
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urban
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33 Chs

Sophi Wayne.

Leila tried to take her cell phone while rubbing her eyes with one hand. She glance at her phone and revealed that it was seven in the morning, and she stretched lazily in bed as she didn't feel like getting up just yet.

After she washed up Leila immediately headed to the kitchen, finding Mother Serene already started making breakfast.

"Is Bonie awake?" Mother Serene asked.

"I don't think so!" Leila replied as she held a ladle, getting soup from the pot on the stove.

"She needs to eat her breakfast before she went to hospital.... " Mother Serene said. She removed the apron as she hung it on the hook found on the kitchen's wall before she headed to wake Bonie.

Leila took a glance at Drew who was busy with his phone.

"Why are you looking me like that?" Drew put his phone down.

"My youngest brother look more handsome today!" Leila puffed her cheeks making Drew smirked.

"I wouldn't tell anyone!" A cheeky grin appeared on his face as he spoke.

"What to tell....?" Leila crossed her arms in front of her chest as she looked at Drew with determined eyes.

A smug grin appeared on Drew's face, "That Leila Green intimately hugged a man last night".

Leila slammed her hand against the dinning table. "Intimately... My ass! I told you it's because a motorcycle...".

"Leila! A lady came to meet you. She's in living room" Her mother voice made her words interrupted.

Leila cocked her head to the side in puzzled before she walked out. Her steps paused after she passed the kitchen door. She steps backward and stuck her head in raising a brow at Drew conveying the message to keep his mouth shut.

"May I know who you are?" Leila asked as soon as she saw a lady seated elegantly on their shabby sofa.

The lady walked over and asked, "Are you Leila Green?".

She dressed in off white dress---- the dress accentuating the curves of her body. Her shiny jet brown hair flowed freely, which made her look beautiful. Her heart-shaped face was lightly made up, giving a clean look.

"Yes. I am Leila Green" Leila replied.

The lady gazed upon Leila before a small smile tore in her face.

"Hello, I am Sophi Wayne, Nicholas Wayne's sister" She introduced herself.

Leila was beyond startled, her eyes were fully widened and her eyeballs were ready to fall off, while her eyelids kept fluttering.

"Leila, Is she your friend?" Mother Serene appeared in front of them.

"Huh?" Leila's mouth hung open as she stared at her mother in daze.

"What happened?" Her mother asked as she walk more closer to them.

Leila suddenly forced an awkward smile in her face. "Yeah! She is my friend". A panic flashed through her eyes. "Mother...we would go upstairs in my room" Leila spoke hastily. "Let's go upstairs!" Leila hurriedly pulled her the hand and started dragging Sophi off to the stairs.


Sophi took her time slowly while looking around Leila's room. Lots of family photos were hang on her wall.

"If you don't mind, could you pour me a glass of water?" Sophi spoke casually. She ignored the shock on Leila's face, walked over to the small sofa and sat down as though she was accustomed to being served.

Leila poured a glass of water and handed to her.

"Thank you!" She took one glass of water then gulped it down.

Leila's brain just went malfunction and She was utterly confused. "How do you know me?"

Sophi tapped the sofa with his slender fingers and replied, "Of course....you even visited Grandma". She folded her arms, "Are you really my brother's girlfriend?".

Leila pursed her lips showing a slight change in expression. "If you run away from Nicholas, Why did you come here?" Leila asked.

Sophi remained silent then said with a smile, "Is it okay for me if I stay here for a week?".

Leila massaged her temples as she felt a headache forming. "Even if you are angry, it's not a good idea to run away from home. Your family will be worried about you" Leila said with a concern.

Sophi cleared her throat and answered with some difficulty, "My brother force me to study abroad. I want to stay here and pursued my dream and he was against it".

"Look! This is wrong...

Leila's eyes widen in shock when Sophi suddenly faint against the sofa.


Taking out a cigarette, Nicholas lit it up and smoked while leaning casually against the car door. His handsome and stern face slowly became blurred as it was shrouded in smoke.

"What did she text you?" The chilling undertone in his words caused the girl tremble in fear.

"She is fine and told you not to worry about her.... " The girl voice said in heavy tone.

"Okay. You can go now" Rubben smiled showing his brilliant pearly whites.

Nicholas narrowed his eyes at the man next to him.

"You are scaring her!" Rubben shot a look at him.

Nicholas sighed slightly as he looked at his wristwatch before he opened his car door.

"Thank you" Rubben said making Nicholas paused his movement. All Nicholas did was smile before he patted Rubben''s shoulders.