
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[1.10] Origin of the Big Stone

The long-awaited day had arrived. It was the day when Gilbert, Jiyan, and Britta would fight against Steven as a requirement to become Leonardo's martial arts students.

In the morning, in Leonardo's room in his building. Staring at nine monitors, he checks the sales list of his family's goods, the number of people entering the mall, apartment revenue, hotel revenue, stocks, digital money and more.

After that, he looked at astronomy websites to check about the boulder phenomenon. Soon after, there was a knock on the door of Leonardo's room.

Hearing a man's voice asking for permission to enter, Leonardo let the man in. He is Mart Josep, a servant of the Amarta family for generations, he himself is one of Leonardo's personal servants.

Mart who came to Leonardo's room was not without reason like other servants. Mart gave her a secret file document.

"Sir, here is the information you requested," Mart said.

Leonardo took the file and sat at a small table and opened the file, saying, "Thank you for looking," he said.

"Yes, sir, it is my duty to serve you. May I ask, why did you spend so much money to get this information?" Mart said.

"You know, my friend has been experiencing a strange phenomenon these past few days," Leonardo said, to which Mart replied back. "You mean, sir, Radit who fainted last week? But what does that have to do with tonight's phenomenon?" he said.

"I'm just hypothesizing, but it seems to have something to do with tonight's phenomenon," Leonardo said. Mart, upon hearing that, did not reply to his words. Leonardo began to open the secret document.

It is information about an asteroid or boulder that will soon pass over the planet Terra. The document mentions the origins, legends, myths, rumors and facts about the boulder.

In the secret document, it is said that the origin of the boulder dates back to ancient times, rumor has it that the boulder existed when the universe was born.

There are also suggestions that the rock is a fragment of a destroyed planet. In fact, experts who have studied the rock say that it has been around for a long time, even longer than the age of the planet Terra, and even as far back as researchers can remember.

Another fact is that the research team was unable to get close to the boulder. For some reason, every time the drones approached the boulder, the drones immediately experienced system failures, some even disintegrated, and rumors among researchers surfaced that the object was alive.

The rumor was so strongly supported by researchers that it was almost considered real that it was alive. That's because the boulder is so mysterious, researchers can't tell if it's orbiting a star in this solar system or not.

That's because if the boulder really is orbiting a star in our solar system, it's almost impossible. The orbital rotation of this rock is too far away, almost to another nearby star. It should be attracted by the gravity of the neighboring star as it is close to it, but the boulder is not.

Even the latest 21st-century supercomputers can't figure out the pattern rate, velocity, and simulation of the boulder's orbit.

The supercomputer only provides many conclusions and even every conclusion drawn from the research team is always wrong, more precisely when the researchers take conclusion A which is close to 100% correct, when observed again, the state of the boulder changes again and the supercomputer returns to analyze new possibilities again.

In fact, in a secret mission, researchers from all over the world and countries agreed to send guided missiles at the boulder when it started to enter the solar system and was about to reach the sixth planet. The results were shocking, leaving researchers and world leaders stunned. The three missiles sent from the 5th planet were all unable to hit the boulder.

The first missile that was launched, when it was about to approach the boulder, suddenly stopped working (inactivated) and the missile just floated in space and finally exploded itself on a small asteroid wandering in space, and the movement of the asteroid was also very strange, because it moved beyond the predictions of the system.

A second guided missile was launched, and when it was about to approach the rock, something strange happened. Unlike the first missile, which stopped functioning, the missile changed course. It looked like the missile changed its course to avoid hitting the boulder.

The third guided missile was launched, and like the first and second, a strange and different phenomenon occurred. Instead of missing or being damaged, the missile exploded on its own.

Researchers eventually hypothesized that the object was alive or contained something they couldn't understand with current science, and the possibility that the boulder, which sometimes gave off light, might be a major threat to humanity. Even the researchers couldn't figure out why the boulder was giving off light. Because it cannot be categorized as a comet.

As a result of the incident, all countries decided to increase the highest level of surveillance of the boulder, which was considered to threaten the extinction of all living things on the planet Terra.

The document mentions ancient legends and folklore. The story states that the boulder would pass by the planet Terra once every few thousand years and when the boulder passed by, it was always disastrous.

The story says that the stone has supernatural powers that can awaken the hidden talents of every living being. In ancient times, they mentioned magic talents, superpower talents, hidden knowledge, and many others depending on the era.

Thanks to that immense power, the era prospered because of it, and people's lives to survive and establish territories became easier. However, the power was also like a time bomb, people with stronger powers would become leaders in the region and control other living beings weaker than them.

As a result of that power, a great war arose. Weak creatures who disliked people with great power also rebelled and the world was covered in blood. The civilization of that era eventually died out until there were no great wizards left.

The story also mentions that if you find people who have strength that exceeds that of ordinary humans or strange abilities that other humans do not have, it is likely that they are descendants of the remnants of a destroyed civilization.

In the postscript, it is mentioned that there are some epochs that tell the existence of powerful monsters like in legends or stories in movies, but it is doubtful because there is no strong evidence because there are no fossils or living witnesses. It was only written and described in ancient finding records.

Leonardo closed the secret document and said, "Very interesting story, Radit. Are you a remnant of the descendants of an extinct civilization in the past?" he said, then continued his words.

"Mart, but what's with these three sheets? Pictures of animals and islands? Legends? Myths? Is there any connection?" asked Leonardo.

"I don't really know, sir. However, when we searched for details, we found nothing. But, the source who brought the file said that the mythical things or legends that exist in this world all have something to do with the boulder. But the accuracy is still unknown because the ancient records are still difficult to reveal. You know, the ancient people are very mysterious, some researchers have found electricity, modern objects, and other unnatural things in the past, but there is no trace of them." Mart replied.

"Hm... I see," Leonardo said.

Then he immediately stood up and told Mart to prepare the martial arts training hall and also prepare for the joint phenomenon viewing event held at Leonardo's hut in Thân Thiện forest tonight.

Then Leonardo left the room to the dining room and got ready to welcome friends who would come to see Gilbert, Jiyan & Britta fight against Steven as a condition for Gilbert, Jiyan & Britta to become Leonardo's students.

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