

A story about a forbidden love.... Forbidden fruits tastes sweetest right?......... I didn't know what I am till I met him...My heart was empty and I was lost till I met her...but we can't be together it's written... Being poor is hard but on top of it all if you're abandoned, and have two kids to raise a drunk father to insult you and university mates to mock and bully you..and the only best friend you had turned on you ...I thought that was it till Alexander Black prince the third happened life couldn't get more unfair..plus the fact that his girlfriends are powerful.. and I mean powerful He maybe hot to an extent you can't stop looking at him once you start but Guess what? oh it gets better when you discover there's more to yourself than just what you know wanna know what it is?... Nah I won't tell but you must know for the past few months people Have been found dead and each of them had it's blood drained from it's body, and rumors have it that Alexander Black prince the second is.. a walking dead like his ancestors.. Well I said too much follow this journey to find out...mzBN

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chapter 7

I forced my eyes to crack open my head felt a bit better I looked around and almost jumped out of my body when I saw who sat next to me," rise and shine Cinderella" he smirked, Jesus did I drool or snore or speak during my sleep or even worse fart. His smirk turned to a smile " oh and before I forget you snore really loudly like a warthog" oh darn it,he wanted to say something else and I shut him " don't say anything anymore please" he nodded then stood up.

"how long have I been sleeping" I asked him to change the subject, he stared at his phone then turned to me.

" it's 9pm you slept since 9am do the math" I rolled my eyes " listen curls don't roll your eyes when I speak ever" I fought the urge to roll my eyes again." oh and get ready we're leaving now" I eyed him like he was a disease " why? where's Louis" I asked looking around like he may appear " he's taking Sharlene on a date " my face visibly paled and tears blocked my sight.

I was so hurt so he left me his childhood bestfriend here because of another girl," okay I don't have time for drama and if I have to tell you something you don't have a reason to be jealous they're dating and Louis would choose her over you again and again if he had to" I knew he was right but that only made things worse.

I stood up very fast to my surprise I was in nothing but a robe that was not closed so there I stood in front of one of the guys I hate passionately in my underwear and bra. He smirked as I made it and when I looked up he was still smirking so I slapped him across the face.

Oh shit, am gone for good he walked to me as I moved back he was touching the part of his face that I hit, he pinned me on the wall " I am so sorry Xander that was involuntary I didn't.." he got close to my face and I turned sideways " am a Christian I can't do that" he chuckled.

" do what?" I don't want to do anything with a girl like you curls but if you ever slap me again am gonna do something that you'd never forget and I mean never" he moved back and finally I could breathe.

" hurry the fuck up I got a game tonight" I went to dress and I swear I heard him say " hot" I ignored him and as I walked back he threw me a pillow " what's it for" he checked his phone and walked forward " you..on it so go buy a new one" he motioned drool with his fingers as he spoke may tonight be buried in my memory I'll take it to my grave.

The ride home was so silent Xander kept checking his phone and increased the speed" woah, Mr slow down what's wrong you may get us killed" he smirked" us, don't you mean you" my heart drummed instead of beating.

He noticed my worries I guess cause he slowed down a bit, we reached Louis's place like an hour later and I opened the door and left I turned to thank him but he had already started the car, asshole.

Where the car was I noticed a silver chain, I picked it it wasn't any kind of silver I've ever seen it glowed and was small in size but felt heavy. I took it I thought maybe Xander dropped it I'll give it to him tomorrow if and only if he doesn't annoy me.

" where were you sis " I almost passed out from the shock only to find my little sister" Hazel you scared breath out of my lungs, I passed out this morning and woke up like two hours ago"she let out a string of curses yep, that's my Lil sis for yah.

" So you passed out since the fucking morning till two hours ago and that fucker Louis left you," she gasped" how did you get home then" I sat down" first language Miss,and second what Louis does or does not is none of my business plus Xander got me here " I spoke and she paled.

" A.. Alexander Black prince the second? brought you home" she asked" yeah why? anything wrong" I asked and she began pacing okay she's dramatic.

