
Never Regress

Kai Nicolas is an ordinary middle-school student. Who enjoys his life with those that are close to him. But suddenly, there was a day like any other that would change his life and many of those around him. The day the world had gone from ordinary to a complete game. [Would you like to see your skills?]

SHRN · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: The Day Pt.3

When I was running towards the school, I shouted the names of the people that lived in the neighborhood. That included Haruto, Lazaro, and Demanda's parents.

"Damn it. It looks like aunt Sui wasn't the only one that disappeared. This theory of mine might be right."

[Would you like a tutorial on the system?]

This message appeared right after I left my home. A tutorial on the system. This might give me extra information on my skills and how to use them.


A bunch of screens popped up simultaneously.

[The Supreme Beings have selected this world to participate in the Universal Games.]

[To complete the game, one being must rule over every living being and become the sole Ruler.]

[After one reaches the Goal, they have two options.]

[Option 1: Free everyone from the world and travel back to their original.]

[Option 2: Stay in this world for eternity and become the Almighty Being of a different world.]

[Skills will help you in your path.]

[Skills have Phases that will rise effortlessly until Phase 3.]

[Once at Phase three, skills will become much harder to raise.]

[Special Skills cannot be duplicated or exist in another being. However, there are exceptions.]

[Power Points are used to raise stats and purchase items along with other features.]

[Points are obtained by slaying monsters and completing remarkable achievements.]

[Titles can affect the number of points you begin with and earn.]

[Titles can affect how much your stats increase.]

[Titles can affect your performance and give you special abilities.]

Supreme Beings, huh? They are the ones that made aunt Sui disappear. Anyways, now that I know about the system's features, I will use my points.

"50 Points for my Agility."

[Agility 110 -->530!]

My speed was significantly faster by a lot, and when I meant a lot, I meant it.

What also shocked me was that my stat increased more than quadruple by just investing 50 points into my agility. I also invested 50 points into stamina because I was starting to get tired even with the fast speed.

A trip that would have taken me 15 minutes by now took less than three minutes.


"I see now. That's how you got here in such a short amount of time."

After I turned on the barrier, I went into a classroom on the second floor. I explained everything I did to get to Haruto, Lazaro, Demanda, and even Cain, who insisted on listening to my story. Although I didn't tell them how much my stats went up.

Cain then spoke to me in a kind of unfriendly tone.

"Okay, and how did you know how to activate the barrier after you got here?"

I knew he didn't like me very well, but I replied.

"I used my Skill [Next Step] which basically allows me to find certain things or tell me the 'next step' of something, but I can only use this once every five hours."

"..." Cain didn't say anything and turned his head away from me with a slightly annoyed face.

Haruto spoke up afterward.

"So these Supreme Beings are the cause of all this. The Universal Games. Only one Ruler to end it."

"Why are you talking like that?"

I smiled a little at Lazaro, confronting Haruto's way of speech, before my smile vanished once my eyes landed on the countdown.

[Time Remaining: 42-54]

"What should we do now?"

Demanda said that, so everyone in the room looked at her, causing her to flinch a bit.

I thought for a moment, and just as I was about to open my mouth, a loud banging from the classroom door interrupted me.

"Hello, are you in there, Kai?!"

Then a voice I knew came from the other side of the door. No, it wasn't just a voice that I knew; it was a voice that has become part of my life.

I walked over to the door and unlocked it, and as I turned the doorknob all the way, my arm didn't open, but the person on the other side did.

That person forcefully opened the door with open arms and wrapped those arms around me.

"I knew you were here!"

It was my younger sister, Yui Nicolas.

My arms were trapped by Yui's embrace, although I felt no different.

I looked over at the other four; the only one with wide eyes was Cain. Everyone else looked at the both of us like it was normal.

I guess it was considering how kind she was to others, especially me.

"Alright, alright, could you please release me now?"

"C'mon, just a bit more."

I sighed and accepted the hug for a bit longer.

I then spoke to everyone.

"Since we're all here, let's decide on a leader for this school."


We had elected the leader of the school, and surprisingly, it was me that most of them suggested. And when I mean most, I mean only one rejected the idea. That person was Cain.

「"What?! Why should he be the leader?!"」

It was quite funny seeing him flustered.

Then Haruto stepped in and gave reasons I should become the leader.

「"Kai was the one that activated the barrier and saved us. He also explained what happened to the people outside the school."

"B-But we also could've done that by ourselves!"

Lazaro and Yui stepped in as well.

"Um, I agree with Haruto."

"Me as well."


It was not until Demanda also spoke her thoughts.

"I also think that Kai should be the leader."

Demanda's words seemed to have made Cain feel defeated.


Haruto then told us about a problem.

"But if we tell everyone here that Kai was the leader, others were bound to disapprove of it. So, Cain..."

Cain looked at Haruto with slightly confused eyes.」

In conclusion, I became the leader, and Cain became the fake leader since his popularity was high in every grade in school. It could help with cooperation.

We also found out about a new feature of the system...

「"Now that it's settled..."

Haruto walked over to me and offered his hand to me for a handshake.

It confused us about why Haruto was doing it, but I grasped his hand and thought nothing of it.

Is this some ceremony?

But my question was answered when a system message popped up.

[You have gained your first-ever willing follower!]

[Followers: 1]

My eyes widen at the unexpected message.

"So it worked, huh?"

Haruto looked like he had expected it and gave a light smile.

Of course, everyone else in the room was confused about what had just happened. Haruto explained what happened, so they began doing the same thing. Cain was resistant at first, but he unhappily shook my hand.」

[Followers: 5]

Cain stood high as he was going to announce all the students there.

"Could I have everyone's attention?"

Every student looked at Cain.

"As I said before, I don't know what is happening, but due to someone activating the barrier, we seem safe."

"Thank god."

"I thought we were going to be attacked by monsters."

"However! After some thinking, let's use our remaining time to go out and search for supplies. I am sure that everyone here has seen the system's tutorial and knows what's happening."

Nobody said anything and instead continued to listen.

"We all now have special powers. Although I still haven't checked my, I am sure everyone here is now stronger than before. With this power, we can look for supplies much faster and return here in time."

"Also, just so that all of you know, I had a suggestion, and that is if you all would agree to me becoming the school leader."

What Cain had just said made the students talk among themselves.

Then a shout from a student was heard.

"Yeah, I agree with it!

"I do too!"

"Me too!"

The voices of acceptance continued for a while, so Cain then shook their hands with almost all of them after telling them the effect of doing so. However, many students didn't take part in the handshaking.

Of course, when Cain supposedly got 'followers,' all of them went to me.

[Followers: 602]

After all that was done, Cain approached my friends and me secretly.

"So what now, 'leader'?"

I looked at him, the students, and my friends and family.

"Alright, how about we go and greet our neighboring school?"

Chapter 3: The Day-Pt.3-End