardo said.

They went straight to the locker room and changed their clothes. In the men's locker room, Steven and Jiyan looked awkward. Jiyan was always glaring at Steven.

Steven, who felt uncomfortable being stared at continuously, immediately spoke, "Anu, I know I'm handsome and strong, but I'm still normal you know," he said.

"I have no attraction to men and I still like boing-boing women," Steven said.

When Jiyan heard that, she turned red and quickly changed her clothes. Before opening the locker room door, she shouted, "I will definitely beat you!" she said and walked away.

Steven, who was watching, was speechless. In the next room, Britta overheard this and she seemed even more insecure that Steven had beaten Gilbert with such a minor injury.

After some time they finished changing and then they had lunch.

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