

A story about a forbidden love.... Forbidden fruits tastes sweetest right?......... I didn't know what I am till I met him...My heart was empty and I was lost till I met her...but we can't be together it's written... Being poor is hard but on top of it all if you're abandoned, and have two kids to raise a drunk father to insult you and university mates to mock and bully you..and the only best friend you had turned on you ...I thought that was it till Alexander Black prince the third happened life couldn't get more unfair..plus the fact that his girlfriends are powerful.. and I mean powerful He maybe hot to an extent you can't stop looking at him once you start but Guess what? oh it gets better when you discover there's more to yourself than just what you know wanna know what it is?... Nah I won't tell but you must know for the past few months people Have been found dead and each of them had it's blood drained from it's body, and rumors have it that Alexander Black prince the second is.. a walking dead like his ancestors.. Well I said too much follow this journey to find out...mzBN

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17 Chs

chapter 6

I gasped as I looked around the room the people there had red robes on that had hoodies which hid their faces all but the principal I swallowed, " there she is can you feel the aura she has its so powerful" Three of them were walking towards me and I turned to the door only to find it closed .

I turned to face them breathing heavily and tears rolling down I moved sideways to the wall and suddenly I was sorrounded, curse my luck I know God has a reason for this but I can't see it.

suddenly the door was kicked open it almost hit my face on the process I had to feel it to be sure that I still had a face,and Alexander walked in oh crap my luck is really shitty out of all people on earth and on this dimension he had to be the one to come in.

" Mr black how dare you break into my office" the principal asked while walking to Alexander who simply clicked his fingers and the principal was blocked by an invisible wall.

" Mr black I hope you understand the situation we have to do this" one women spoke" save it I brought her here so I'll be the one to fix this" he said walking to me his eyes caught mine and I was pinned on the spot I think I forgot how to breathe.

" the consequences of what you're about to do are great and I Know you know it and I think you feel that she isn't what she is" the same annoying woman speak by this point I was ready to go with Alexander than these people who stood and looked like Devil worshippers though Alexander looks like the devil himself.

" all I know is that this story shouldn't have started this way and since I caused this I have to fix this let the story flow on its own Accord I can't interfere" that's the longest I've heard him speak and did I mention his eyes never left mine.

" Alexander Black prince the second you'll ruin it all like your father" another man spoke and I saw his lips tug in a smirk as Alexander flinched a little suddenly he was carrying me on his shoulder and he turned to them" don't ever bring my father into my shit and if I fucked up it's me and for your information my dad saved this fucking place" he turned to the door.

" oh really prince of the walking dead you think your dad is a better folk the whole black family is messed up but you're the most messed up of all" I knew those words hit deep but Alexander walked me out and we entered a certain room. the janitor closet I think.

" I never thought I'd ever say this word but" he stopped, wait is he gonna confess" am sorry" he said holding my wrist," for what I asked even more concerned" this " he pulled me closer and kissed me hard on my lips that piece of shit I'll kill him he just took my first kiss.

I wanted to push him but my body gave in to him, damn I can't believe this traitor I started feeling electricity through me...

"hey sis wake up it's Monday and you're almost late for your first day to university" I cursed and rolled off bed, my head was banging" Hazel my head really hurts and I had a horrible dream and.. and I can't remember anything" I said placing my head in my hands.

Hazel chuckled and sat next to me " come on sis you're gonna be fine but you have to go it's among the last steps of your long journey now come on" she hugged me if it wasn't for her body frame and height you'd think she's the older one.

I took my time and when I walked down there sat an irritated Louis he checked his watch for the ampeth time I guess " finally my patience was running thin come here have breakfast and let's get the fuck away " I sat quietly and had breakfast then we walked to his Rolls-Royce where do some people get money.

I walked to the Passengers side and wanted to open the door when he opened it first, I smiled and got in.

The journey was quiet till he spoke" Heather I wanted to talk to you about Sharlene am sorry I never said anything about her to you" I didn't want to hear anything about it" listen Louis it's okay I don't wanna know " I spoke leaning on the window.

" you're my bestfriend and I didn't want to have a girlfriend and not tell you it's you who helped me when I experienced a heart break twice am sorry you're the only one I can come running to no one hugs better" he pouted I was slightly hurt but I chuckled when he said the last words.

" I really love her she's sweet and beautiful and she loves me too" why is this hurting me I should be happy for my bestfriend but all I feel is jealousy great.

" Heather is everything alright?" he asked looking concerned, I nodded " that's all that matters Loui as long as you're happy and your mind and heart is at peace it's cool"I managed a smile as we stopped at the parking and he came to my side to open the door.

As I walked to the principal behind Louis he left me as I stared at the million dollars place " keep your eyes in their sockets you don't want them to pop out" I turned to see Alexander first my eyes almost popped out for real, damn isn't it illegal to look so good in a hoodie he's sinfully hot.

" okay now shut your mouth before you drool" his words pulled me back to reality,my head began hurting again I know I saw him yesterday but why does it feel like am Missing something.

I fell on my knees holding my head and he smirked looking down at me " hey you really will get an Oscar if you keep up your acting skills anyway I got a class to attend toodles" he left me almost passing out.

" wait you're serious let me call your boyfriend oh wait I mean your bestfriend" now tears were falling and my head was banging so hard I felt as if my brain will be squeezed out my whole body was sweating and I was crying loudly

I heard my name and before I could process I fainted,...