

A story about a forbidden love.... Forbidden fruits tastes sweetest right?......... I didn't know what I am till I met him...My heart was empty and I was lost till I met her...but we can't be together it's written... Being poor is hard but on top of it all if you're abandoned, and have two kids to raise a drunk father to insult you and university mates to mock and bully you..and the only best friend you had turned on you ...I thought that was it till Alexander Black prince the third happened life couldn't get more unfair..plus the fact that his girlfriends are powerful.. and I mean powerful He maybe hot to an extent you can't stop looking at him once you start but Guess what? oh it gets better when you discover there's more to yourself than just what you know wanna know what it is?... Nah I won't tell but you must know for the past few months people Have been found dead and each of them had it's blood drained from it's body, and rumors have it that Alexander Black prince the second is.. a walking dead like his ancestors.. Well I said too much follow this journey to find out...mzBN

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Chapter 4

I rubbed my eyes and blinked once,twice three times I still sat in a bed I don't recognize I looked around the room was small and my stuff were next to a small wardrobe a small door that leads to a room I think the washroom. The room was coated blue and smelled like chlorine, I freaked out and stood up this better be a dream I swallowed.

An older woman walked into my room with a smile that brought light in the room " hello Heather good morning welcome to Owler city your friend explained what happened to you and am so sorry but today after classes I think he will have a place for you so don't worry " she walked closer to me her accent was British but stronger and more like Irish or Scottish,I kept observing she looked kind and sweet I bowed a little and gave her a smile I was afraid if I tried to speak I was gonna blurt one of the questions that are currently running in my mind.

" okay freshen up my kids go to the same university as you you'll go together " I nodded as she left the clothes for me to wear on a small table and closed the door. I began pacing what the hell is this, which friend? why am I here? why is today Monday and what the hell is this place?

I began searching for my phone but it was nowhere to be seen, I cursed under my breath. After some thinking I decided I'll just act casual and wait for this friend to come then I'll ask him or her what the hell happened.

I dressed up in the simple faded rip up jeans and a t-shirt that I was given then walked downstairs fixing my backpack, " oh come on Logan you're like the dumbest half Irish lad in the world " said one girl from behind I noted she looked of my height and had long blondes and I was right they're somehow Irish ."oh for goodness sake you two sit down she's here "

I felt my cheeks flush when they all turned to look at me " come sit down darling" the woman introduced herself " oh I forgot my name is marlin Walsh" I nodded politely as I sat and she proceeded" that's my son Logan and his sisters Morgana Lucy and where is your sister Lucy " down the stairs walked Sharlene and I gasped involuntary they all turned to me and Logan gave me a glass of water and rubbed my back slowly.

" she has that effect on people " Lucy spoke and I'd bet my neck I saw her giving Sharlene a death glare, " that's Sharlene and my husband " marlin spoke and behind Sharlene came an older man in his early fifty's he looked up from his watch " well hello miss" he said coming to my direction and giving me his hand " Heather " I helped him finish, he shook my hand slowly and kissed it " am pleased to have met you darling "

If I thought marlin, Lucy and Logan had an accent he spoke Irish completely his accent was super thick and his green eyes were similar to Logan's the girls took their mom's eyes and Logan took his mom's brunette hair. I only had a glass of juice cause I felt as if my tummy can't take anymore not before I get an explanation on everything.

Sharlene was the most fashionable of all, Morgana looked as if she was the oldest and she wore all black she gave a dark cold vibe she was the only one who I haven't heard talking. Lucy was this petite girl shorter and smaller than me with big glasses long blonde hair and she looked not only nice and smart but also beautiful I swallowed as I felt out of place among them.

" so Logan you take both Lucy and Heather today since they're in the same year" I smiled at marlin as she spoke and I slowly walked behind Lucy " ugh! what you can't make it okay fine love you" I heard Sharlene cursing under her breath " I'll just take my car " she's the only one without an accent well I haven't heard Morgana speak yet so for now.

