
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urban
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33 Chs

Fierce temper.

"How can I help you, since you asked me out?" Leila calmly looked at the beautiful woman in front of her who had an unkind look in her eyes.

"What do you want? Money, car or house?" Belle asked flatly while picking up the cup of coffee.

When Leila heard that, she burst out laughing and said, "Are you going to give it to me?".

A heavy silence hung in the air between them.

Leila was about to say something but Belle took out an envelope from her handbag and placed the on the table.

"Take it and get lost from Nicholas!" Belle blurted as she glared at her menacingly.

The smile on her face melted away as she stared at Belle's dark and alluring eyes with a vicious glint.

"Why is everyone showing off their money to me?" Leila scoffed.

Belle twitched her lips and commented sarcastically in a quiet voice, "You must know that a person like you can only be a woman Nicholas messes around with".

"Miss Belle, Why are you so insecure? Isn't he your boyfriend Or are you also someone Nicholas messes around....." Leila's hand tightly squeezed into a fist that was by her side.

All of a sudden, Belle's gaze became even weirder. She was holding a coffee mug in her hand, so she coldly watched as the woman before her jumped after being splashed with hot coffee.

"How dare a low girl like you compared to me?" Belle eyes turned red in anger.

And in a flash, the sound of a forceful slap echoed around the cafe, gaining theatrical gasps for the customers.

"Don't blame others if you can't grasp a man's heart. You only have yourself to blame as you are not charming enough." Leila yelled angrily.

Belle had not expected a slap at all. Her hand slowly moved to cover her palm printed and now swollen cheek while her body trembled in anger, like a volcano ready to erupt.

"How dare you....!" Belle raised her hand to slap Leila, but to her utmost surprise, her hand was caught mid-air.

The color drained from Leila's face. She was going to avoid it when a hand quickly reached out and grabbed Belle's hand right before it landed on her face.

"Stop making scene...." A sudden low, harsh voice sounded—it was Nicholas.

Upon seeing Nicholas, tears were instantly swam in Belle's eyes. "Nick, This girl is so violent..... "

"You come with me!" Nicholas dragged Leila by the wrist abruptly down the stairs completely ignoring Belle.

Belle looked pitiful when she bit on her lip with defeated look.


"Let go of me!" Leila slightly staggered after pulling her arm away from him. "Sir, I respect you as a my superior. But I couldn't keep my promise".

Exhaustion was visible on Nicholas's face while his bloodshot eyes were filled with anger as he coldly demanded, "Don't you remember the consequences for breaching the contract?".

Leila's blood ran cold the moment those words fell out of Nicholas's lips. "I couldn't understand why you are so willing to keep the contract when you already had your girlfriend". Due to her anger toward Nicholas, she had dropped her courtesy.

When Nicholas heard Leila, his jaws immediately clenched. "She is not my girlfriend... " He snapped.

Leila balled her hand into a fist, as she took one step closer to the cold looking man. "Whether she is your girlfriend or not its your personal affairs. But with due respect, I don't want to get involved in this complicated situation".

Saying that she turned decisively to walk in the opposite direction. But she couldn't when Nicholas grabbed her wrists and make her turn around.

"Let go of me!" Leila tried to wriggle her hand out of that man's grasp but found that the man had only tightened his grasp instead.

"Yes! You are great man. You have nothing to lose but...." She felt tears stinging her eyes. "Please let me work here peacefully...." Her voice was screechy.

Nicholas was silent despite her outburst. His gaze fell upon her dress which marked with ugly stains. He took out a card from his coat and stretched his arms, "Here! Buy yourself a new dress".

Leila stared at his hand for a while before she snatched the card from his hand but to Nicholas surprise she threw the card in his face. She threw a last look with hatred at him before she walked away.


The moment Nicholas stepped into his car, he bellowed out a snort of smirk, completely startling Joe who looked at him through the rear view mirror.

Did his boss start losing his mind? He was having a hard time because of his foul mood these days.

The car window opened a crack before Nicholas took out a cigarette and lit it up. As the curling smoke blurred his eyes, he ordered, "Tell them to keep a close eye on Leila Green over the next few days".

The girl was fearless and tenancious, unlike the other girls he has seen before. What a fierce temper she has.