
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Do you like her?.

Sophi saw many people gathered around her. She could vaguely hear what they were talking about, but she was not strong enough to answer, so only that one left her mouth.

Sophi opened her bleary eyes only to see an unfamiliar face in front of her.

"Are you awake?" Bonie asked.

Sophi clearly feel that she had gotten much better, and her head did not feel as dizzy.

"I am feeling fine....." Sophi answered quietly.

When Leila saw that Sophi was awake, she heaved a sigh of relief and placed a set of clothes beside her tidily.

"You had a fever. You were sweating heavily, so my mother change your clothes" Leila said.

"Leila! Come down with her. Let's have dinner" Bonie informed.

An aromatic smell wafted in Sophi nose making her salivating. She stepped into the dining room with Leila, Bonie was already sitting in one of the chairs, right at the end of the small table.

"Take a seat. Feel comfortable!" The voice of the middle aged woman made Sophi heart warmth. Sophi awkwardly sat on a vacant seat, her eyes settling on the bowl of vegetable salad dip in Apple cider and mayo that was in the middle of the table.

Bonie took out a pot of porridge from the kitchen and dropped in front of Sophi. "Have porridge first" Bonie said.

"Thank you" Sophi lowered her head. She then gently stirring her bowl of porridge.

Leila, Bonie and her mother exchange a glance.

"This is my mother and my sister, Bonie" Leila said.

Sophi looked up at them and said earnestly, "Thank you so much".

"Let's eat!" Mother Serene got the pitcher of water in front of her, serving herself a glass of water.

Sophi quietly finished the porridge. She then served herself some vegetables salad on her plate.

"I'm leaving", Bonie declared while she sat up from the chair, reaching for her jacket, then slid her arms on the sleeves.

"Okay. Take care" Leila and Mother Serene wishes her.


Sophi lowered her head and fiddled with the corner of the tablecloth. "Did you called my brother?" She asked nervously.

Leila closed the webpage she had been looking at and shook her head. "No...I didn't call him".

Leila felt sympathy for her after she saw her crying bitterly in her sleep.

Relieved at her answer, Sophi beamed with a smile.

Leila shot a look at Sophi. "Do you have any plan? You can't run away from your brother forever".

Lowering her head, Sophi shuffled her feet on the floor and uttered, "Just let me stay here for a week!".

"It will not be difficult for your brother to find you. You know.....!" Leila announced in exasperation.

"He won't find me easily... " Sophi said in heavy tone. Tears started welling up as she wanted to cry.

Leila hugged her laptop and leaped down from her bed. "Its late now. Sleep nicely. You have to take care of your health... ".

Sophi glanced at her retreating figure before a smile tore on her face.

"Nicholas Wayne scored well this time!" She chided in her mind.


Nicholas entered the mansion, a maid took his coat from him and placed a pair of indoor slippers in front of him.

Then he immediately rushed to Grandma's study room. He was silent for a while before he finally pressed his lips together and began to speak. "Grandma, Have you had taken your medicine?".

Grandma took a few sips from a cup of tea next to her. She didn't even look up when Nicholas arrived. Nicholas took a few steps forward and knocked on the table in front of him and asked, "Grandma, Have dinner with me".

Grandma looked sideways at her grandson, who was tall and well-built. "When are you going to bring your model girlfriend to me?".

Nicholas arched his eyebrows and snorted, "This time you want me to bring a model!".

"You… Rascal!" Grandma was furious by his reply. "You already drive away a decent girl from your life. You will stay alone for your whole life...!" Grandma greeted her teeth.

She then took her shawl and attempted to step out of the door, but her grandson stopped right in front of her to block her way.

"Move! You jerk...!" Grandma sneered.

Barry carefully scanned the room as he entered.

"You're going?" Nicholas asked.

"No...I am staying here tonight" Barry sat down on the sofa opposite him.

Nicholas pulled out a cigarette and lit the tip leaning against his armchair.

Barry watched his actions with a thoughtful expression. "About Leila Green....You dined with her at Caniel Hotel. You even held her hand....." He roamed his eyes everywhere except Nicholas.

Nicholas's eyes narrowed into slits before he suddenly gave a soft chuckle without any mirth in his eyes.

"Say something...!" Barry urged.

"Why? Do you like her?" Nicholas took another puff of the cigarette before extinguishing the flame in an ashtray nearby.

"She is not my style....!" Barry muttered with hateful face. "The time when you bring her in your villa..... " Barry eyes shone in curious.

"Shut up. Just go!" Nicholas snapped.

"Alright.... " Barry stood up, turned around and walked out.