

A story about a forbidden love.... Forbidden fruits tastes sweetest right?......... I didn't know what I am till I met him...My heart was empty and I was lost till I met her...but we can't be together it's written... Being poor is hard but on top of it all if you're abandoned, and have two kids to raise a drunk father to insult you and university mates to mock and bully you..and the only best friend you had turned on you ...I thought that was it till Alexander Black prince the third happened life couldn't get more unfair..plus the fact that his girlfriends are powerful.. and I mean powerful He maybe hot to an extent you can't stop looking at him once you start but Guess what? oh it gets better when you discover there's more to yourself than just what you know wanna know what it is?... Nah I won't tell but you must know for the past few months people Have been found dead and each of them had it's blood drained from it's body, and rumors have it that Alexander Black prince the second is.. a walking dead like his ancestors.. Well I said too much follow this journey to find out...mzBN

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17 Chs

chapter 5

I took a deep breath as I waited for Alexander to speak " okay so the switch happened which is a rare thing when it happens usually a mortal comes to our world and disappears after a few hours" he stopped then swallowed " but your case hasn't happened for the past three thousand years and it's the third time it's happening" he took a deep breath and closed his eyes " I hate to tell you this but you're stuck here till the reason that you're here is shown" I felt my whole system wrecking.

" and just how long is that supposed to be" I said in a tone that made it sound as if I was shouting " calm down okay let him finish" Louis tried " calm down, you're asking me to calm down why should I? Loui I have two siblings that look up to me like their mother I can't calm down not knowing what's going on I,I " Alexander stood up.

" oh shove it you can't do anything about this and let me tell you something all the other times this has happened they never made it they just died before they even discovered the reason so I would advise you to shut the fuck up and fullfil the reason if you ever wanna see them again " he was pointing his finger at me as he spoke all this time.

He sat down I almost cried but that was his polite way of saying you have no any other way out, Louis walked to me and gave me a hug " hey Choco it's gonna be fine we don't have a way out of this only you do and about hazel and Henry I'll do something about it" I hugged him even tighter like I never want to let go.

" okay am out of here " Alexander spoke as he stood up" wait why was I chosen I mean am human after all " I asked and he gave me a lazy glare " I don't know but sadly I have to give you a kick in the ass so that you'll leave faster" he spoke as he opened the door and left.

" that's his way of saying he's somehow involved in you ending up here " Louis spoke, before I could say anything Xavier commented" he's the biggest combination of jerk and asshole I've ever encountered" I nodded my head " u wonder why girls drool over his sight " I spoke crossing my arms, we were all facing the door he walked through" am a straight guy but I think it's because he's too hot to deny" Xavier answered and I rolled my eyes" yeah till he opens his mouth" they both chuckled.

" so here are the classes you'll be taking you have two classes with me and that tok twice a week each so we'll be meeting four times in classes each week " Xavier spoke handling me my timetable. I gave it a look " we have herbs and potions class and immortal and mortal sexuality class together" I found my eyes widening as the words left my lips.

What kind of classes are these? I had history of magic class, defence and security class, ancient languages class which I have to go pick one when am in second year, divine and spirituality class and practical skills class.

" okay what is this?" I asked and they stared at me before they said oh in unison" well that's all you'll study in the next three months after that you'll be studying only five of them together with your course studies " Xavier explained, the bell rang and Louis hugged me " I'll explain later Choco bye " he said as Lucy walked to me.

" I entered the loo for a few minutes then you be gone for few hours not fair Heather" she smiled and I gave her a small smile as we walked to class " while in the loo I heard these bitches speaking garbage about you " she said eyeing a certain brunnete with her friends. They all looked as if they we're either going for a circus or were hit by a make up truck .

" what were they saying" I asked Lucy who was containing her laughter " well you hugged Louis like he was your boyfriend he's a big catch you know and he's dating my boring sister " she rolled her eyes at the thought.

" well Louis and I grew up together he's my bestie why should I care " I said shoving all the bad thoughts to the back of my head.

" That's the spirit but one thing girl you're the only mortal around here everyone else has magic and that marks them as more powerful than you,you have to be careful " I swallowed.

" what's your super power " I asked her and her smile faded " oh it's fine if you don't wanna talk about it" she stared at me then spoke" heather I take you as a bestfriend I never had am not as powerful I only got this" we were sitting at the far back with no one behind or beside us.

She raised her pinky finger and a small fire appeared it was the cutest thing I have ever seen" aww that's cute" I spoke she blinked at my Expression " what's with the look" I shot, she stared at the ground" no one has ever been as nice to me apart from my parents and Logan and this power is making things worse cause am supposed to be inferno but all I got is this " a tear fell and I caught it just in time.

" Lucy we're who we are and where we are for a reason I believe there's a reason you're like that" she smiled and right then walked in Logan and Alexander.

It was history of magic class" in this class we..." the voice trailed off as Alexander came to sit right next to me " stop staring curls mr kingman doesn't tolerate students who don't pay attention" he spoke looking straight forward.

" Mr black would you mind telling us what you two are talking about" the professor said and Alexander blurted " she was flirting with me so I was reminding her of the grounds she stands right?" he had to do this didn't he.

" so miss Heather is it true " Mr Kingman pressed on, I'd rather die than lie especially like this, surprisingly when I wanted to defend myself my voice didn't come out.

" okay this is why we don't take mortals in, get out of my class and see me right after classes today" Lucy was looking at me but she couldn't do anything,this was one of the many humiliation acts I'll never forget.

I took my backpack and stood up to leave but I couldn't leave before I did anything to the jerk I stepped on his foot and lingered there for a while I know it's stupid but I saw his brows creasing so I smiled in satisfaction nd left the room with hundreds looking at me.

" so curls you thought that childish act provoked me oh sweetheart you'll have to work harder " I woke up to the sight of the maniac called Alexander I was sleeping in the library for God knows how long.

" oh you're not then I wonder why you came all this way looking for me " I spat back " you think I came here for you for fuck's sake am a regular here and you should thank me cause you were snoring like a warthog and drooling all over the book you even still got some of it in the corner of your mouth" he spoke folding his arms.

I quickly tried to cover my mouth and he smirked,crap he lied to me " go away mind your own business" I said and he bent down till he was at my eye level his hands in his pockets " since you came here you became my business and since I didn't want you here at first I swear to make it your worst nightmare yet" a shiver ran down my spine .

Before I could say anything a certain guy came to me " heather the principal demands your presence" I nodded, Alexander smirked " what did little curls do again" I ignored him and walked away with the guy.

I entered the room and I stood rigid

" welcome Heather" ...