" Didn't you hear anything about what I said about his ancestors being the walking dead" she spoke and before I could answer she proceeded" that's what I was worried about sis the guy is not human he may kill you" I scoffed okay that's too much.

" Hazel I know that you're the smart one but you just can't make any conclusions about a guy you barely know besides if he wanted to kill me he would've he's the one who was stuck with me for the twelve hours I was in the school dispensary" I half yelled.

She stared at me then moved her shoulders" okay fine do whatever you want and I'll keep doing my research I made dinner I'll go to bed now goodnight" she spoke too coldly and left.

After eating till my tummy was full I walked to my bedroom to take a shower and on my way there I walked near Louis's room I smiled to myself, you're a big girl now let him go.

I felt my heart release an extra weight and I felt at ease I've not felt that way for a while now I took a shower and as I rubbed my hair while in my towel only I felt a heavy thud into my room I was shaken I wanted to look but my mouth was covered.

" hush it's me curls don't scream your window was open when I came in " I took deep breath before he let me go and stood in front of me, his touch left electricity and I hate myself for admitting that.

I turned around and tried to look composed he folded his arms on his chest, " you can't just enter in another person's room and cover their mouth,that's literally breaking and entering" I spoke and he chuckled as he took his phone and dialed 911 " ...what is your emergency" he gave me the phone and nodded for me to go on I hang up instead.

" what do you want Xander" I asked boldly but his eyes travelled to my towel damn, I forgot I was in just a towel" don't worry I've seen you in worse dress or should I say.." I cut him off" okay turn around and let me dress okay then we'll talk" I didn't expect him to obey but to my surprise he did.

I kept on loose sweat pants and a hoodie, I know it didn't do a lot to cover my chest but was worth it.

" Am done" he turned around and without checking me out he walked to me " okay curls I want to show you something" I narrowed my eyes at him " why me Xander?" he smirked" no one calls me that curls" I smirked at his statement geez he's rubbing his virus on me " and no one calls me curls" I spoke boldly too boldly I actually got surprised.

He smiled a real one," that's more like it I'll make an exception for you now you have to trust me curls " he got closer and my heart began drumming again, " no I can't" I spoke honestly or am not sure.

" that's even better" his arms circled my waist and in a second I was on his back and him climbing the wall and landed me on the roof, I was dizzy when I got there.

" look" he motioned the sky which was covered with a lot of stars and the new moon, " it's beautiful" I spoke and he huffed as if annoyed" that's not my point curls, you see that moon when it gets full and once you see it turns blood red" he handled me a silver dagger it looked exactly like the silver on the chain I picked earlier.

" you have to look for me and stab me on my heart with it okay" the dagger fell and I panicked" stab you??" I know my face looked like a sheet of paper, " yes curls it's the only way and I don't know why but I trust you" his words touched me but going through them again he wants me to kill him.

" why,why should I do that " I began pacing around" it's a long story curls and I don't promise but I promise you before it happens you'll know everything but that dagger is the only weapon against me and if it gets to the wrong hands am done for" he spoke desperately and I sat at the edge looking down tears pouring

At that moment a car parked and out walked Sharlene and Louis making out heavily, I looked away really fast though it hurted just a bit though.

When I looked forward I met Xander standing close to me, super close " do you think you can do it or at least take the dagger then think about it please it's for the good of everyone" he said his eyes looked across me and I think he saw what was happening down there.

I nodded a bit " I'll think about it but you have to tell me everything,"he smirked" I'll take your word for it" he replied I gave a quick glance to Louis then looked at Xander who now held me by the chin " you're a big girl now let him go" I smiled " I think you'll be better off dead" he smirked and at that instant he pulled me and his lips met mine, I melted on his arms he kissed me like I'll disappear like I was the only girl on earth. I've never kissed before but his kiss set my heart on fire my whole body burnt.

In between the kiss I felt a sharp pain on my lower lip and soon was replaced by something hot I forgot everything again, suddenly I tasted something and I felt scared...