
New Life; Fun Life

Author Heroes are not born... They are made. Liam tran... Liam Cut!... I'm no fucking hero, correct that now. Author *Ahem* it seems there is confusion somewhere, sorry for the inconvenience. Liam, a boy who dreamt of Eternal Peace, transmigrated into a fantasy world. Having no other option... He decides to pursue the other form of Eternal peace... Eternal Happiness. But with evil lurking at all corners of his new world... It would be a difficult dream to archive. Join us, on our journey to... Eternal Peace/Happiness. Liam. Cut!... Not us... only me. Author I thought we are in this together. Partners... Till the end. Liam It seems the author is suffering from... An unknown disease. Join me, on my journey to... Eternal Peace or Happiness. Either would be good for me. And for those looking down on us... I'm watching you. And for those thinking; it's interesting... You're my best pal. Thanks, Fam. Watch out for this epic tale... One that you only see in... Don't know the length. Just enjoy. {Disclaimer} The cover isn't mine, so if you know the artist or you are the artist. I'll be glad if you contact me, I'll do my best to appreciate your wonderful work. https://discord.gg/5jRzj65WbV Discord link. Do join if you're interested. Thanks.

Believer_X · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Age Comes With Resolve.Not Yet Edited.

*Twitch* what were they arranging for the past three hours; looking at the Pearl object in their hand... I couldn't help but curse in my mind.

They had been preparing the instrument according to their first statement... and I clearly saw them arranging a machine. But all of a sudden they appeared with this Pearl, calling it The instrument, used in testing age.

"Can you touch it, Young Master?" said one of the scientists, I presume, in a respectful tone.

Nodding, I stretched my hands forward... Looking at the device, it did not seem to change in any form, it was the same.

"Is there a problem with the instrument?" inquired Raymond, looking at the Pearl strangely.

"No my lord, can you take your hand off the Age detector," said another, finally calling the instrument name.

I had no problem with taking my hand off... Not like it adds anything to me; I thought, redrawing my hand.

After my hand was disconnected, the other scientist touched it; and puff, a number appeared... If my sight has not failed me, then I can see, 245.

But I guess it has; no way in hell, such a young and pretty lady could be that old, even witches on Earth don't have that ability.

Wait! or maybe they do; thinking, about vampires, wolfs, and all those folklore, it all makes sense now.

Mana or whatever form of power they call it here, rejuvenates them increasing their lifespan, and preserving their young looks.

"Nothing is wrong with the device," said the scientist, looking at me strangely.

What! I didn't spoil it, I did everything you asked of me... don't you dare blame me! Now I remember those times in the hospital when a nurse says; The reason I've been injecting all parts of your body is that your veins are hard to find.

Fuck! it's your duty to look for the vein! Not mine! And here I am, about to go through the situation again... In another life.

"Just say it," I said in a calm tone, marking all their faces and its expression.

"Say what?" asked the person holding the instrument, looking at me curiously.

"That it's not working because of me" I replied, not bothering to play any mind game; being direct is key.

"Won't say I understand that" she replied, turning to look at her companions.

"I think it's due to his uniqueness, the instrument can not read a special individual's age," said her companion, introducing a possible cause.

As I expected, I'm to blame for the current situation... They even blamed my uniqueness, not like I mind... I will face my troubles head-on.

"Then use the length measurements... Though it might not be accurate, it's still better" Raymond interrupted, giving them an easy way out.

I must say... A brilliant man indeed, you don't have to go for the main problem, if it's difficult to solve, instead go for the easier ones... Which can give an idea of how to solve the hard one. Don't look at me that way... My words relate to the situation.

"Yes my lord" replied the scientist, inviting us to another room. It looked like a weighing scale, can't see anything used in measuring length.

Using her hand, she signaled me to get on the scale, to which I complied. it feels somewhat comfortable.


With a metallic sound echoing throughout the room, the machine started to vibrate... It still felt comfortable, even though the sounds were disturbing.

"Mmmh, can you get off?" said a scientist giving me a weird look. Don't know why they are acting so strange. They just finished the procedure... So why the rush?

"It's done... You can come off now" said Raymond extending his arms to me, he seemed disappointed.

Did the device not record my age? Turning back, I looked towards the meter... A figure was written, it seemed blurry to me... Maybe the side effect of the machine.

"You have shamed me, Liam," said Raymond with his face taking a dark shade. Do they have a problem with people's age here?

"You even fall prey to a simple test!" he said bowing his head, with tears dropping from his eyes. Is this guy crazy, I've only been here for some seconds.

Putting my hands in my pocket, I took out my watch; No way! The time shows about 30 minutes past the time I stood here. I remembered checking the time before entering this room.

"Ahem, if you don't mind My Lord, I will appreciate it if you step down first," said the lady giving me a small bow.

Getting out of my comfort zone; I could see and feel things around me clearly... Now it was clear to me... That I was somehow hypnotized by the machine.

What a shame... I got transmigrated, with no unique ability... And here I am, falling hypnotist for a mere machine... Something that was not made to hypnotize people.

"From the result, you are at a height of approximately 120 Cm," she said out loud drawing both my and Raymond's attention. It seemed they wanted to clear the strange environment.

"Which means your age range is around 8_9" she continued looking me in the eye. Does she want me to choose my age?

"We'll go for 8... And today is your birthday" said Raymond turning toward the exit. He looked... Tired.

But I don't care! I don't even know how you calculate seasons here... And you are asking me to mark my birthday!

If not for the fact I messed up... I would have laid my case! Since I didn't do well today... I will take this as my punishment!


Ahem, Liam was not that gutsy to challenge Raymond... So he decides to swallow all his compliant... And obey Raymond's decision.

Walking side by side on the blanket of the dark sky... Was Liam and Raymond, with the only sound one could hear is that of the chirping cricket.

"You know... Life doesn't always go the way you want" said Raymond looking toward the other side of the road.

"Especially here... Things just end up going all wrong... When you least expect it" he continued picking up a pebble, it looked shiny and beautiful.

"But as living beings... Our main task is to... Survive. No matter how hard life may seem, there's always a way.

No matter how dark the times may be... Many believe you need a sun or maybe a moon, to brighten your life up.

They can't be more wrong... Someone created the artificial lights... So they don't have to depend on the stars for light.

You can also become a light... Not for just yourself... But for everyone around you... For your family.

So tell me... Do you want to be a new... Sun. For all your loved ones" said Raymond turning to look at Liam, with his fat jiggling.


Don't know how to tell you this... I've always wanted to be a light... Bright as day, something that drew people close to it!

But I couldn't... My health issues made my already mediocre look worst... Not even giving me the chance to enjoy my life!

Now I have good looks! But the world setting is different from Earth... Here the strong devour the weak!

No way in hell am I going to be the weak!... Here I will be the strong... I will work hard to accomplish that!

"I hope you understand me, kid?" he said placing his arm on my shoulder, he wore a very weak look on his face, the same look he showed when his true look was revealed.

"I understand! And I plan on making myself stronger! Please help me accomplish that goal... Master!" I yelled out, prostrating myself in front of him. I'm no egoistic coward... If begging is the key... Then I will use it!

Rule of gaining favor; Prostrate yourself if required!

Always aim to be better!

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