

A story about a forbidden love.... Forbidden fruits tastes sweetest right?......... I didn't know what I am till I met him...My heart was empty and I was lost till I met her...but we can't be together it's written... Being poor is hard but on top of it all if you're abandoned, and have two kids to raise a drunk father to insult you and university mates to mock and bully you..and the only best friend you had turned on you ...I thought that was it till Alexander Black prince the third happened life couldn't get more unfair..plus the fact that his girlfriends are powerful.. and I mean powerful He maybe hot to an extent you can't stop looking at him once you start but Guess what? oh it gets better when you discover there's more to yourself than just what you know wanna know what it is?... Nah I won't tell but you must know for the past few months people Have been found dead and each of them had it's blood drained from it's body, and rumors have it that Alexander Black prince the second is.. a walking dead like his ancestors.. Well I said too much follow this journey to find out...mzBN

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chapter 3.

I took deep breaths Hazel Gave me a simple stare and then she spoke " oh sorry my bad I forgot you know my brain sometimes" she straightened her skirt as Louis walked to her " everyone this is Hazel my best friend's smart sister " well I don't blame him Hazel is a beauty with brains " and more beautiful than her" Sharlene added okay I don't like this girl officially. Louis didn't even bother look at her " okay so we're gonna start with few games then we'll have that dinner then drinks and more games" Sharlene added, well she's not only annoying but also bossy it's gonna be a long night.

Alexander was looking at me most of the time and for a while I thought I had a pimple on my forehead but the more he kept staring the more I realized that his gaze carried much more than that. He looked at me as if I gave him the wrong lotion and he got rashes all over his perfect face and for a while a chill ran through my spine.

" let's play truth or dare" Madison proposed and everyone agreed well here we go, the vodka bottle that Eric had just emptied was used and after a single spin it stopped pointing to me, maybe this day could get worse I looked up nervously. " truth or dare" Sharlene asked and I swallowed "truth " I said I'd rather look like a weirdo than being told to dare strip no way in nine lives I'd do that.

" are you in love with your bestie" she asked and that question broke my heart as realization hit me I have been in love with my bestfriend all along and I can't have him because he's now into another girl " no am not" I said it's for the best, trying to make my voice confident she gave me one last glare before she kept talking and I blocked her and became lost in my own thoughts.

Finally it was dinner time I decided not to have dinner with them even after so much convincing from Louis I sat on the couch alone scrolling on channels in the TV while not even focusing I was lost in my own thoughts I was gonna start university on Monday and I need to get myself a job and have to study hard to get a good GPA score then get going to persuade my dreams till then I have a lot to take care of.

The remote was snatched from my hand and my thoughts were brought back to reality and I looked up to meet that one guy that has been giving me creepy mixed up chills now that he stood close he turned to have a super strong and dark aura it burned through my skin. He smirked and occupied the empty space next to me he didn't say a word and for some reason I got irritated " hey didn't you see that I was watching that" his smirk got even wider " shut the fuck up curls you weren't even here " okay truth but that was so rude.

His voice carried authority and was lethal and evil and to sum it all up it was the kind of voice you wanna hear everytime and I hated that. For some reason he seemed so very familiar and I hate that I don't know why or maybe am just fantasizing you know it's not everyday that you meet those guys who are described in novels.

I stood up and as I did that being the clumsy person I am I fell back to the couch and accidentally touched his jacket " what the fuck yow,stay away am not interested in girls like you so stop trying to get my attention" he said his eyes glued on the screen. Am not the type to get angry and speak or fight the best I do is walk away slowly and go cry alone I wish I could fight cause that was too much right.

I left and headed to my room I met Hazel reading something in my laptop her hair in a messy bun and her glasses were almost falling from her nose. " you didn't go to have dinner with them" she said as I entered and sat on my bed " no Haze I just refused am not of their class and I don't wanna get more shit than I already have " I exhaled and she walked to me with an ice cream jar " come on have this it'll make it go away and I think you should see this" she stood to take my laptop as I dug into my chocolate ice cream.

