
New Life; Fun Life

Author Heroes are not born... They are made. Liam tran... Liam Cut!... I'm no fucking hero, correct that now. Author *Ahem* it seems there is confusion somewhere, sorry for the inconvenience. Liam, a boy who dreamt of Eternal Peace, transmigrated into a fantasy world. Having no other option... He decides to pursue the other form of Eternal peace... Eternal Happiness. But with evil lurking at all corners of his new world... It would be a difficult dream to archive. Join us, on our journey to... Eternal Peace/Happiness. Liam. Cut!... Not us... only me. Author I thought we are in this together. Partners... Till the end. Liam It seems the author is suffering from... An unknown disease. Join me, on my journey to... Eternal Peace or Happiness. Either would be good for me. And for those looking down on us... I'm watching you. And for those thinking; it's interesting... You're my best pal. Thanks, Fam. Watch out for this epic tale... One that you only see in... Don't know the length. Just enjoy. {Disclaimer} The cover isn't mine, so if you know the artist or you are the artist. I'll be glad if you contact me, I'll do my best to appreciate your wonderful work. https://discord.gg/5jRzj65WbV Discord link. Do join if you're interested. Thanks.

Believer_X · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Seasons.Not Yet Edited.

After our late-night discussion, everything seemed good. I expected 'hardcore training'... But it ended up becoming 'having fun'.

Now I understand why he's still so fat, he eats a lot... I will define him as a glutton, a scary one at that.

"So tell me, kid... How does it taste?" he said gulping down a drink. it seemed to be beer, not sure since he said I'm too young.

"Very good, " I replied taking sips of my soup. It tastes good, wish I could meet the cook... But it's easier said than done.

He was saying stuff about the chef not being in the mood, he likes to keep secrecy and other weird stuff. Maybe they are hiding from something or someone.

"Look, kid... The best way to get better is through enjoying what you have!" he said in a loud tone. Seems the drink is performing its duty.

"Yes sir! ... I believe in your ideology!" I said shouting out loud like him. Rule of coexisting; When with a drunk man... You act like one. We were in a bar anyway, nothing can go wrong... Or so I thought.


Throwing us out... The door was banged on our faces I got pretty lucky, for Raymond... Not so good.

He was currently bleeding from the nose. I thought he was respected by the city... It seemed that was for only small fries.

"Ahhh! That bitch!" he yelled out getting up from the floor. "I would fucking kill her!" he yelled picking up the bottle that came with him. Poor guy, he seemed to be suffering a lot.

"*Haa* I'm off now," he said raising his hands. "See you later" he continued walking towards the east.

I have an idea of his destination, *haa* guess I'm now a stalker... Thinking of his destination... What a bad habit.

Surveying the area, I could see a huge building not too far away. It looked similar to the library... Won't hurt to look through some things again.

Starting my journey, I moved toward the building, singing a song I knew very well... A cool song indeed.

*Dear God_ by Dax*

Enjoying the song playing in my head, and following the little I could with my lips, I walked... more like walk-dance done the deserted road. Seemed business was low today.

On reaching the building, I confirmed my thought. I was actually standing in front of the library.

Brainbox mode; Activated.

Walking through the door, I first caught sight of the librarian. He was busy as last time, looking under his desk.

As if sensing my presence he looked toward me, giving me a short glance before continuing his business.

"Hello sir," I said giving him a small bow. I keep to the laws of gaining favor... Maybe I can get some tips today.

"What do you want fella?" he said still looking downwards. Very rude... The needy have no choice.

"I need a book about the seasons, and can I look into the other kingdoms on this continent?" I asked looking straight at him. Last time I didn't check the other groups of this continent... After he advised me not to continue, I decided to stop completely.

"For the seasons; Yes. For the other groups; ask big Mom," he said taking a short glance at me. "Check section 1," he continued going back to his business.

"Thanks for the advice," I said walking towards the section. Finally got some lead to my 'what's and what not'.

On reaching my destination I could see a lot of books, similar to the first time I was there. I wonder what all these books contain... When I have the energy and time, I will surely come here.

Scanning through the bookshelves, I could see the other book names, like; Muscles, Brain, My arrival, and other weird names.

Finally reaching my target, which had the word 'Seasons' written on its cover. It looked big... Though nowhere near 'Kosmos'.

Taking the book to a reading table, I immediately opened it. There was some introduction stuff. But as a man of culture... I don't read those.

'Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter' was written boldly on the page, directly under 'The four main seasons'. Maybe there are more... If they classified them as the main four.

Each of them has approximately 90 days, forming a year in the world of Kosmos, which means 360 days a year. But if these seasons make up a year... Then where do the other seasons fall in. *Ahhh* you fool... Just check the book.

Looking through the book, I could see many facts about seasons and their effect, it was very similar to earth, with some minor differences.

The other seasons were said to exist in what they called domains, and some rarely occurred in normal lands, like the southern continent.

Though this strange phenomenon occurs mainly in The Unknown lands... It seemed this place has a huge reputation... And if I remember correctly, that's where Igor picked me up.

Why would this body be in such a place... I will need to figure that out... I believe it can wait, for now.

*Mmmmh* don't the seasons have names, I can't see anything here; scanning through the book, I tried to look for any name... But there was none.

Fuck! How can they hide what I want; rushing to the shelf, I tried looking for any similar book... But I couldn't find any.

Seems fate is trying to keep me in the dark... But don't worry dear viewers... I will make sure to reveal everything to you.

Ohh! I forgot something important; we're in the Autumn season and based on my calculations... I was born on the 11th day.

Finally figured out my birthday; the 11th day of the Autumn season. I've not seen any record of years; like 2022 or so... Which means I only have a season and day.

Not bad... At least I have a birthday for the new body... Even though it's artificial.

Walking out of the library, I gave the librarian a little bow... Happy I figured out my birthday. Time to prepare for my next training.

Next Day

As usual... We trained, this time focusing on my muscles and their organization.

He was saying stuff like tendons, thorax, vertebrae, and some other complex stuff. Won't lie... I didn't understand any of that... I'm no science student.

Just followed his instructions, and my body seemed to be getting better every single day. I'm happy about the improvements, I feel like I could kick Goku's ass.

"You have other training to do," said Raymond looking at me. "Don't worry kid... We'll have other chances to train," he continued placing his arm on my shoulder.

"Now you need to train under your next instructor... Remember to be a good boy," he said finally letting go of me. I enjoyed his training and all, but... I need a break.

"And my name is 'Isamu Raymond," he said stretching out his hand to me. His name sounded Japanese, seems I was right... Things are not that different from Earth.

Receiving his handshake, we laughed together. Though a troublesome experience... It was still worth remembering in good light.

Now it was time for my next training... Hope it's something Fun.

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