
New Life In MCU

Short synopsis : An average looking but intelligent guy who despite growing up in abusive and selfish family worked hard and became successful. But as said previously selfish family betrayed him and tried to steal all his wealth. But as said tried but failed. ----------- MC: What the where am I?( waking up in a beautiful grass land he asked puzzled) ???: Well hello there looks like you are awake. MC: WTF [further part in Prologue.] {A/N:– this is my first novel and just writing to experience, so I hope you like it. And if any suggestions for improvement than please let me know. It'll be Genderbende so, proceed on your own risks.}

JustSomeone31 · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 S.A.I. and Evolution

<Greetings Master! I am your new Superior AI>

When Isa heard this voice she got startled.

And asked " Who is that?" She immediately got reply. <It's me! Master your AI.>

Isa "Wait!... How?!" And she takes out her phone and saw THE CORTANA standi.... appearing on her screen. She asked system "System is that really the Cortana ?"

[No! host it's not Cortana from your past games. But this Ai is based on her]

Isa "Awesome! Now time for my next reward. System retrieve gene evolving serum." But just as she was planning to take the serum, system warning came.

[Wait! Host before you take the serum you should be prepared. This system evolves all your genes, that means every cell in your body that possess your gene will evolve. And this process will cause tremendous pain and it also requires lot of energy.]

When Isa heard this, she asked "then, what do you suggest I should prepare?" So, system told her to eat lot of food which will provide her energy and also find a comfortable place to lay down as it will be long process. So, she went in kitchen. Just like all rooms, kitchen was also in same colour scheme.

Without wasting any time, she prepared some eggs, beacon and one full glass of milk. While she was preparing "SAI upload your self on internet and download as mush information as you can, and also make sure you don't get caught." She said to Ai. <Okay master I will do as you say.> SAI replied.

After she was done preparing food she ate it, she also had some fruits. By the time she felt like she had enough food in her stomach. She can't eat any further or she might just blast. Then she went up in her bedroom and said to system. "System I am ready to take the serum."

[Okay! host please be prepared cause it will be painfull.]

[Retrieve Gene Evolution Serum....]

[Yes / No]

Isa said yes, just as she did she felt like someone just pumped hot boiling and thick substance in her veins. Although it was painfull but it's bearable. After this feeling stopped she said "Fuu...Okay it was painfull bu...ugm... Arghhhhhhhhhh!" Before she could finish her sentence, she felt like in that one mili second her body was blasted in thousands of pieces and again got repaired. But it didn't stop there, this process of breaking and repairing continued. She felt like she is going insane.

[Detecting host mental condition in danger!

Activating Skill Gamers Mind!]

[Detected solution not enough! Forcefully entering host in sleep mode.]

This is the last thing she heard before passing out....


After one and half hour...

General POV

In room, Isa can be seen convulsing and twitching on bed. If someone saw her right now, first thing they will think is calling ambulance. But slowly this twitching began less and final stopped, her growning also stopped. And finally her eyes snapped open and first thing she said is "Fuuuuck! That was way more worst then falling from the roof."

But she didn't stop there and kept saying some more profanities.

Once she was done wenting her frustration, she tried to stand up but again fell down face first. She tried to get up but her hands couldn't muster strength. She some how managed to turn and lay on her back. She started seeing everything speening. She asked system " System! What's happening to me? Why is everything speening?"

System replied:[ Host! Due to process of evolving, energy in your body is almost completely empty. ]

[ I suggest that you take mid Healing potion. It not just recovers your health but also gives replanish energy.]

Isa immediately withdraw MHP (mid healing potion) and chugged it down. Just as she did she felt her energy return in her body. Only then did she notice horrible smell in the roon along with her body covered in blackish, gui and sticky substance on her body. " Wtf is this on my body?! And it smells worst then shit." She asked.

[ Host! This is all the impurities and left over weist from your body.]

When Isa heard this she showed shocked expression. Without waiting she got up and ran to bethroom. Turned shower on and washed all the filth on her body.she spent half an hour in bathroom. Once she was done she sat down in bathtub to relax her still soar muscles. She asked system "Ohhh~ it feels good. Hey! System do you have a name?"

[Yes! I do have a name host. Its Jophiel you can call either Jo or phiel. Whatever you like?]

Isa "Hmm ~ that's a good name. Okay! I'll call you Phiel. So, what are changes that happened in my body. Also should also call me Isa okay."

[ Okay! I'll call you Isa from now on. And as for the changes in your body, you can see in the mirror. Your bone density has increased and your body has also became lot more flexible than before.]

[You can check your status for more details.]

Isa the. Said " Status"

Name: Isabella

Race: High Human (female)

Bloodline: High Human

Title: Reincarnater | One Who Is Loved

By God | Genderbended | Beloved

Daughter | One of a kind in Universe

Health(HP): 5200/5200

Mana(mp): 5500/5500

Vitality (vit): 52

Strength (str): 50

Intelligence (Int): 55

Agility (Agi):53

Defence (Def): 50

Dexterity (Dex): 53

Perseption (per): 51

Charm(cha): 30

[Note: average status of human is 10]



[Programming(level 8) / Hacking (level 8) /

Business Management (level 7) /

Taikondo (level 7) / Karate ( level 6) /

Gamers Body (level max) /

Gamers Mind (level max) /

Handjob (level 5) / Coocking (level 5)

[ Note:- Every skill have a level cap, and it

depends on the skill tier]



Adaptability [Superior (demihuman)]

Flexibility [High (superhuman)]

Strong/Tuogh bones[Intermediate (inhuman)]

After reading hernew status Isa asked "System why do I feel like my status is supposed to be higher than this." For some reason Isa had nagging feeling that it was not high enough status for her new high human race.

[Your feeling is correct Isa. High human have higher status then this when they became adult. But you just became high human on top of that you wasn't born high human but an artificial high human. So, stop being greedy.]

Isa "I am not greedy okay. Well I am but just a little bit." She retorted back. She stayed for some minutes to relax in tub. "Okay, umm~ time to get up." Then she steps out of tub grabs a towel and walks out naked.

When she stepped out of bathroom and she came in front of mirror and saw her reflection. She was stunned by her appearance yet again. But this time it was so much that she couldn't say anything. After evolution her height has increased to 5'7 and she had also gained little muscles. If before she was fit and hot girl now she was seductive godess. Her breasts had become bigger with pointy tips. Her skin white and rosy. She had also gained more defined six pack abs. She had become major turn on for anyone who saw her. Even for her self.

Unconsciously she became little wet watching herself. And started.....