
Need You Now

Javier, head of the Mexican mafia has but only one child; Gabriella. He has protected and sheltered her since an accident back in their homeland. Worried for her future he married her off to Nikolai. A strong and respected member of the Russian mafia. Once married and their organizations uniting problems start to arise for everyone involved. Would these once strangers fall in love and manage to uncover their families secrets?

Ilecce_Venegas · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 10


I notice Ella smiling at Alexei's comment. Is she possibly happy being married to me? Why else would she be smiling? Does she perhaps like me a little? I should probably not think too much into it. She might be having a good time now, but it probably won't last that long. Try not to get my hopes up, people always leave when they get bored of you anyways.

"Are you guys' perhaps twins?" Ella asks

"Are you asking because we have similar features? We are twins but can't be identical. You're silly, Gabby." Anya answers in what seems like a condescending tone, annoying me. I was about to correct her when Alexei intervened instead.

"Remember her name Gabriella not gabby; I'm pretty sure she knows we aren't identical." Alexei scolded Anya. I can tell they don't really get along. I have never seen this side of Alexei.

"Yes, I can tell. I was just assuming since you guys seem similar in age." Ella seems a little tense. It's justified since Anya is obnoxious. I assume this is the reason Alexei hardly brings her around. Which makes me curious as to why he let her talk him into this dinner.

"Right" Anya raises her eyebrow, "Oh, I should tell you about when Nikolai saved me. There were these guys bothering me in our district" She motions at herself and Alexei.

"It is my district, Anya." Alexei seems annoyed at his sister which brings me some amusement.

"Anyways, they kept coming around threatening me. My brother called Nikolai here." She gestures towards Me, "He was so heroic when he showed up and took care of them." This is pure joy seeing Alexei getting angry at this version of the story. I can't stop myself from smiling.

"What are you talking about? I rounded them up and did most of the work. Nicky here practically showed up last minute to help me with the clean-up. You`re remembering it all wrong." I chuckle, it's nice to see someone is bothering him the way he does to me. I suddenly realized Ella was looking at me with angry eyes. Fuck, what did I do wrong?

"Don't listen to my brother, Gabby. He is obviously jealous because Nikolai is stronger than him." Ella is now giving her the same eyes. Now I'm worried considering I've come to learn she can be a feisty person when angered. I'm not sure what to do or how to handle this.

Sensing the tension Alexei immediately interjects before I could do anything, "If I was jealous of anything it would be his eyes." Looking directly at me he continues, "Nicky you have such soulful eyes" He starts to laugh. I roll my eyes and catch Ella giving him a chuckle. Now I'm annoyed, what was so funny?

"See, Gabriella knows what I'm talking about. Shes so lucky to have those eyes all to herself." He makes her laugh again. That's it, we are leaving. Alexei wasn't being rude, just annoying, so I have no idea what triggered this. Perhaps it was her laughing at some other man's jokes?

"Come on, Ella. Let's go. It's late already." I say coldly towards her. She seems surprised because she jumps in her chair a bit.

"What? You're leaving already? It's barely 10." Anya whines.

"Nicky is very eager to have Gabriella just for himself, Anya. You should have noticed by now." Alexei stated with a stupid smile on his face. "Wait! Gabriella, would you give me your number?"

Gabriella starts pulling out her phone from her bag. "No, you don't need her number." I bark as I grab her by the wrist and lead her out the back. I'm so irritated she would even consider giving him her number. I rush to the car not noticing she's angrily following.


Nicky is silently driving us home. I'm sitting in the passenger seat staring out the window. I feel so frustrated. Anya was so condescending towards me, and he didn't even say a word to stop it. He claims Alexei is the rude one but at least he would save me from his sister's comments. Nicky was quiet the entire time except for when he giggled at Anyas stupid story. How dare he drag me out of the restaurant like that.

"Why did you pull me out of there like that?" I huffed, crossing my arms in front of my chest in annoyance.

"Why were you going to give Alexei your number? He doesn't need to contact you!" He peers over to me. I can see his anger now. Nicky's knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly.

"Why not? He was nice and funny. I bet he just wanted to be my friend." I grumbled.

"Right" he raises his eyebrows, "I noticed you found him soo funny." I realize he started driving a little faster. My heart skips a beat.

"Let me out." I command.

"Let you out? here? in the middle of nowhere?"

"Yes, I'm upset."

His eyes wander around, hesitating, "No, it's too dangerous."

Now he cares about me? "Well, I don't want to be near you." I roll my eyes.

"Fine, I'll pull over and you can get out of the car to cool off, but I'm staying nearby to make sure you're safe" He sighs, his tension softening.

He pulls over in an empty field full of wildflowers and some trees here and there. I get out of the car as he follows closely behind. Too closely I feel as if I can't breathe with his presence.

"I can't get space from you if you keep following me!" I yell as I throw my arms in the air from frustration. Can't he see that I'm pissed at him. It's like he has no common sense. He can't even read the room, here and at the restaurant.

"it's not safe," he reminds me.

"Oh, so now you care about my well-being?" I turn around in the middle of the field and approach him.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Anya was being rude to me the entire time! And you were just smiling while she was practically flirting with that little story of how you saved her." Air quotations on the saved her. Oh god what am I saying. My anger is bigger than my embarrassment, so I continue "Do you have a crush on her or something!?" He just stands there motionless. it's kind of dark so I can't see his facial features. I honestly can't even read them, so the darkness doesn't really matter.

Ignoring all thoughts and reasoning I jump into his arms. Grabbing his face as I kiss him. I'm tired of these insecure feelings. I've never felt this type of jealous anger before. I don't know what else to do other than claim what's mine.