
New Alpha in Town

Traveling to a new world Oliver Grey along with his new pack has to find a place for themselves amongst this new world.

Ashtin_Pratt · TV
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Alpha to Alpha

I spent the next few hours at Marin's home talking about the different supernatural nearby and how she wanted to cooperate with my pack. Mostly just help collecting stuff that normal people can't or allowing her to make a 'Druid Pact' with me. This pact is something special between druids as they can only make one pact and if that pact is broken two decades need to pass before making another.

So we talked about the pack and how it would strengthen her as I got stronger and vice versa she and all of her resources are at my disposal. She told me her brother had a pact with the Hales. And I thought for a second before recalling the series. Deaton was always good to Scott in the beginning but later on he helped less and less. Most likely because at the beginning Scott was Peter's beta, then Derek's ally and friend, so he always had a close relationship to the Hales.

After talking with Marin and finalizing our pact I bid her goodbye. We agreed to meet again this weekend as it's a full moon and I told her I had at least two candidates I wanted to turn this week and maybe a possible one to convince I was looking into. So she said she'd make preparations for the new turned on her end and I said goodbye, after all I still needed to meet Satomi. The way to contact werewolves in town is very easy but sometimes It can be a bothersome wait.

To circumvent that I made plans in advanced to stop and grab some snacks. Let's see if they have Pokky would Satomi be offended? She shouldn't be? Distracted by my thoughts and I bumped into the big guy right by the door stumbling by the counter as he dropped the change in his hand.

"I'm so sorry sir, let me help you." I said to the guy as I bent down and helped him pick up the change, but for some reason this big guy was so timid he couldn't even meet my eye.

Yet Mr. Cashier apparently had a bad day since he couldn't help but imitate a rap god with all the venom he was spitting "I wouldn't bother picking it up, it's not enough in the first place." As the cashier spoke more and more I could feel the big kid get more and more depressed as I casually stood up and spoke the dreaded words "Where is your manager?"

The poor employee never would have imagined that not only did I call out the manager but I made this guy so miserable that the manager let me and the big guy fill our rides with gas as he got his skittles and tea for free. Of course I grabbed some Swedish fish after all the munchies are what I came for.

The big guy however was so dazed that it took a lot of effort to force out a full sentence. After that however he calmed down and we could speak a bit and he apparently had the issue of not normly being included or noticed so he generally doesn't tend to speak a lot. I thought it was ludicrous a guy his size should be the envy of all sports teams, and apparently he tried playing LaCrosse the 'IT' sports in town, but he was so uncoordinated they cut him on the spot.

Anyways the Big Guy or Vernon Boyd the Third or just Boyd was a nice guy to talk to so I made an appointment for him to come to the mansion Friday to meet the twins. I was already planning a small party to get to know future pack members.

Putting that mini episode to the side I got back on my bike and headed to the woods. There are no wolves in California so whenever you here a howl it's very ear catching, especially an Alphas. I opened my throat and let out a deep howl that traveled miles around the town. A werewolf's howl conveys its emotions and just now that was basically a 'wanna meet' howl.

It didn't take too long before a slightly higher pitched howl made its way to me generally meaning 'already coming'. I was prepared to wait a while but around five minutes after Satomi's reply I heard the sound of motorcycles and I knew who they belonged to instantly. As confirmed by their appearance as they came through the brush coming to a skid behind me.

"We're here!" Ethan spoke up excitedly

"Where's the fight?" Aiden asked eyes already in combat mode

"You two...sigh" I wasn't sure whether to be mad that they showed up so quickly or relieved that they stuck close by "Anyways we're waiting for the other pack here to meet us."

The twins asked a few questions and I told them my plan to throw a party this weekend which Aiden said would give us School cred and Ethan already started searching for a DJ. We were discussing a theme when the sound of a car came into to our ears causing the conversation to die.The car itself didn't drive over to this side since cars aren't as flexible as bikes, but an older woman followed by two guys and a girl appeared in view.

Satomi was the middle aged looking asian woman walking in the middle. On her right were a pair of blondes. The taller guy whom I recognized as Brett and the girl who should be Lorrie and the guy on her left should be Demarco a guy who poses as an alcohol dealer to spy on things for Satomi.

"What an extraordinary young man," was the first comment out of Satomi's mouth after her group stopped about a meter in front of us "Such strength at such a young age, yet I barely smell a bloody scent on you. A True Alpha. Extraordinary indeed."

I was taken back but then remembered this is an old ass woman the experience she has surpass me and the twin put together. "Thank you for the praise Madame Satomi."

"And polite too. Very well youngin, you and your boys are welcomed to Beacon County, just don't make too much of a toss around here got it?"

"Wait...just like that?"

"Of course not bot, I ain't old for nothing. Who you are and where you come from I've already known Grey. It's because I know I'm okay with it, however Laura the current Hale Alpha still has to make her stance but she will return within a month or two. As long as you're no psycho she shouldn't refuse."

"...Very well then, thank you Madame Satomi. Once we're settled I'll send an invitation to host your pack and introduce you to mine."

"Oh is it not only the two boys? Very well ill wait for the invitation pup. Since you're here do me a favor anyways."

Oh? A favor for Satomi might be worth it since she's well connected. "Whats the favor first?"

Seeing my caution the little old lady laughed "What do you think of Omegas?"

"Huh? No concern considering me and the twins are technically Omegas."

"Well then what about taking in one more?" Satomi nodded to Brett as he left for their car, turning back to me and seeing my guard rise she explained "This girl came into town this morning running away from a savage pack that had their eyes on her. She managed to escape and came here but she was bitten and now has nowhere to go and no control."

"So you want me to take her in and teach her our ways" I state as I nod in a sagely manner, yet feeling the dry gazes around me I clear my throat and continue "I can take her in and teach her control but whether she joins my pack I have my own measures."

"Thats good enough for me, my old lady can't be tossing with these newborns on full moons anymore, leave it to you youngsters."

At this time Brett came back with a woman who looks in her early twenties at best behind him very cautious as if afraid of everyone. As they came to Satomi's side they came to a stop as the girl spoke "Miss Satomi!"

"Carrie I spoke earlier about how I can take you in but I couldn't let you join my pack or take too much time to teach you, however I spent a lot of energy finding Mr. Grey here." My head turned and looked at the shameless of this woman. Didn't I call you? "Mr. Grey is another Alpha in this town and he'll be able to support you much better than I can."

Stepping in I spoke up "Hello Ms. Carrie, Oliver Grey a pleasure to meet you, I've heard great things from Madame Satomi."

"You have?" The girl was dumbfounded and confused and while keeping that momentum I invited her to my pack and she agreed to join. As we just met and don't have a bond yet her strength won't feed back to me and vice versa but its good to have extra womanpower.

Satomi seeing the deal made took her leave as I have Ethan give Carrie a ride back to the mansion to pick a room. After all I don't have much time before Peter starts causing trouble and I want a least 3-4 betas of my own. However as the situation with Carrie just showed new betas don't have any immediate benefits.

No control, no strength, just raw power and raw emotions that need to be trained and honed. Obviously I didn't have as much time but I had a even better cheat, a forward solution to our problems I just need to find it.