
Never Regress

Kai Nicolas is an ordinary middle-school student. Who enjoys his life with those that are close to him. But suddenly, there was a day like any other that would change his life and many of those around him. The day the world had gone from ordinary to a complete game. [Would you like to see your skills?]

SHRN · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: The Day Pt.4

Almost everyone in the group looked at me with wide eyes. Lazaro shouted out.

"Are you crazy?! We only have under 30 minutes left! What if the monsters spawn?!"

Yui also said, "Umm, Kai, I think it's safer to stick inside here where it's safe."

"I also agree with them." Demanda, too opposed the idea.

"I agree with Kai."

The stares on me shifted to the ones who agreed with my idea.


Haruto, the most intelligent and rational person, agreed with going out of the barrier to another school.

"Before any of you say anything, let me explain. Kai wants to ally with the nearby schools, right?"

I nodded.

"But even the nearest middle school is at least a 20-minute trip by bike!"

"Don't tell me you forgot already, Lazaro? You, of all people, should know that this isn't the world we know. We can use these points to raise our physical abilities."

"I know, but we don't even know our skills."

"Yes, the first message that told us if we wanted to see our skills disappeared a while ago. That is why Kai here, who knows about it, can tell us."


They didn't look at their skills yet?

All the stares that were on Haruto were on me now.

"Umm, right, so first to look at your skills and other things, just say 'open skills' or think about it."


"This is..."


It seemed that everyone chose the thinking option.

Now all of them were reading over their skills, titles, and many more.

"Dammit, I thought this would be good!"

Lazaro complained.


Haruto was silent

"Umm, I don't get this..."

Demanda was confused.


Yui was amazed.


And Cain was annoyed.

Haruto was the first to speak.

"Alright, I have a pretty good grasp on this. How about everyone else?"

"I get it, naturally."

"... Somewhat."

"I also get it!"


"Since everyone gets, it's let's..."


Before Haruto could finish, Cain interrupted him.

"Don't you think we should see everyone's status so we can know who can go outside?"

"I was just about to say that."


"Anyway, what Cain had just said was right. We should show each other our status, so we know who's more qualified to go out. Does everyone agree?"

Everyone nodded, including me.

Will they have the same kinds of skills as I do?

If they don't, then... it would be okay... right?

"So... how do we show our status to everyone else?"

Lazaro asked Haruto.

"Like this."

The next moment, a screen showing Haruto's status popped up.

[Haruto Sakubara Male Age:14

Hp: 100 Mp: 180 St: 100

Sm: 100 Agi: 100

Titles: Prodigy, Spear Knight

Skills: Fast Calculation P.1, Reason P.1, Advanced Spear Prowess P.1, Bolt Shot P.1, Heal P.1

Special Skills: Sea Trident

PP: 450]

All of them looked at Haruto's status, with some comparing his with theirs.

I looked at the status also and thought to myself.

What...? Why is it... so little? Is this a good or bad thing? If this is what everyone else's is like, then... what does mine mean?

"Woah! How did you do that?"

"I just thought of it."

"It's that easy?"

"Anyway, let's hurry and show everyone else's."

With everyone nodding, they opened their status to us, including myself.

Hopefully... this goes well.

Five more screens popped up.

[Lazaro Neal Male Age:13

Hp: 100 Mp: 160 St: 100

Sm: 100 Agi: 100

Titles: Good Heart, Unusual Perspective

Skills: Wicked Sword P.1, Playing Dumb P.1, Wind Cutter Blade P.1, Fake Laugh P.1, Buff P.1

Special Skills: Keen Hand

PP: 390]

[Demanda Takeo Female Age:13

Hp: 100 Mp: 170 St: 100

Sm: 100 Agi: 100

Titles: Kind Heart, Savior Heroine

Skills: Ultra Heal P.1, Aqua Bomb P.1, Water Step P.1, Gust P.1

Special Skills: Hand of an Angel

PP: 760]

[Yui Nicolas Female Age:13

Hp: 100 Mp: 170 St: 100

Sm: 100 Agi: 100

Titles: Relative to the one who commits ■, Strong Family Affection, Kind Heart

Skills: Dark Movement P.1, Black Sword Energy P.1, Soft Voice P.1, Advanced Sword Prowess P.1

Special Skills: Binding Soul, No Constraints

PP: 2300]

[Cain Helfor Male Age:14

Hp: 100 Mp: 110 St: 100

Sm: 100 Agi: 100

Titles: Beginning Sword

Skills: Ice Blade P.1, Influence P.1, Grudge P.1

Special Skills: Cold Stare

PP: 350]

Yes, the one who looked the most appealing was Yui's out of the four. That was.... until mine had entered.

[Kai Nicolas Male Age:14

Hp: 100 Mp: 200 St: 100

Sm: 520 Agi: 530

Titles: One that commits ■, Protagonist, Sword God, Child of Heaven and Hell, Regressor, Arch Mage

Skills: Blade Competence P.1, Mental Control P.1, 1000 Steps P.1, Fake Role P.1, Elemental Blade P.1, Holy Aura P.1, Pure Lighting P.1, Magic Perfection P.1, Self Heal P.1, Detection P.1, Battle Sense P.1, Hand-To-Hand Combat P.1

Special Skills: Ominous Voice, Ominous Touch, Authority, Eye that sees the Myth, Savior Wings, Shadow Wings, Angel Hand, Next Step, Myth Sword Aura, ■ Transformation

PP: 99999900]

All of them, even Haruto, looked at my status wide-eyed.

"I think we know who's qualified now..."


Ultimately, I was inevitably chosen, but I wasn't going alone.

"You know I can go alone."

"Probably, although someone has to make sure it goes okay."

The one who was coming along was Haruto.

"So, how are we going to do this?"

Chapter 4: The Day-Pt.4-End