
New Life In MCU

Short synopsis : An average looking but intelligent guy who despite growing up in abusive and selfish family worked hard and became successful. But as said previously selfish family betrayed him and tried to steal all his wealth. But as said tried but failed. ----------- MC: What the where am I?( waking up in a beautiful grass land he asked puzzled) ???: Well hello there looks like you are awake. MC: WTF [further part in Prologue.] {A/N:– this is my first novel and just writing to experience, so I hope you like it. And if any suggestions for improvement than please let me know. It'll be Genderbende so, proceed on your own risks.}

JustSomeone31 · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 Gift Pack, and House Tour

Isa: " well time check all the features of my system." She said. ' system open Gacha' function. Just as she said that. New screen poped in front of her eyes. It had two buttons in it, one of which had [1 Draw] / [10 Draws]

There was also another tab below them [Special Draw]. So, she asked system "system can you tell me about how this function works?"

[Sure host! To you this function you need to spend SP (system points) to buy Gacha Tickets. These tickets are divided into two types:

1> Ordinary Ticket = 100 SP

(Note: you can also buy and use 10 tickets at the time for 1000 points. It's for higher probability. In this you also have better luck for better luck.)

2>Special Ticket = 10,000 SP

(Note: By using this ticket, you can draw rare and above prices.)]

Then Isa asked next question " What are the Categories of draws? And what are chances of getting them?"

[Host! Draws are divided into 8 types:





•Super Rare=7%




Seeing this Isa said "Maaaan! chances for better draws is really low, hope I get lucky."

[Host! I don't think you have to worry about being lucky. You even though didn't have that much of a good karma to catch high level Godly being attention. And still got lucky and got six wishes granted.] Isa seeing this gave an embarrassed chuckle and said " hehe Sorry! So, can I draw lotary now?"

[Sorry host! you don't have enough SP right now.]

Isa : "and how do I get it? "

[By completing quest host!]

Isa: •_• "thaught so, okay next open shop"

Then in front of Isa new screen appears. It had search option at top. And it also had different tabs representing different types of things to buy from shop.






Seeing this Isa asked "I can understand pretty much everything from this. But what is the last tab for? Is it for summoning the character from different fictions"

[Your guess is half correct host! But it not just summons a character but can also integrate in you. Just like template systems from the novels you read.]

Seeing this Isa was shocked " does that mean I can have skills from different characters." Then she was lost in her imagination. 'Wait! Dose that mean I can also have Skills of shadow monarch. Cooooool!' But she was immediately baught out of her thoughts by system.

[Host! You have completed your quest.

*Know Your System*]

[Accept the reward]


Isa seeing this immediately accepted the reward.

[Congratulations! Host you got:

1> NZT

This tablet is from movie limitless

(Note: all this side effects have been


2> 10 Ordinary Gacha Tickets

3> 3 Special Gacha Tickets

4> 1 Sommonig Ticket

5> Random Weapon

6> 1000 SP ]

Isa: "Well It's better than I expected!" ' But before I use any of these.....' Just he takes notice of room she is in. "Time to explory my new house." Then she gets up and turns light on. She then walks up to full body mirror and sees her-new-self. "Dude! I look hot!" She is excited seeing her new body. But then she became a little depressed and thought,

'Although I wanted to look good, But this is not how I wanted it to be....., On top of that being too good looking can also be troublesome.'

Isa: "Good thing that Isa had cold personality so she wasn't in any relationship and had only few friends." She again took good look at herself and said "No matter what male or female version of Sung Jin Woo, both are perfect combination of Scary, badass, and hot."

After admiring herself she started observing room. It is combination of black/purple, with some white in it, inshort its good room. She then walks to the bathroom. Wash brush her teeth, and washed her face. Initially she hasitated a little but when she again took notice of her beautiful face and soft juicy lips all hasitationwas gone.

After that she walked out of her room and came to hall way. It was also in similar colour scheme. Isa had an independent personality.

So, after completing her studies she started living alone. Even though she was just between 22-24 she had several Graduations. In defferent fields like Chemistry, Physics, Programming, and being from buisnessman family she was knowledgeable in business management. She also had knowledge of biological field but little compared to other subjects.

Then Isa said "time to get my rewards, System retrieve NZT." Just then golden round pill appeared on her hand. "That's how improverd NZT looks like." But before taking it she asked system that does taking this pill cause pain or any discomfort. System replied "No". And so she swallowed that pill.

When Isa swallowed that pill she felt like her brain just went through evolution. It felt warm current spread through her brain and made her feel like it's working twice as fast. She then checked her stats, her (Int) stats has increased by 20. So she was twice as smarter and her mana capacity has also became twice.

Isa then used her ten lotary tickets and obtained.

[Drawing 10 gacha ....

Congratulations! You have obtained

(Uncommon)High healing potions= 3x

(Uncommon)Mid healing potions= 4x

(Uncommon)Superior Ai= 1x

(Common) ID creation= 1x

(Rare) Slime bodysuit= 1x ]

[Drawing Special Gacha....

Congratulations! You obtained

(Super rare)Super Gene Evolution Serum

(Mythical) Random mythical pet

(Super rare) Set of Magic learning books ]

When Isa saw her last three she didn't know how to express her happiness. She said "Wow! these prices are just too awesome. Expecially this mythical pet one." Then she started imaging herself flying on dragon or petting truck sized big white tiger on its back. She was bought out of her imagination by system.

[Host! Would you like introduction of your reward?]

[Yes / No]

Isa pressed yes and new screen appeared in front of her.

[High Healing potions= It can heal any injuries and even heal person from life threatning injuries. Or any cure poisoning or after effect of poisoning. Even lost limbs of damaged organs can be repaired. Also deseases from birth.]

[Mid Healing potions= can cure any injuries, even lost organs and sever poisoning. Including life threatning deseases.]

[Superior AI= This AI is best in whole universe, eternally loyal to you and the once you approve. (Note: It can evolve by occuring new knowledge and consuming other AI's. So, it has potential to be best in multiverse if given time.) ]

[ID creation= Just as name suggests, it can create ID according to your opinion ]

(a/n not that good in english)

[Slime bodysuit= The Slime Bodysuits originally invented by Cid Kagenou were made from the slimes in his domain. While slimes are normally very fragile, they are also excellent mana conductors, allowing a user with excellent control over their mana to channel their magic through the slime suit and create just about anything conceivable, from swords to armor to fake breasts to wings, and so forth.]

[Super Gene Evolution Serum= Can evolve Genes to highest form possible. (Note: when using this serum can cause lots of pain) ]

[Random Mythical pet= This can summon random mythical level pet for you. Summoned pet is always loyal to you and your loved once ]

[Set of Magic learning books= This is a set of books that are used for learning magic. It contains books from basic to advanced course books ]

After reading introduction of rewards Isa gave happy smile and said "Well that's pretty useful item's. Expecially last four." The she heard systems voice.

[Host! Would you like to retrieve your rewards]

Isa said " Yes retrieve Ai first. And incorporate it in my laptop, computer (gaming) and Phone." Then she heard voice.

<Greetings! Master...>