" seems like your fine lad won't show up after all" Logan winked at Sharlene as he entered the car she scoffed and walked angrily to a bright pink car, seriously pink and to top it all bright she surely is something.

" so what's your major" Lucy asked me " well am majoring in human psychology" I muttered"I thought you look more of a journalist you just give that kind of vibe" she explained" and you " I asked" am an engineering student" she smiled proudly. I nodded " what about him" I asked" am a business major second year" Logan piped in.

" so you're single" Logan asked and my eyes almost fell off" don't listen to this mutt of course she is what is your problem " Lucy came on my defense" well I just don't believe that such a beauty could be alone" Logan spoke" come on am a beauty and am all alone" Lucy spoke making Logan laugh so hard he had to hit the brakes " oh Lulu am so sorry maybe am not only Color blind am totally blind I have never noticed or did someone lie to you"

Lucy was hitting him playfully and they laughed but if that was me I'd feel bad I mean honestly I think Lucy is more beautiful than me.

The university looked like it was built for billionaires kids to come and study plus it's french designed building looked at least a few centuries old. I was awed I almost passed out, goodness the place was huge and beautiful and amazing and reeked richness. I started feeling out of place, again. Lucy and Logan were talking about something leaving me to my thoughts

The freshmen like me were asked to meet in the meeting hall, we were like Three hundred but we fit in just fine and a lot of space was left" okay students welcome to POE UNIVERSITY for the extra ordinary.

I barely contained a chuckle after hearing the name seriously isn't Poe some horror novel writer as Edward Poe the university name sounded dumb no offense. I zoned out I started looking around Lucy sat next to me at least I got some company.

" ...welcome the Poe student government" people began clapping and that's when I came back to reality " now prepare to get shocked by beauty" Lucy whispered in my ear I looked up and I rolled my eyes five girls including her sister Sharlene walked in seriously that's what she wanted me to see and besides why is she even in the students government.

Lucy wanted to say something in my ear but stopped when Logan walked in and behind him three breath taking boys and behind them my heart beat stopped, it was Xavier Elgin and behind him walked my bestfriend Louis Marchesa my eyes began watering he's here I sniffed Lucy grabbed my hand and squeezed it " behold" she whispered.

In walked Alexander Black prince the second, they were all dressed up professionally like in tuxedos for guys and something casual for girls except Sharlene well she dressed up as if she was going for a beach photoshoot.

I didn't realize how hard I was breathing or how much my jaw had dropped it would seriously touch the ground, Lucy patted my back and that's when I heard how much girls were screaming it was deafening.

They decided only three will speak the president the vice president and the head of the council.I prepared to sleep, the vice president was my bestfriend the president was a girl called Samantha and now the head of the council stood to speak.

Well I should have guessed, the principal stood up as soon as he saw him Xander raised a lazy brow at him " you're not wearing your tie for a big occasion again Mr black" he practically rolled his eyes " Mr principal sir " he teased " am never gonna wear a tie I'd look like a choir member" he said too calmly well what a show, " you could try a bow tie " the principal said with a smile.

" I can't go around looking like a fucking penguin no thanks we're over this am never wearing a tie students in here it's simple do what you can do the best give or take a fight for survival it's your choice if you want the rainbow then don't let the rain fuck you up "he said and eyed the principal then left the hall.

They all left leaving us behind puzzled and dazed till one guy came to save us we walked to the hallway I needed to find Louis " Choco" speaking of the devil.

I turned and dramatically went on and threw myself in the hands of one of the most popular guys around while everyone watched but I couldn't care less.This guy was everything I ever asked for my best friend screw them all he kissed my forehead and pulled me by my hand

" Loui I... " he cut me off " hush all answers are in here..

he pushed open the door and in there sat Xavier Elgin and Chris Lee, " sit down" as I sat,the door opened and in walked a panting Xander

" Alex this is your story to tell" I swallowed as I met his eyes