" I searched for that hot tall guy who came over with Xavier Elgin he's some kind of a rich guy who inherited from his ancestors and when I say rich I mean rich like the English royal family rich he's got his richness from the old days and now he's in the same university as you " she spoke in much enthusiasm.

" are you sure that's not a rumor page you're reading plus there's no way am letting my sister know just a few lies about my future brother in law " I said teasingly" hey eww am not into guys who are a decade older than me am into guys of my age or at least Three years older and by the way he's called Alexander Black prince the second that triggered my curiosity here it says the blacks are a long bloodline of powerful and lethal family they're originated from England and they're history dates back to years before Christ nothing is known clearly about this family though apart from that but " she said and stopped I raised my brow to let her continue.

" but what " I asked getting impatient" I just feel something is wrong this guy just gives me a dark vibe I read somewhere that his kind were wiped out of existence " she said and stopped when I stared at her like she's just arrived from a mental hospital.

" what,what do you mean his kind" I asked cause she sounds as if she's making a script for some horror movie i " sorry I mean the blacks they're wiped out of history because they weren't humans they had more like super powers but they used them for their own benefits a few centuries before Christ they did a massacre and nothing like it has ever been seen or heard in the whole human history people were brutally murdered and they wiped clean approximately a hundred thousand people of all ages and that's when it was decided that they'll be banned forever" I shivered it was a bit scary for me actually.

I sat up " so what kind of super powers did these blacks family have" I asked if someone hears us now they may think we're crazy which I think we are. " That is not written but I read that after they're great exposure they turned to the walking dead whatever that is I'll just look into it and I'll tell you more " I unconsciously kept my hand on my chest my heart was beating so fast and it won't stop.

" but how do we know if he's really that I mean I could be an offspring of something and not get some traits I learned that in biology " my little sister stood up and stretched" I have no idea just be careful around them " I nodded she always acts like the older one I love her.

My sister left me all alone I was lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the door open I snapped when the door closed and heavy footsteps Walked to me. I jumped looking up" calm down curls I just wanted to go to the washroom and accidentally met myself in this horrible room" he said his brows creasing " get out this is my room not a washroom" I stated trying hard not to roll my eyes.

" Why weren't you at the dinner table" he asked ignoring the fact that I just told him to leave " that's none of your business I presume" I said making my tone flat " good cause I would throw up from the way you smell" I didn't say a word because I would have burst out crying, he kept eyeing me wait wasn't he also sitting in the sitting room with me" why are you dressed up like a plumber for dinner " all color drained from my face seriously plumber wow that's just what I needed to hear I looked at the jerseys I wore and surely I look bad but not to a plumber extent.

" get out of my room now " I pointed at the door as I took deep breaths I started walking towards it to open it and I stumbled on my own feet and landed on my ass. I hate being clumsy but guess what I was born clumsy I could fall from stepping on a shadow I stared at him and I saw that he wanted to laugh but held it back how mature I mentally rolled my eyes.

" curls as much as I hate talking to you,you gotta know I'd never help you up even if you fell into a lion's den and don't try to get to me I won't notice you you stand too low for my type " he spoke then straightened up before heading to the door

" listen Xander first am more than happy for not being a type for an asshole like yourself and second it seems like you're the one who's following me around and third am naturally clumsy I don't need any gentle man or knight to pick me up am fine on my own jerk" I spoke not thinking I don't know how but he appeared in front of me and I swear I saw his eyes change color.

" never call me names take that back " he said his shadow was covering me already I moved back as he kept his left hand firmly around my neck he tightened the grip my eyes watered " jerk" I half hissed half chocked I was almost out of breath he muttered something angrily and increased the pressure...

Suddenly I snapped my eyes opened and I checked my alarm it was six in the morning on Monday what the hell?. I mean wasn't it Saturday yesterday I felt my neck it didn't hurt I looked around I was in Louis's house I looked around when did he repaint his room to blue and when was that.

" wake up girls you don't wanna be late today " I heard groans and I realized they were the other girls,.. horror built up in me


